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Presentation of Quality Control

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Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
The course covers how to
 Implement Quality Standards,
 Assess quality of service delivered,
 Record information,
 Study causes of quality deviations and
complete documentation
Quality Control
 Quality Control is the process involved within the system to ensure job
management, competence and performance during the manufacturing of
the product or service to ensure it meets the quality plan as designed.
 Quality control is a process by which entities review the quality of all
factors involved in production.
 Quality Control: “A part of quality management focused on fulfilling
quality requirements”
 Just measures and determines the quality level of products or services. It is
a process itself
This approach places an emphasis on three aspects

1. Elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed

processes, performance and integrity criteria, and identification of records

2. Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications

3. Soft elements, such as personnel integrity, confidence, organizational
culture, motivation, team spirit, and quality relationships

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
 Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover
defects, and reporting to management who make the decision
to allow or deny the release, whereas
 Quality assurance attempts to improve and stabilize
production, and associated processes, to avoid, or at least
minimize, issues that led to the defects in the first place
 Quality Control is the most important inspection control of all
. cases where, despite statistical quality control techniques or

quality improvements implemented

The ability to meet the customer requirements is vital, not only between two
separate organizations, but within the same organization
Quality of products or services mean: - prices, delivery time and fitness
for use.

There exists in every factory, every department, every office, a series of

suppliers and customers
All human institution (company, school, hospital etc.) are providing products or
services to engaged in the users.

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
In this course we will cover the concept of quality control and how to apply
quality control regarding to our maintenance work.
The total quality of maintenance depends upon will- designed plans,
systems, procedures, the use of proper tools and test equipment, the adoption
of correct technical practices, and the creation of a conductive environment
The flow diagram is widely used during planning of quality controls
The term Quality has Variety of meanings

Such as:

 Fitness for purpose/ for use

 Grade

 Degree of preference

 Degree of excellence

 Measure fulfillment
Product Control
The purpose of the control is to decide whether or not the product conforms
to the product quality goals.
Facilities Control
Most operating processes employ physical facilities: equipment,
instruments, and tools.
Increasingly the trend has been to use automated processes, computers,
robots, etc

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
The elements of design for facilities control are well known.
 Establish a schedule for conducting facilities maintenance.
 Establish a checklist—a list of tasks to be performed during a maintenance
 Train the maintenance forces to perform the tasks
 Assign clear responsibility for adherence to schedule

The objective of establish quality control: -

 Quality assurance
 Dimension of quality
 Goal of quality standard
 Service quality
 Challenge with service quality
 the consequence of poor quality
 responsibility for quality
 European quality award
 Quality record
 Cost of quality
 Quality documentation
 Standard
 Specification
 Quality design
 Inspection
 Identify Couse of fault
 Data collection
 How to manage deviation

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Quality Assurance is all the planned and systematic actives implanted
within the quality system that can be demonstrated to provide
confidence that product or service will fulfill the requirement of quality
– Emphasis on finding and correcting defects before reaching

– The term quality assurance the act of giving confidence

– The state of being certain

– The act of making certain

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Dimensions of Quality
Performance - main characteristics of the product/service

Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste

Special Features - extra characteristics

Conformance - how well product/service conforms to customer’s


Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Reliability - consistency of performance

Durability - useful life of the product/service

Perceived Quality - indirect evaluation of quality (e.g. reputation)

Serviceability - service after sale

The term quality control is the operational techniques and activates

used to fulfill the requirements for quality.

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
 An Evaluation to indicate the needed corrective responses
 Improved uniformity of the product.
 Decrease in rejection rate.

 Higher productivity.

 Lower production cost.

 Higher sales of the products.

 Increase in the morale of the employees.

 Improve the credibility of the company

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Service Quality

• Convenience

• Reliability

• Responsiveness

• Time

• Assurance

• Courtesy

• Tangibles 19
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Examples of service quality
Dimension Examples

1. Convenience Was the service center conveniently located?

2. Reliability Was the problem fixed?

3. Responsiveness Were customer service personnel willing and able

to answer questions?

4. Time How long did the customer wait?

5. Assurance Did the customer service personnel seem

knowledgeable about the repair?

6. Courtesy Were customer service personnel and the cashier

friendly and courteous?

7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat?

