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Water Trash Removel System

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Solar Powered Trash Removal Robot


 Abstract
 Introduction
 Problem Statement
 Objective
 Diagram
 Component
 Advantages
 Application
 Conclusion
 References

 Canal cleaning system makes use of solar power to remove floating

 The device is placed across the water body so that flow occurs
through lower grids. Waste like plastic bottles, cans, bio-debris
etc. are lifted up by using conveyer fitted with projecting teeth.
These belts are driven by solar powered motors.
 Photovoltaic cells used are coupled with storage batteries for full
day working. Secondary conveyer is provided to remove the trashes
to the dumping regions.

The wastewater management is become major issue nowadays.

 Usually seen in densely populated country like India is that common waste like
plastic bottles, covers and other plastic scrap left on the streets and in the open

 In India there is need of automated machine which can clean drainage system and
collect this solid waste.

 Currently these drains are cleared with the help of manual workers where the
workers have to get into drains and manually remove the waste.

 These workers suffered by the various diseases which affect their life and reduce
their immunity.

 Mainly solar cannel trash system focus on the unwanted elements present in our nearby
water resources such as garbage, plastic, thermacoals.
 Now a days the amount of waste material in lakes ponds wells etc. is increasing day by
day due to people’s constant use.
 This amount of waste also increases to the extreme level on festivals. This drainage
system in build with solar panel increases the life span of the system and also reduces
energy usage from other electrical devices.

 Purpose of this project is to replace the manual work in drainage cleaning by an

automated system.
 The manual cleaning causes various disease to the workers to avoid it.
 To avoid the blockage of drainage line cause by solid waste.
 To avoid floods situation in rainy season.


 In this project the main aim of this machine is to lift waste debris from the water
surface and dispose them in the tray. It consist arrangement of conveyor which is
place on shaft of motor.
 Due rotation of motor conveyor rotated. As the the conveyor is move, it collect water
debris, waste garbage and plastics from water bodies.
 As the machine is placed in the water the waste debris in water will get lifted and it
moves in upward direction. As the waste debris reaches the upper extreme position it
will get dropped in the tray.
 Hence this will result in cleaning of water surfaces and safe collection of waste debris
from water. Propeller is used to drive the machine on the river and run with help of
PMDC motor. The total electrical devices are controlled by Bluetooth transmitter and
receiver which use to control the machine remotely.

 Cost of production is low

 No need to purchase heavy machinery
 Reduces threat to human life
 Manual assistance is not required
 Working principle is quiet easy.
 Compact
 Portable.
 Highly Efficient

 It can be installed for domestic sewage treatment.

 It can be used for proper treatment of sewage as well as to avoid blockage of
 It is portable and compact in size which initiates easy handling.
 Manual assistance is not required.

 Solar cannel trash removal system system has successfully

replaced manual drainage cleaning ways. So our project is
economical and efficient by the use of solar energy. This system
was designed and fabricated successfully it works satisfactorily.

 The proposed project can extend the project by adding wind

power to charge the battery from wind turbine energy. It
 Itcan also extend the project by adding one suppression motor to
suppress the dust particles in the storage tank also
 increase the storage tank size for more particles to store which are
collected from the drain water.
1. Theory of Machines – S. S. Ratan
2. Mragank Sharma1, Shahbaz Siddiqui2, Archit Pawan Srivastava3, Shiwam Kumar
Tiwari4 Assistant Professor1, B. Tech Student2, 3, 4 Department of Mechanical and
Automation Engineering Amity University, Lucknow, India ‘‘Design & Fabrication of
Automatic Drainage Cleaning System using Solar Panel’’
3. Mohammed Thaha Ansari, Rahul George Kuruvilla, Sobin Biju Mathew, Suraj C
Mathew4, Er. Sreejith.R, ‘Automatic drainage cleaning system with the use of
solar energy’ Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-20183
4. Abhishek Anil Batavale, Santosh Dhebe, Durgesh Chinchkar, Omkar Gurav,
Automatic Drainage Cleaning System Using Solar Panel, International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 5, May-2019
5. Rahul Prakash K. V, Jithu Markose, Maneesh K. P, Niketh Manohar, Dr.P.Sridharan,
Jerin cyriac, Automatic Trash Removal System in Water Bodies, International
Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, Volume 7 Issue No.4, April 2017.

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