Waiver and Scholarship Module of DIU: Mid-Defense Project Presentation
Waiver and Scholarship Module of DIU: Mid-Defense Project Presentation
Waiver and Scholarship Module of DIU: Mid-Defense Project Presentation
Project Overview :
A module for all student who find for waiver or scholarship. Because many students are looks for waiver and
In this website a student can search for any details about waiver and scholarship of DIU. And they
concentrate their study and got it.
Also who has need waiver or scholarship then he/she can apply, if he eligible within very short time.
The goal is to make a well-designed website that will be user friendly, feasible and easy to the student to find
the information and apply.
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Project Purpose:
Larabel for Framework. Php For backend.
i. Easily can collect all information.
ii. Save time
Stakeholders are party of peoples who have interests in the system and have influence or get
benefits from the system.
In this project the stakeholders will be:
● Admin
● Institute (DIU)
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Project Schedule:
Name Days
Analysis 5
Design 20
Programming 20
Development 15
Testing 10
Implementation 10
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Model used:
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
FR_02 Check application When a student sent a application for waiver to the admin, he can High
check the application.
FR_03 Send feedback After checking the application very carefully admin can send High
feedback to the student who apply for scholarship.
FR_4 Send mail For ant query admin can send mail to the student or other place. High
FR_5 Reset Password When admin forget his password or password related any problem High
then he can reset his password.
FR_6 Log out After using the system, the admin can log out of the website. High
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
FR_02 Calculate waiver Any student can calculate his waiver by using their past High
FR_03 Apply scholarship Only the student of DIU can apply for scholarship, if he High
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Check application
Send feedback
Send mail
Reset Password
View details
Student scholarship
Log out
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Activity Diagram:
Log in activity: Reset Password activity:
Input ID and Password Password
Log in Reset
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Activity Diagram:
Check application activity: Send mail activity: Send feedback activity:
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Log in
Check application
Send feedback
Send mail
Forget password
Log out
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
View details
Determine Determine
Eligibility Eligibility
No Get No Get
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Log in:
4. Member details
5. Valid member
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Check application:
1. Select application
2. Request list to application
3. Display application
4. Successfully display
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Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Send feedback:
1. Submit feedback
2. Send feedback to student
3. Successfully send
4. Success
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Send mail:
1. Submit mail
2. Send mail to student
3. Successfully send
4. Success
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Reset password:
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
View details:
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Calculate waiver:
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Sequence Diagram:
Apply scholarship:
Class Diagram:Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Book Transaction
+bookID +transID
+author +name
+name +password
+status +bookID
+rackNo +addAdmin() +bookName
+updateAdminInfo() +dateOfIssue
+deleteAdminInfo() +dueDate
+displayBookDetails() +addStudent()
+updateStatus() +createTransaction()
+deleteBook() +deleteTransaction()
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
ER Diagram:
category Lastname
Pub date Description
lenam password
Title M id d
Book ID Username
M Has
Availability Book Admin
Book ID
Status StudentID
Borrow M
by Student Department
Admin Library Library DB
1. login() 2. ValidCheck()
3. Success
4. AddStudent()
5. Success
6. UpdateStudent()
7. Success
8. DeleteStudent()
9. Success
10. AddBook()
11. Success
12. UpdateBook()
13. Success
14. DeleteBook()
15. Success
16. SearchStudent()
17. Success
Student Library Library DB
1. login() 2. ValidCheck()
3. Success
4. BorrowBook()
5. Success
6. ReturnBook()
7. Success
8. SearchBook()
9. Success
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU
Throughout the semester we tried to make this project a successful one. We followed all the
instructions very carefully and tried to fulfill the requirements to build the software. We will
try to follow every process carefully to make the website to our limits. We hope this project
can inspire us to build better projects in future.
All phases of this project are important because any kind of mistakes can damage the whole
program. This documentation is the note of the whole process. So, the documentation
should be correct and informative. In this document we have tried to add the correct
requirements & information for this project.
This is a final document of the project that we will be working on throughout the semester.
Thank you.
Thanks to our teacher Md. Rashed Karim Sir for the guidance and care to make this project
Waiver and Scholarship module of DIU