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Challenges with Service Quality
• Customer expectations often change
• Different customers have different expectations
• Each customer contact is a “moment of truth”
• Customer participation can affect perception of quality.
The Consequences of Poor Quality
• Loss of business
• Liability (lack of responsibility)
• Loss of Productivity
• Costs
Responsibility for Quality
• Top management
• Design
• Procurement(control property)
• Production/operations
• Quality assurance
• Packaging and shipping
• Marketing and sales
• Customer service
• Standards in three major areas
– Management systems
– Operations
– Environmental systems
• Management systems
– Systems development and integration of environmental responsibilities into business
• Operations
– Consumption of natural resources and energy
• Environmental systems
– Measuring, assessing and managing emissions, effluents, and other waste
While Developing Quality Standard You Must Be Consider:
Planning for improvement
How improvement plans are developed, linked to strategic direction
and effectively deployed.
People focus
How the organization manages, develops, involves and rewards its
employees, while fostering participation and continuous learning.
Process optimization
How processes are analyzed to ensure that they add value to
customers and the organization, how they reflect priorities derived
from goals in improvement plans, and how they support the
organization's strategic direction.
Minimize coast
Supplier focus
How the organization works cooperatively with suppliers and other
stakeholders to innovate and improve continuously.
To Developing Quality Standard Prouder Vehicle
maintenance management systems
 General guidelines:
Tables to verify accuracy
Reduction or elimination of the human error
Flexible database
Start basic
Careful definitions of information collection
Catch errors with safeguards
The Objective Of Establishing Quality Standards To:
Eliminate waste
Profits improved
Waste minimized
Costs reduced
Inventory(in store) reduced
Cycle time reduced
Faster response
When you perform tasks in the fleet(group) you will achieve
quality work
• Tire Control
• Battery Control
• Cost and Performance
• Replacement Report
• Product Inventory Control
• Production Controls
• Fuel Monitoring
There are basically three categories cost of quality:
a. Costs of Appraisal: These are costs of inspection, testing, and such checking
operations which are essential to maintain the service quality the costs of
b. Costs of prevention: These are the costs to prevent poor quality product/ service
such as
Poor/ inferior quality of raw material entering in to the plant Improper techniques
Wrong method of processing
c. Costs of Failure: In spite of prevention and appraisal, there will still be losses by
virtue of rejection, rework and spoilage to some extent.
In the Fleet there are different costs, so your duty or control must be cost
reduction/ minimization in all aspect.
1. Management and Administrative Costs:
 Manpower
 Stationery
 Telephones and postage
 Ancillary vehicles
 Advertising
 Agents' commissions
 Other insurance
 Training
 Interest
 Taxation
 Other management and administrative
In manufacturing maintenance shop today needs
 highly qualified technicians expensive machines/ equipments backed
by computerized control maintenance management system(CCMMS)
and now maintenance is advanced concepts, there is no almost no
place for breakdown of any type
Thus maintenance management system is now under all time high
pressure, with the only goal/aim of zero breakdowns. In addition to
this, a very high utilization factor necessitated by acceptable cost
benefit ratios has ended considerably increased rate of machine or
vehicle wear.
From effective maintenance or quality
maintenance we can get:
Longer life of the vehicle/machine
Maintenance cost reduction
Increase profit
Zero break down maintenance( eliminate
Shorter maintenance time /Zero down time
Introducing Standard Producers to Organizational Staff

• Recognition is an essential element of quality survives infinitive. It stimulates the cultural


• Recognition helps improve client satisfaction and the quality of services provided to
organization by:

• Enlisting the participation of all employees in organizational improvement

• Encouraging and supporting quality service role modules and champions

• Encouraging the sharing of best practices

• Giving all levels of management away to” walk the quality service talk ”and

• Creating a sense of being a valued number of successful, goal oriented team

Roles for Quality Improvement Teams

• In addition to solving quality problems, QI teams help:

• Provide a means of participation for employees in quality decision –making.

• Aid employee’s development, leader ship, problem solving skills.

• Lead to quality awareness which is essential for organizational cutler change.

