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Lecture 3 Professional Ethics in General

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Behavior/Personality Modification

through Islamic Worship

Dr. Muhammad Tahir
Assistant Professor/ HOD Islamic Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Mobile: 0300-7941178
Session Objectives
• To highlight the impacts of
Islamic worship on ethical
conduct and moral values of
• To reflect upon the role of
pillars of Islam on morality of
Five Pillars of Islam & Moral Conduct
• Islam means submission to Allah Almighty (God),
and a Muslim is one who has submitted to the will
of Allah. At the center of the religion is an intense
concentration on the unity of Allah and the
separation between Allah and his creatures. No
physical representation of Allah is allowed. There
are no other gods. The duty of humanity is to
profess the simple testimony: "‫د رسول‬5‫ محم‬555‫ال هللا‬55‫ إ‬5‫له‬55‫ إ‬5‫ال‬
555‫" "هللا‬There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad
(‫ )ﷺ‬is Allah’s Messenger."
• The central beliefs of Islam are monotheism and
Muhammad's status as the "seal of the Prophets,"
that is, the final prophet to whom Allah revealed
messages for the guidance of humanity.
Five Pillars of Islam & Moral Conduct
• People who obey Allah's commandments and live a
good life will go to heaven after death; those who
disobey will go to hell. All souls will be resurrected
for a last judgment at the end of the world.
• Regulation of the Muslim community rests
primarily on rules in the Quran and the
authenticated Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad
(‫)ﷺ‬. A pious Muslim strives to follow a
code of ethical conduct that encourages generosity,
fairness, chastity, honesty, and respect. Certain
acts, including murder, cruelty, adultery, gambling,
and usury are considered contrary to Islamic
practice. Muslims also are enjoined not to consume
blood, pork, or alcohol.
Five Pillars of Islam & Moral Conduct
• The Five Pillars of Islam (Arkan-e-Islam) include:
• 1) Shahadah (Declaration): reciting the
profession of faith (the Shahadah) by declaring,
“There is only one God and that God is Allah and
Muhammad is His prophet."
• 2) Salat (Prayer): praying five times a day.
• 3) Zakat (Charity/Alms): giving of alms to the
• 4) Saum (Fasting): Abstaining from dawn to dusk
from food, drink, sexual relations, and smoking
during the month of Ramadan
• 5) Hajj (Pilgrimage): making the pilgrimage to
Makkah at least once during one's life if possible.
Shahadah (Declaration) & Moral Conduct
• The Shahadah which the basic creed or tenet of
Islam is a foundation for all other beliefs and
practices in Islam. By sincerely uttering the
Shahadah the Muslim acknowledge Allah Almighty
as the sole Creator of all and the Supreme
Authority over everything and everyone in the
universe. Consequently the Muslim closes his/her
heart and mind to loyalty, devotion and obedience
to trust in reliance on and worship of anything or
anyone other than Allah Almighty. Confirming a
belief in God it goes: “There is no God but Allah,
and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." It
underscores the monotheistic nature of Islam.
Shahadah (Declaration) & Moral Conduct
The first part of the declaration implies that:
• No person, object or being has the right to be
worshipped except Allah alone. The Arabic
name “Allah” refers to the One True God of all
humankind and everything that exists.
• Allah alone is the Creator and Sustainer of all
that exists, and He has power over all things.
• Allah alone has perfect attributes and is free
from all deficiencies.
• Allah has no partner, equal, father, mother or
Shahadah (Declaration) & Moral Conduct
Some benefits of the Declaration of Faith:
• Complete surrender to the will of Allah and
becoming His true servant and subject.
• Produces a high degree of self-respect and
confidence, while also remaining humble and
• Produces strong determination, patience and
perseverance, making a person brave and
courageous, as well as dutiful and upright.
• Makes a person obey and observe Allah’s
Salah (Prayer) & Moral Conduct
Prayer is the second basic pillar of Islam. Salah is the
most frequently (almost 750 times) mentioned in the Holy
Qur’an. Some benefits of Salah:
• Prayer establishes a personal and spiritual connection
between the Muslim and Allah based on faith and love.
• It has an enduring effect on the person, filling his heart
with contentment, peace, and closeness with Allah.
• Through prayer, Muslim remembers the greatness of his
Creator and supplicates to Him for his needs and
• Repeatedly humbling oneself before Allah prevents a
person from falling into sin.
• Salah is type of purification for one’s soul.
• Salah is an opportunity for repentance and seeking
forgiveness from Allah.
Saum (Fasting) & Moral Conduct
Saum (Fasting) means to abstain from eating, drinking,
bad deeds, and sexual intercourse. Saum is physical
worship. Allah says: “O believers! Fasting is prescribed to
you” (Quran, 2:183). Some benefits of fasting:
• Promotes Taqwa (piety) and spiritual growth.
• Sympathy with poor by prompting more charity.
• A means of learning self-restraint and patience.
• Purifies the soul and helps it acquire the habit of
obeying Allah by restraining desires, and promotes
• Creates an increased feeling of unity and collective
identity amongst those fasting.
• Forgiveness of sins. The Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬said,
“He who fasts Ramadan, with faith and hoping for
reward (from Allah), then his past sins are forgiven.”
Zakat (Charity) & Moral Conduct
Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam. It is an obligation and
financial worship prescribed by Allah Almighty on
Muslims who possess means. Some benefits of Zakah:
• Purifies from selfishness, arrogance and greedy heart.
• Trains one to be sympathetic and compassionate
towards the poor and needy.
• Reminds one of the blessings from Allah and
encourages one to be grateful.
• Bridges the gap between different socio-economic
classes and groups and is a form of social security.
• Reduces poverty and ensures equality by making it
obligatory upon the rich to share some of their wealth
with the less fortunate “ that this (wealth) may not
circulate solely among the rich from among you”
(Qur’an 59:7)
Hajj (Pilgrimage) & Moral Conduct
Hajj (Pilgrimage) is a comprehensive act of worship involving
both financial outlay and physical exertion. Allah says: “And
Hajj to the House (Kabah) is a duty that mankind owes to
Allah, for those who can afford the expenses (for one’s
transportation, provision, and residence)” (Quran, 3:97).
Some benefits of performing Hajj:
• Provides opportunity of worshiping Allah, seeking the
forgiveness of Allah and attaining His closeness.
• Purifies the soul and provides mental peace and well-being
and promotes self-control.
• Creates sense of equality among Muslims without any
• Promotes universal gathering of Muslim community with
no focus on gender, race, color.
• Promotes Islamic brotherhood and unity among Muslims
regardless of their differences.
• A means of abstaining from self desires and sins.

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