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OWO205040 WCDMA RAN13 Mobility KPI and Relative Counters ISSUE 1.00

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y KPI and Relativ

e Counters

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

 Mobility KPI is one of the most important KPI in the UMTS Network
. For Huawei KPI system, mobility KPI includes the following item

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page3
 Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
 Describe the mobility KPI for all services and related counter
 Describe the mobility KPI for HSDPA service and related counte
 Describe the mobility KPI for HSUPA service and related counte

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page4
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page5
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
1.1 Soft Handover Factor
1.2 Soft Handover Success Ratio
1.3 Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
1.4 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
1.5 PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page6
Soft Handover Factor [%]
 According to Huawei definition, the Soft Handover Factor i
s calculated by the following formula:

 UE
j 1
j * j
SHO.Factor  6
 UE
j 1

 Where:
 j means the number of RL is j.
 UEj means the number of users with j RL

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page7
Related Counter (RNC)
 Mean Number of UEs with One Radio Link
 VS.SHO.AS.1.RNC (ID: 67199432)
 Mean Number of UEs with Two uncombined RLs
 VS.SHO.AS.2Soft.RNC (ID: 67199434)
 Mean Number of UEs with three RLs and two combined RLs
 VS.SHO.AS.3Soft2Softer.RNC (ID: 67199437)
 Mean Number of UEs with Three Uncombined RLs
 VS.SHO.AS.3Soft.RNC (ID: 67199436)
 Mean Number of UEs with Two Combined RLs
 VS.SHO.AS.2Softer.RNC (ID: 67199433)
 Mean Number of Three-RL UEs with Three Combined
 VS.SHO.AS.3Softer.RNC (ID: 67199435)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page8
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
1.1 Soft Handover Factor
1.2 Soft Handover Success Ratio
1.3 Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
1.4 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
1.5 PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page9
Soft Handover Success Ratio Counter
 Number of Successful Soft Handovers
 VS.SHO.Succ.RNC (ID: 67175267)
 Number of Soft Handovers Initiated by RNC
 VS.SHO.Att.RNC (ID: 67175266)
 Number of Call Drops due to Soft Handover
 VS.SHO.Drop.RNC (ID: 67175283)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page10
Soft Handover Success Ratio (RN
 According to Huawei definition, the Soft Handover Success
Ratio for RNC is calculated by the following formula:
 Soft Handover Success Ratio (RNC)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page11
Soft Handover Success Ratio Counter
 Number of RL Additions Attempt in Soft Handover (Cell)
 VS.SHO.AttRLAdd (ID: 67180498)
 Number of Successful RL Additions in Soft Handover (Cell)
 VS.SHO.SuccRLAdd (ID: 67180499)
 Number of Attempts to Delete RLs in Soft Handover (Cell)
 VS.SHO.AttRLDel (ID: 67180508)
 Number of Successful RL Deletions in Soft Handover (Cell)
 VS.SHO.SuccRLDel (ID: 67180509)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page12
Soft Handover Success Ratio (CE
 According to Huawei definition, the Soft Handover Success
Ratio for Cell is calculated by the following formula:
 Soft Handover Success Ratio (Cell)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page13
Soft Handover Success Ratio Counter
 Number of Soft Handover Attempts for Cell (AMR)
 VS.SHO.AMR.Att (ID: 67180519)
 Number of Soft Handover Attempts in CS Domain for
Cell (64 kbit/s Conversational Service)
 VS.SHO.CS64.Att (ID: 67180521)
 Number of Soft Handover Attempts for PS Services f
or Cell
 VS.SHO.PS.Att (ID: 73393849)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page14
Soft Handover Success Ratio Counter
 Number of Successful Soft Handovers in CS Domain for
Cell (AMR Service)
 VS.SHO.AMR.Succ (ID: 67180520)
 Number of Successful Soft Handovers in CS Domain for
Cell (64 kbit/s Conversational Service)
 VS.SHO.CS64.Succ (ID: 67180522)
 Number of Successful Soft Handovers for PS Services
for Cell
 VS.SHO.PS.Succ (ID: 73393850)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page15
Soft Handover Success Ratio (Servic
 The soft handover success ratio for different service type
s is calculated by the following formula:
 AMR Soft Handover Success Ratio =
(VS.SHO.AMR.Succ / VS.SHO.AMR.Att) * 100%
 VP Soft Handover Success Ratio =
(VS.SHO.CS64.Succ / VS.SHO.CS64.Att) * 100%
 PS Service Soft Handover Success Ratio =
(VS.SHO.PS.Succ / VS.SHO.PS.Att) * 100%

