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Avoiding Traps While Writing: Handbook Of. Technical Writing. Gerald J. Alred. Charles T. Brusaw. Walter E

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Avoiding Traps While Writing

Handbook of. Technical Writing. Gerald J. Alred. Charles T. Brusaw. Walter E.

Importance of having a structure in writing
• Successful writing on the job is not the product of inspiration,
nor is it merely the spoken word converted to print; it is the
result of knowing how to structure information using both text
and design to achieve an intended purpose for a clearly defined
• The best way to ensure that your writing will succeed—whether
it is in the form of a memo, a résumé, a proposal, or a Web page
—is to approach writing using the following steps:
1. Preparation
2. Research
3. Organization
4. Writing
5. Revision
In preparation for writing, your goal is to
accomplish the following four major tasks:
• Establish your primary purpose.
• Assess your audience (or readers) and the
• Determine the scope of your coverage.
• Select the appropriate medium.
Preparation :
Establish your primary purpose.

• Ask yourself what you want your readers to know, to believe, or to be able
to do after they have finished reading what you have written.
• A purpose such as “to report on possible locations for a new research
facility” is too general. However, “to compare the relative advantages of
Paris, Singapore, and San Francisco as possible locations for a new research
facility so that top management can choose the best location” is a purpose
statement that can guide you throughout the writing process.
• In addition to your primary purpose, consider possible secondary purposes
for your document.
• For example, a secondary purpose of the research-facilities report might be
to make corporate executive readers aware of the staffing needs of the
new facility so that they can ensure its smooth operation regardless of the
location selected.
Preparation : Assessing Your Audience and
• Who exactly is your reader?
• Do you have multiple readers?
• Who needs to see or to use the document?
• What are your readers’ needs in relation to your subject?
• What are their attitudes about the subject? (Skeptical?
Supportive? Anxious? Bored?)
• What do your readers already know about the subject?
• Should you define basic terminology, or will such
definitions merely bore, or even impede, your readers?
• Example:
For the research-facilities report, the readers are described as
“top management.” Who is included in that category? Will one
of the people evaluating the report be the Human Resources
Manager? If so, that person likely would be interested in the
availability of qualified professionals as well as in the presence
of training, housing, and perhaps even recreational facilities
available to potential employees in each city. The Purchasing
Manager would be concerned about available sources for
materials needed by the facility. The Marketing Manager
would give priority to the facility’s proximity to the primary
markets for its products and services and the transportation
options that are available. The Chief Financial Officer would
want to know about land and building costs and about each
country’s tax structure.
Context is the environment or circumstances in which
writers produce documents and within which readers
interpret their meanings.
To determine the effect of context on the research-facilities
report, you might ask both specific and general questions
about the situation and about your readers’ backgrounds:
• Is this the company’s first new facility, or has the company
chosen locations for new facilities before?
• Have the readers visited all three cities?
• Have they already seen other reports on the three cities?
• What is the corporate culture in which your readers work,
and what are its key values?
Preparation :
Determine the scope of your coverage

• Determining your purpose and assessing your readers and context

will help you decide what to include and what not to include in your
writing. Those decisions establish the scope of your writing project.
• If you do not clearly define the scope, you will spend needless hours
on research because you will not be sure what kind of information
you need or even how much.
• Given the purpose and audience established for the report on facility
locations, the scope would include such information as land and
building costs, available labor force, cultural issues, transportation
options, and proximity to suppliers. However, it probably would not
include the early history of the cities being considered or their
climate and geological features, unless those aspects were directly
related to your particular business.
Preparation : Selecting the Medium
Professionals on the job face a wide array of options—
• e-mail
• Fax
• voice mail
• Videoconferencing
• Letters
• reports
• face-to-face meetings
• presentations
• Your own knowledge and that of your colleagues
• The knowledge of people outside your workplace,
gathered through interviewing for information
• Internet sources, including Web sites, directories,
archives, and discussion groups
• Library resources, including databases and indexes of
articles as well as books and reference works
• Printed and electronic sources in the workplace, such as
various correspondence, reports, and Web intranet
• To organize information effectively, you need to determine the best way to
structure your ideas; that is, you must choose a primary method of
• For example, if you were writing instructions for assembling office equipment,
you would naturally present the steps of the process in the order readers
should perform them: the sequential method of development. If you were
writing about the history of an organization, your account would most
naturally go from the beginning to the present: the chronological method of
development. Often you will need to combine methods of development. For
example, a persuasive brochure for a charitable organization might combine a
specific-to-general method of development with a cause-and effect method of
development. That is, you could begin with persuasive case histories of
individual people in need and then move to general information about the
positive effects of donations on recipients.
• Outlining
• Outlining breaks large or complex subjects into manageable parts. It
also enables you to emphasize key points by placing them in the
positions of greatest importance.
• By structuring your thinking at an early stage, a well-developed outline
ensures that your document will be complete and logically organized,
allowing you to focus exclusively on writing when you begin the rough
• At this point, you must begin to consider layout and design elements
that will be helpful to your readers and appropriate to your subject
and purpose.
• For example, if visuals such as photographs or tables will be useful,
this is a good time to think about where they may be positioned to be
most effective and if they need to be prepared by someone else while
you are writing and revising the draft. The outline can also suggest
where headings, lists, and other special design features may be useful.
• Expand your outline into paragraphs, without worrying about grammar, refinements
of language usage, or punctuation. Writing and revising are different activities;
refinements come with revision.
• Write the rough draft, concentrating entirely on converting your outline into sentences
and paragraphs. You might try writing as though you were explaining your subject to a
reader sitting across from you. Do not worry about a good opening. Just start. Do not
be concerned in the rough draft about exact word choice unless it comes quickly and
easily—concentrate instead on ideas.
• Consider writing an introduction last because then you will know more precisely what
is in the body of the draft. Your opening should announce the subject and give readers
essential background information, such as the document’s primary purpose.
• Finally, you will need to write a conclusion that ties the main ideas together and
makes a final significant point. The final point may be to recommend a course of
action, make a prediction or a judgment, or merely summarize your main points—the
way you conclude depends on the purpose of your writing and your readers’ needs.
• If you have followed the steps of the writing
process to this point, you will have a rough draft
that needs to be revised.
• Check your draft for accuracy, completeness,
and effectiveness in achieving your purpose and
meeting your readers’ needs and expectations.
• Concentrate first on larger issues, such as unity
and coherence; save mechanical corrections, like
spelling and punctuation, for later proofreading.

1. Preparation
 Establish your purpose
 Identify your audience or readers
 Consider the context
 Determine your scope of coverage
 Select the medium
2. Research
 Brainstorm to determine what you already
 Conduct research
 Take notes
 Interview for information
 Create and use questionnaires
 Avoid plagiarism-Document sources
3. Organization
 Choose the best methods of development
 Outline your notes and ideas
 Develop and integrate visuals
 Consider layout and design
4. Writing a draft
 Select an appropriate point of view
 Adopt an appropriate style and tone
 Use effective sentence construction
 Construct effective paragraphs
 Use quotations and paraphrasing
 Write an introduction
 Write a conclusion
 Choose a title
5. Revision
 Check for unity and coherence, conciseness, pace,
 Check for sentence variety 505 emphasis 167 parallel
structure 370 subordination
 Check for clarity, ambiguity, awkwardness, Organization,
Revision, logic errors
 Check for ethics in writing , copyright, plagiarism
 Check for appropriate word choice, abstract words, jargon
 Eliminate problems with grammar
 Review mechanics and punctuation, abbreviations,
capitalization, contractions, dates, italics, numbers, spelling

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