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Lecture On Principles of Programming Languages

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Lecture on

Principles of Programming Languages

By mohammed imran (M.E

Lecturer, Dept. of CSE,
Guru Nanak Institute of
Reasons for Studying Concepts
of Programming Languages
• Increased capacity to express ideas:
 People can easily express their ideas clearly
in any language only when they have clear
understanding of the natural language.
 Similarly, if programmers want to simulate the
features of languages in another language,
they should have some ideas regarding the
concepts in other languages as well.
• Improved background for choosing
appropriate languages
 Many programmers when given a choice of
languages for a new project, continue to use the
language with which they are most familiar, even
if it is poorly suited to the project.
 If these programmers were familiar with a wider
range of languages, they would be better able to
choose the language that includes the features that
best address the characteristics of the problem at
• Increased ability to learn
new languages
 In software development, continuous learning is
 The process of learning a new programming language
can be lengthy and difficult, especially for someone
who is comfortable with only two or more languages.
 Once a thorough understanding of the fundamental
concepts of languages is acquired, it becomes far
easier to see how these concepts are incorporated into
the design of the language being learned.
• Better understanding the
significance of implementation
 An understanding of implementation issues leads to
an understanding of why languages are designed the
way they are.
 This knowledge in turn leads to the ability to use a
language more intelligently, as it was designed to use.
 We can become better programmers by understanding
the choices among programming language constructs
and consequences of those choices.
• Better use of languages that
are already known
 By studying the concepts of programming languages,
programmers can learn about previously unknown
and unused parts of the languages they already use
and begin to use those features.
• Overall advancement of
 There is a global view of computing that can justify the study
of programming language concepts.
 For example, many people believe it would have been better if
ALGOL 60 had displaced Fortran in the early 1960s, because
it was more elegant and had much better control statements
than Fortran. That it did not is due partly to the programmers
and software development managers of that time, many of
whom did not clearly understand the conceptual design of
 If those who choose languages were better informed, perhaps,
better languages would eventually squeeze out poorer ones.
Programming Domains
• Scientific applications
– Large number of floating point computations. The
most common data structures are arrays and
matrices; the most common control structures are
counting loops and selections
– The first language for scientific applications was
Fortran, ALGOL 60 and most of its descedants
– Examples of languages best suited: Mathematica
and Maple
• Business applications

– Business languages are characterized by

facilities for producing reports, precise ways of
describing and storing decimal numbers and
character data, and ability to specify decimal
arithmetic operations.
– Use decimal numbers and characters
– COBOL is the first successful high-level
language for those applications.
• Artificial intelligence

– Symbols rather than numbers are typically manipulated

– Symbolic computation is more conveniently done with
linked lists of data rather than arrays
– This kind of programming sometimes requires more
flexibility than other programming domains
– First AI language was LISP and is still most widely used
– Alternate languages to LISP are Prolog – Clocksin and
• Systems programming
– The operating system and all of the programming
support tools of a computer system are collectively
known as systems software
– Need for efficiency because of continuous use
– Low-level features for interfaces to external
– C is extensively used for systems programming.
The UNIX OS is written almost entirely in C
• Web software

– Markup languages
• Such as XHTML
– Scripting languages
• A list of commands is placed in a file or in XHTML
document for execution
• Perl, JavaScript, PHP
• Special-purpose languages

– RPG – business reports

– APT – programmable machine tools
– GPSS – simulation
Language Evaluation Criteria
• Readability
• Writability
• Reliability
• Cost
• Other
• Readability
• One of the most important criteria for judging a
programming language is the ease with which
programs can be read and understood.
• Language constructs were designed more from the
point of view of the computer than of computer users
• From 1970s, the S/W life cycle concept was
developed; coding was relegated to a much smaller
role, and maintenance was recognized as a major part
of the cycle, particularly in terms of cost. Because
ease of maintenance is determined in large part by
readability of programs, readability became an
important measure of the quality of programs
– Overall simplicity
• Language with too many features is more difficult to
• Feature multiplicity is bad. For example: In Java,
increment can be performed if four ways as:
Count= count+1
• Next problem is operator overloading, in which single
operator symbol has more than one meaning
– Orthogonality
• A relatively small set of primitive constructs that can be
combined in a relatively small number of ways
• Consistent set of rules for combining constructs
– Every possible combination is legal
• For example, pointers should be able to point to any type
of variable or data structure
• Makes the language easy to learn and read
• Meaning is context independent
• VAX assembly language and Ada are good examples
• Lack of orthogonality leads to exceptions to rules
• C is littered with special cases
– E.g. - structs can be returned from functions but arrays cannot
• Orthogonality