Types of quality improvement teams

 Project teams

 Quality circles
Project team teams characteristics

 Teams address key organizational issues

— Concurrent engineering

—ISO 9000 implementation

 Membership –generally mandatory

 Temporary in nature

 Participation is cross- functional

 Team leaders have varying degrees of authority

Quality Circle Characteristics

 Voluntary groups 6-8 member’s

 Quality circle teams are semi –permanent

 Teams are from single functional department

 Members have equal status and select their own project

 Minimum pressure to solve problem with asset time frame

 Implementing quality circles

 Quality circles require top management support

 Personal characteristics of facilitators are critical

LO2 Asses Quality of Service Delivered
1.Checking Delivered Services against organization Quality Standards and
Standards : A prescribed set of conditions and requirements of general or broad
application, established by authority or agreement to be satisfied by a material,
product, process, convention, test method.
Specification: A set of conditions and requirements of specific and limited
application that provided a detailed description of the procedure, process,
material, product or service for.
Acceptable bonds on individual quality characteristics (say 4±0.1mm for the
inside diameter) are usually known as specification limit, where as the document
39 the
that addresses the requirement of all the quality characteristics is labeled
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20

Quality of Design
Quality of design deals with the inflexible conditions that the product or
service must minimally posses to satisfy the requirement of the customer
or organization .It implies that the product or service must be designed to
meet at least expensive while still meeting the customer expectation.
Quality of design is influenced by such factors as the type of product,
cost profit policy of the firm, request the product.

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
This procedure defines the process for quality of design:
 Approving design for competence prior to issue
 Reviewing and revising as necessary and ensuring proper
support of new revisions.
 Ensuring that changes and current revision status of design are
 Ensuring that relevant versions of applicable designs are
available at points of use.
 Ensuring that design remains legible and readily identifiable.
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Inspection is the examination of certain critical machines or parts equipment or machines to
determine their state or condition.
It is useful for planning and programming of actions, which help to maintain accuracy of the
machine, and the prevention of unwarranted breakdown.
The inspection routine would involve carrying out checks for.
 Any abnormal vibrations, or any abnormal noise
 the temperatures of all the bearings to ascertain that they are at acceptable levels
 Leakage from if they are excessive
 Oil levels and condition in sump and
 Grease nipples to ensure that they are not dry
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
The frequency of inspection is determined by an engineering analysis, which
considers the following parameters:
a. Age of the machine, its condition and value
b. Strictness and power of service
c. Hours of Utilization-one, two or three shifts?
d. Weakness to wear and tear is the machine subjected to dirt, friction, fatigue stress,
corrosion, smoke, and ash?
e. Weakness to damage is the machine subjected to severe vibration, overloading,
mistreatment, heat and freezing cold?
f. Safety requirements and consideration
g. Criticality of item if very critical, then the item may need daily inspection 43
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Inspection is the art of comparing materials, products, or performances with established
According to Spiegel and Lansburg inspection is the process of measuring the qualities of product
or services in terms of established standards.
Objective Of Inspection
 To sort out in the maintenance system which tend towards poor quality?
 To protect the customers or organization from receiving a product of sub standard quality.
 To help the engineering and other department concerned with production by compiling
Information regarding the performance of the product with specification
 The reduction of the risk

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Visual inspection
 On vehicle visual inspection is daily review of operators reports such as:
 Tires steering, suspension, drive system.
 Coolant, exhaust, fuel systems.
 Lights and other electrical system parts
 Leaks , both liquid and air
 Body damage
 Breaks
 Instruments and gauges
 Safety devices
 Emergency equipment
 Wheels ,rims etc
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Physical inspection
It always using measurements depending on the manufacturer manual or specification, physical
inspection mainly contain physical quantities such as;
 Length
 Time
Evaluating delivered service by using the appropriate evaluation parameters
Material specification The engineering requirement for judging the acceptability of particular
The specification contains
 Name of the material
 Manufactured year
 Manufacture country 46
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20

 Serial number
Identify Causes of faults and taking corrective action
Identifying causes of faults
 When we assess quality services so many faults were made due to:-
 Lack of well trained or qualified technician in the specific filed
 Lack of working area
 Un use of update maintenance technology system Poor working tools or working
 The absent of quality control group
 Budget shortage
 Technical errors
 Natural influence
 Low grade raw material or local spare part
 NoApply
Quality Control
maintenance according schedule 12/29/20
The corrective actions are
I. Gradual procedure through a sequence of successive planning steps
II. Permanent visualization and documentation of all planning steps
III.Team method
Steps to solve the problem
Define the problem and establish an improvement
Define measures and collect data
Analyze the problem
Generate potential solutions
Choose a solution
Implement the solution
Apply Quality Control
the solution to see if it accomplishes the goal 12/29/20
LO3 Record Information
1. Record basic information on the quality performance
Basic model of a control system for planned maintenance is given in the nerve center is the maintenance control
center which has all the important and valuable master-records such as
 Measuring materials, component parts and products
 Recording basic information on quality performance
 Maintaining records of work quality
• Maintenance schedules
• Capacity records
• History records
• Work orders/job cards
• Work specification
• Records forControl
Apply Quality defect analysis 12/29/20

• Monthly performance reports etc.