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page16
Soft Handover Failures Counter (CEL
 Number of RL Addition Failures i
n Soft Handover for Different Ca
uses (Cell)
 VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.CfgUnsupp (ID:
67180500): Configuration unsuppo
 VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.ISR (ID: 671805
01): Incompatible synchronized r
 VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.InvCfg (ID: 671
80503): Invalid configuration

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page17
Soft Handover Failures Counter (CEL
 Number of RL Addition Failures in Soft Handover due to No
Response (Cell)
 VS.SHO.FailRLAdd.NoReply (ID: 67180504)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page18
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
1.1 Soft Handover Factor
1.2 Soft Handover Success Ratio
1.3 Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
1.4 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
1.5 PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page19
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Rati
o Counter (RNC)
 Number of Successful Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers
 VS.HHO.SuccInterFreq.RNC (ID: 67175429)
 Number of Inter-Frequency Hard Handover Requests
 VS.HHO.AttInterFreq.RNC (ID: 67175428)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page20
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the Inter-Freq Handover Su
ccess Ratio for RNC is calculated by the following formula
 Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (RNC) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page21
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Rati
o Counter (CELL)
 Number of Successful Outgoing Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers (Cel
 VS.HHO.SuccInterFreqOut

 Number of Requests for Outgoing Inter-Frequency Hard Hando

vers (Cell)
 VS.HHO.AttInterFreqOut
 Number of Successful Incoming Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers (Cel
 VS.HHO.SuccInterFreqIn
 Number of Requests for Incoming Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers (C
 VS.HHO.AttInterFreqIn
Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page22
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the Inter-Freq Hard Handov
er Success Ratio for Cell is calculated by the following f
 Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell) =
(VS.HHO.SuccInterFreqOut / VS.HHO.AttInterFreqOut)*100%

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page23
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Failures Counter
 Counters Related to the Number of Failed Outgoing Inter-Frequency
Hard Handovers for Different Causes
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.CfgUnsupp (ID: 67183902): Number of Failed Ou
tgoing Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers for Cell (Configuration Unsuppo
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.PyhChFail (ID: 67183903): Number of Failed Ou
tgoing Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers for Cell (Physical Channel Fail
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.ISR (ID: 67183904): Number of Failed Outgoing
Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers for Cell (Incompatible Simultaneous Re
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.CellUpdt (ID: 67183906): Number of Failed Out
going Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers for Cell (Cell Update Occurred)
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.InvCfg (ID: 67183907): Number of Failed Outgo
Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page24
ing Inter-Frequency Hard Handovers for Cell (Invalid Configuration)
Inter-Freq Hard Handover Failures Counter
 Number of Unsuccessful Outgoing Inter-Frequency Hard Hando
vers due to No Response (Cell)
 VS.HHO.FailInterFreqOut.NoReply (ID: 67183908)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page25
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
1.1 Soft Handover Factor
1.2 Soft Handover Success Ratio
1.3 Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
1.4 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
1.5 PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page26
CS Inter-RAT Handover Procedure
 This procedure can be divided into two steps:
 Handover preparation:
 From point A to point B
 Handover execution
 From point C to point D

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page27
CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Suc
cess Ratio Counter (RNC)
 Number of Successful CS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover
 VS.IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS.RNC (ID: 67190400)
 Number of CS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover Preparatio
n Attempts
 VS.IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS.RNC (ID: 67190398)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page28
CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Suc
cess Ratio (RNC)
 According to Huawei definition, the CS Inter-RAT Handover P
reparation Success Ratio for RNC is calculated by the follo
wing formula:
 CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Success Ratio =
(VS.IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS.RNC / VS.IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutC
S.RNC ) * 100%

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page29
CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Suc
cess Ratio Counter (CELL)
 Number of Successful Preparations for CS Domain Outgoing I
nter-RAT Handovers (Cell)
 IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS (ID: 67189750)
 Number of Preparations for CS Domain Outgoing Inter-RAT Ha
ndovers (Cell)
 IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS (ID: 67189749)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page30
CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Suc
cess Ratio (CELL)
 According to Huawei definition, the CS Inter-RAT Handover P
reparation Success Ratio for CELL is calculated by the foll
owing formula:
 CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Success Ratio (Cell) =
(IRATHO.SuccRelocPrepOutCS / IRATHO.AttRelocPrepOutCS) * 100%

