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Personality Development

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1st Quarter Lesson Title Content Standard Performance Standard
Week 2 Knowing The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners shall be able to conduct self-
Oneself himself/herself during middle and late exploration and simple disclosure
Week 3 Developing The learners demonstrate an understanding the The learners shall be able to illustrate the
the Whole various aspects of holistic development: connections between thoughts, feelings, and
Person physiological, cognitive, psychological, behaviors in a person’s holistic development
spiritual, and social development
Week 4 The Middle The learners demonstrate an understanding the The learners shall be able to make a list of
and Late skills and tasks and challenges appropriate for ways to become responsible adolescents
Adolescence middle and late adolescence, and preparatory to prepared for adult life and manage the
early adulthood demands of teen years
Week 5 Coping with The learners demonstrate an understanding the The learners shall be able to identify his/her
Stress concepts about mental health and wellbeing own vulnerabilities and plan on how to stay
particularly stress and coping strategies in mentally healthy while coping with stress
middle and late adolescence
Week 6 The Human The learners demonstrate an understanding brain The learners shall be able to identify ways to
Brain parts, its processes and functions improve brain functions which will be
manifested in thoughts, behavior and feelings
Week 7-8 Emotional The learners demonstrate an understanding the The learners shall be able to identify ways to
Intelligence different types of emotions and how they are communicate and manage emotions in a
expressed and identify ways to communicate healthy manner
2nd Quarter Lesson Title Lesson Background Expected Output
Week 1-2 Personal the dynamics of attraction, love, Appraise one’s present relationships and make
Relationships and commitment plans for building responsible future relationships

Week 3-4 Family Structures the impact of one’s family on identify the firm and gentle sides of family care
and Legacies his/her personal development that affect a person’s development during middle
during middle and late adolescence and late adolescence

Week 5-6 Persons and Careers the concepts of career set a personal career goal based on the results of
development, life goals, and self assessment of various personal factors
personal factors influencing career

Week 7-8 Insights into One’s his/her personal development as an analyze and synthesize his/her personal
Personal important component of setting development as an important component of
Development career and life goals setting career and life goals
Week 1-(12) Subject Background, Course Requirements and Grading System explain that knowing
oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others
better and share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences
Week 2 (19) evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and show the connections between
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations
Week 3 (18) Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during adolescence and
Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around him/her ( peers,
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
Week 4 (25) Identify ways that help one become capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult
life and Discuss understanding of mental health and psychological well-being to identify
ways to cope with stress during adolescence
Week 5 (1) Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life and Demonstrate personal ways to cope
with stress and maintain mental health
Week 6 (8) *Discuss that understanding the different parts of the brain, processes and functions may
help in improving thoughts, behavior and feelings. And Explore ways on how to improve
brain functions for personal development
Week 7 (15) Develop a personal plan to enhance brain functions and discuss that understanding the
intensity and differentiation of emotions may help in communicating emotional expressions
Week 8 (22) explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how one expresses or hides them and
demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions
Week 1-(1) discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships, including the acceptable and unacceptable expressions
of attractions and express his/her ways of showing attraction, love, and commitment
Week 2 (8) identify ways to become responsible in a relationship and distinguish the various roles of different
individuals in society and how they can influence people through their leadership or followership
Week 3 (15) compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see him/her and conduct a mini-survey on
Filipino relationships (family, school, and community)
Week 4 (222) appraise one’s family structure and the type of care he/she gives and receives, which may help in
understanding himself/herself better and make a genogram and trace certain physical, personality, or
behavioral attributes through generations
Week 5 (29) prepare a plan on how to make the family members firmer and gentler with each other
Week 6 (5) Explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts and personal life goals
influence career planning and decision-making. Identify career options based on different factors, career
development concepts and personal life goals
Week 7 (12) Prepare a career plan based on the identified career options to attain personal life’s goals and explain the
factors in personal development that may guide him/her in making important career decisions as
Week 8 (19) share insights that make him/her realize the importance of personal development in making a career
decision as adolescent and construct a creative visualization of his/her personal development through of
the various stages he/she went through, stressors, influences, and decision-making points, and a personal
profile analysis


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