There are advanced tools for maintenance management capable of handling all of
the various process and procedures of maintenance management assisting the
organization in making the operations more efficient and analyzing equipment to
further optimize performance.
Base line functions of control of maintenance management system (CMMS)
 Maintenance control
 Inventory control
 Human resource programming
 Financial reporting

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
What is process;- A process is the transformation of a set of inputs, which can
include materials, actions, methods and operations, into desired outputs, in the form
of products, information, services or generally results.
What is Control:- All processes can be monitored and brought ‘under control’ by
gathering and using data. This refers to measurements of the performance of the
process and the feedback required for corrective action, where necessary
Data Collection:-Data should form the basis for analysis, decision and action, and
their form and presentation will obviously differ from process to process.
Information is collected to discover the actual situation.

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Types of data
1- Counting
2- Measurement
Numeric information will arise from both counting and measurement.
Data that arise from counting can occur only in discrete steps
In practice, process improvement often can be advanced by the correct

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
LO4 Study Cause of Quality Deviation
What is a deviation? (variation)
 A departure (parting) from standard practices or specifications.
 resulting in non-conforming material / or processes, with potential to impact on
product quality, safety, efficacy or data reliability.
 Planned and unplanned deviation
 Different levels of deviation: critical, major, minor

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Identify cause of output deviation
 There are many factors which affects quality out puts these are
 Working tools
 Materials
 Machines
 Type of labor
 Working condition
 Measuring instrument

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Service Delivery, which includes such matters as
 Rudeness (bad manner)
 Delay(slowed down)
 Failure to Take Action
 Incorrect or inappropriate Action
 Mistakes
 Inefficiency
 Failure to Reply to Correspondence
 Failure to give reasons

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
How to manage deviations
 Regulatory requirement to capture all sorts of deviations involves in order to
maintain the continuous improvement of processes and systems
 All collection production deviations (planned or accidental) covering all
manufacturing facilities, equipment's, operations, distribution, procedures,
systems and record keeping should be reported and investigated for corrective
and preventative action (CAPA)
 Deviation should be documented when there is a deviation from methods or
controls in manufacturing documents, material control documents, and/or
standard operating procedures

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Considerations for Deviation Management
 Develop policy on deviation
 Determine approach (methodology) i.e. differentiation among various
 Tracking (marking)of deviation
 Trending of deviation
 Create database (software based or manual system) to assist in
tracking and trending(change direction) of deviations

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
 Misconduct of a serious nature, such as complaints about actions that are
• Unreasonable
• Unjust or unfair
• Improperly discriminatory
• Based on improper motives
• Irrelevant considerations
• Based on mistakes of law
• Inaccurate facts
Misconduct that is
 Unethical in nature
 Disagreeing to law
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
LO5 Complete Documentation
All service elements, requirements and provisions incorporated in the quality
system should be defined and documented as the part of the service organization
Appropriate quality system documentation include the following
 Quality manual
 Quality plan
 Procedures
 Quality Records
 Documentation control
 Internal quality examinations 59
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Quality records
The management should establish a policy for access to the quality records quality
provide this information
 The degree of achievement of the quality objectives
 The level of customer or organization satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the
 The result of the quality system for review and improvement of the service
 Analysis to identify quality developments
 Corrective action and its effectiveness
 The skills and training of technicians or man power
 Competitive comparisons
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Quality Documentation: The documents that describe and encompass the quality
system as defined in this criteria. The documentation may be a single bound
document or may be various documents found in various locations throughout the
maintenance facility. These may be in either printed or electronic form
GenerallyThe Quality Documentation Includes:
Documented Quality Policy.
Quality Manual.
Documented Procedures.
Documents identified as needed for the effective planning, operation and
control of our processes.
Quality Records.
Thank you
Apply Quality Control 12/29/20
Thank you

Apply Quality Control 12/29/20

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