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page31
CS Inter-RAT Handover Preparation Fai
 Number of Unsuccessful Preparations for CS Domain Inter-RAT Outgo
ing Handovers for Different Causes (Cell)
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TAlExp (ID: 67189751): TRELOCalloc expiry
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.TgtFail (ID: 67189752): Relocation Failure
in Target CN/RNC or Target System
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.ReloNoSup (ID: 67189753): Relocation not su
pported in Target RNC or Target system
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.HigherTrafficLod (ID: 67192186): Traffic Lo
ad In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.NoResAvail (ID: 67192658): No Resource Avai
 IRATHO.FailRelocPrepOutCS.UKnowRNC (ID: 67192659): Unknown Target RNC

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page32
CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio C
ounter (RNC)
 Number of Successful CS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover
 VS.IRATHO.SuccOutCS.RNC (ID: 67190399)
 Number of CS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover Attempts
 VS.IRATHO.AttOutCS.RNC (ID: 67175945)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page33
CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the CS Inter-RAT Handover S
uccess Ratio for RNC is calculated by the following formul
 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio (RNC) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page34
CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio C
ounter (CELL)
 Number of Successful CS Domain Outgoing Inter-RAT Handover
s (Cell)
 IRATHO.SuccOutCS (ID: 67189755)
 Number of Attempts at CS Domain Outgoing Inter-RAT Handove
rs (Cell)
 IRATHO.AttOutCS (ID: 67189754)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page35
CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the CS Inter-RAT Handover S
uccess Ratio for Cell is calculated by the following formul
 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio (Cell) =
(IRATHO.SuccOutCS / IRATHO.AttOutCS) * 100%

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page36
CS Inter-RAT Handover Failures Counter (CE
 Number of Unsuccessful CS Domain Outgoing Inter-RAT Handov
ers for Different Causes (Cell)
 IRATHO.FailOutCS.CfgUnsupp (ID: 67189756): Configuration Unsup
 IRATHO.FailOutCS.PhyChFail (ID: 67189757): Physical Channel Fa

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page37
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
1.1 Soft Handover Factor
1.2 Soft Handover Success Ratio
1.3 Inter-Freq Hard Handover Success Ratio
1.4 CS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
1.5 PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page38
PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio C
ounter (RNC)
 Number of Successful PS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover
s Initiated by RNC
 VS.IRATHO.SuccOutPSUTRAN.RNC (ID: 67176100)
 Number of PS Domain Inter-RAT Outgoing Handover Commitment
s Initiated by RNC
(ID: 67176098)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page39
PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the PS Inter-RAT Handover S
uccess Ratio for RNC is calculated by the following formul
 PS Inter-RAT Handover Out Success Ratio (RNC) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page40
PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio C
ounter (CELL)
 Number of Successful RNC-originated
PS Domain Outgoing Inter-RAT Handov
ers (Cell)
 IRATHO.SuccOutPSUTRAN (ID: 6719041
 Number of Attempts at PS Domain Out
going Inter-RAT Handovers (Cell)
 IRATHO.AttOutPSUTRAN (ID: 67190411)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page41
PS Inter-RAT Handover Success Ratio
 According to Huawei definition, the PS Inter-RAT Handover
Success Ratio for Cell is calculated by the following form
 PS Inter-RAT Handover Out Success Ratio (Cell) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page42
PS Inter-RAT Handover Failures Counter (CE
 Number of Unsuccessful PS Domain O
utgoing Inter-RAT Handovers for Di
fferent Causes (Cell)
: 67190476): Configuration unaccept
: 67190476): Physical channel failu