Orthogonolity is closely related to simplicity. The

more orthogonal the design of a language, the fewer
exceptions the language rules require. Fewer
exceptions mean a higher degree of regularity in the
design, which makes the language easier to learn,
read, and understand.
– Useful control statements
– Ability to define data types and structures
– Syntax considerations
• Provision for descriptive identifiers
– BASIC once allowed only identifiers to
consist of one character with an optional
• Meaningful reserved words
• Meaning should flow from appearance
• Writability
– Most readability factors also apply to writability
– Simplicity and orthogonality
– Control statements, data types and structures
– Support for abstraction
• Data abstraction
• Process abstraction
– Expressivity
• It is easy to express program ideas in the language
• APL is a good example
• In C, the notation C++ is more convenient and shorter
than C = C + 1
• The inclusion of for statement in Java makes writing
counting loops easier than the use of while
• Reliability
A program is said to be reliable if performs to its specifications
under all conditions.
– Type checking
• Type checking is simply testing for type errors in a given program,
either by the compiler or during the program execution
• Because run time type checking is expensive, compile time type
checking is more desirable
• Famous failure of space shuttle experiment due to int / float mix-up
in parameter passing
– Exception handling
• Ability to intercept run-time errors
– Aliasing
• Ability to use different names to reference the same memory
• A dangerous feature
– Readability and writability both influence reliability
• Cost
– Training programmers to use language
– Writing programs in a particular problem domain
– Compiling programs
– Executing programs
– Language implementation system (free?)
– Reliability
– Maintaining programs
• Others: portability, generality, well-
Influences on Language Design
• Architecture
– We use imperative languages, at least in part, because we use
von Neumann machines
• Data and programs stored in same memory
• Memory is separate from CPU
• Instructions and data are piped from memory to CPU
• Basis for imperative languages
– Variables model memory cells
– Assignment statements model piping
– Iteration is the most efficient way to implement
• Von Neumann computer architecture
• Programming methodologies
– 1950s and early 1960s
• Simple applications
• Overriding concern about machine efficiency
– Late 1960s
• “People efficiency” became important
• Readability
• Better control structures
• Structured programming
• Top-down design and step-wise refinement
• Programming methodologies
– Late 1970s
• Process-oriented techniques yielded to data-oriented
• Data abstraction
– Middle 1980s to present
• Object-oriented programming
– Encapsulation with data abstraction
– Inheritance
– Dynamic method binding
– Smalltalk and Java
• Concurrent programming and parallelism
– Creating and controlling concurrent program units
Language Categories
• Imperative
– Central features
• Variables
• Assignment statements
• Iteration
– Algorithm specified in detail with a specific order of
execution for statements
– C, Pascal, Visual BASIC.NET
• Functional
– Main means of making computations is by applying
functions to given parameters
• No variables
• No looping
– LISP, Scheme
• Logic
– Rule-based
– Rules are specified in no special order
– Language system chooses execution order that
produces the desired result
– Prolog
• Object-oriented
– Encapsulate data objects with processing
– Inheritance and dynamic type binding
– Grew out of imperative languages
– Smalltalk, C++, Java
Language Design Trade-Offs
• Designing a programming language involves an
number of compromises and trade-offs
• Reliability vs. cost of execution
– Range checking for array references?
• Readability vs. writability
– The APL language traded readability for writability
• Writability vs. reliability
– Pascal variant records are flexible but not safe
– C++ pointers are flexible but not safe
Implementation Methods
• Compilation
– Translates a high-level program to machine
– Slow translation
– Fast execution
– Separate compilation units must be combined
by a linker into an executable image
(.exe file)
• Pure interpretation
– No translation before execution
– Slow execution
– Loop statements are repeatedly translated
– Becoming rare except for web scripting
• JavaScript
• Hybrid implementation systems
– Translates a high-level language to intermediate
code, which is interpreted
– Each statement is translated only once in contrast
to pure interpretation
– Medium execution speed
– Smalltalk and Java
• Intermediate code is called bytecode
• The Java interpreter is the JVM
– JIT technology now widely used with Java and
Programming Environments
• The collection of tools used in software development
– File system, text editor, compiler, linker
• Eclipse
– An integrated development environment for Java and other
• Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
– A large, complex visual environment
– Used to program in C#, Visual BASIC.NET, Jscript, J#,
and C++

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