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page43
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page44
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
2.1 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.2 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.3 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.4 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio
2.5 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page45
H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio Counters (Cell)
 Number of Successful Intra-Frequency HSDPA Hard Handovers
Without Channel Change for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2H.SuccOutIntraFreq (ID: 67190701)
 Number of Intra-RNC HSDPA Service Intra-Frequency HHO Atte
mpts Without Channel Change for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2H.AttOutIntraFreq
(ID: 67190700)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page46
H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio (Cell)
 According to Huawei definition, the H2H Intra-frequency Ha
rd Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page47
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
2.1 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.2 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.3 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.4 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio
2.5 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page48
H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio Counters (Cell)
 Number of Successful Inter-Frequency HSDPA Hard Handovers
Without Channel Change for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2H.SuccOutInterFreq (ID: 67190703)
 Number of Intra-RNC HSDPA Service Inter-Frequency HHO Atte
mpts Without Channel Change for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2H.AttOutInterFreq
(ID: 67190702)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page49
H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio (Cell)
 According to Huawei definition, the H2H Inter-frequency Ha
rd Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page50
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
2.1 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.2 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.3 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.4 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio
2.5 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page51
H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio Counters (Cell)
 Number of Successful Inter-Frequency H2D Hard Handovers fo
r Cell (HSDPA to DCH)
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2D.SuccOutInterFreq (ID: 67191160)
 Number of Inter-Frequency H2D Hard Handover Attempts for C
ell (HSDPA to DCH)
 VS.HSDPA.HHO.H2D.AttOutInterFreq
(ID: 67191159)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page52
H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Suc
cess Ratio (Cell)
 According to Huawei definition, the H2D Inter-frequency Ha
rd Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell) =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page53
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
2.1 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.2 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.3 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.4 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio
2.5 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page54
H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio Co
unters (Cell)
 Number of Successful Handovers from HS-DSCH to DCH for Cel
 VS.HSDPA.H2D.Succ (ID: 67189832)
 Number of Reconfiguration Attempts of a User Service from
HS-DSCH to DCH for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.H2D.Att (ID: 67190690)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page55
H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio (C
 According to Huawei definition, the HS-DSCH to DCH Handover
Success Ratio is calculated by the following formulas:
 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page56
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
2.1 H2H Intra-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.2 H2H Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.3 H2D Inter-frequency Hard Handover Success Ratio (Cell)
2.4 H2D Channel Handover Success Ratio
2.5 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page57
D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio Co
unters (Cell)
 Number of Successful Handovers from DCH to HS-DSCH for Cel
 VS.HSDPA.D2H.Succ (ID: 67189830)
 Number of Reconfiguration Attempts of a User Service from
DCH to HS-DSCH for Cell
 VS.HSDPA.D2H.Att (ID: 67190693)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page58
D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio (C
 According to Huawei definition, the DCH to HS-DSCH Handover
Success Ratio is calculated by the following formulas:
 D2H Channel Handover Success Ratio =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page59
1. Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
2. Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page60
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service
3.1 E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio
3.2 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with SHO
3.3 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with Inter-HHO

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page61
E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio Cou
nters (CELL)
 Number of Success to Add or Delete EDCH Links due to Soft
Handover (Cell)
 VS.HSUPA.SHO.SuccOut (ID: 67192368)
 Number of Attempts to Add or Delete EDCH Links due to Soft
Handover (Cell)
 VS.HSUPA.SHO.AttOut (ID: 67192367)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page62
E-DCH Soft Handover Success Rat
 According to Huawei definition, the E-DCH Soft Handover Su
ccess Ratio is calculated by the following formulas:
 E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page63
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service
3.1 E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio
3.2 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with SHO
3.3 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with Inter-HHO

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page64
E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Rat
io with SHO Counters (CELL)
 Number of Success to Change EDCH Serving Cells due to Soft
Handover or Multiple Links (Cell)
 VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.SuccOut (ID: 67192369)
 Number of Attempts to Change EDCH Serving Cells due to Sof
t Handover or Multiple Links (Cell)
 VS.HSUPA.SHO.ServCellChg.AttOut (ID: 67192370)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page65
E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Rat
io with SHO
 According to Huawei definition, the E-DCH Service Cell Cha
nge Success Ratio with SHO is calculated by the following
 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with SHO =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page66
3. Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service
3.1 E-DCH Soft Handover Success Ratio
3.2 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with SHO
3.3 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with Inter-HHO

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page67
E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Rat
io with Inter-HHO Counters (CELL)
 Number of Success to Change Serving Cell due to EDCH-to-ED
CH Inter-Frequency Hard Handover Triggered by RNC
 VS.HSUPA.HHO.E2E.SuccOutInterFreq (ID: 67192373)
 Number of Attempts to Change Serving Cell due to EDCH-to-E
DCH Inter-Frequency Hard Handover Triggered by RNC
 VS.HSUPA.HHO.E2E.AttOutInterFreq
(ID: 67192374)

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page68
E-DCH Service Cell Change Success
Ratio with Inter-HHO (CELL)
 According to Huawei definition, the E-DCH Service Cell Cha
nge Success Ratio with Inter-HHO is calculated by the foll
owing formulas:
 E-DCH Service Cell Change Success Ratio with Inter-HHO =

Copyright © 2009 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page69
 In this course, we learn the Huawei Mobility KPI and Count
er system, including:
 Handover KPI and Counters for All Services
 Handover KPI and Counters for HSDPA Service
 Handover KPI and Counters for HSUPA Service

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