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The Particulate Nature of Matter

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Exams and grades
The particulate nature of matter.
States of matter
What is chemistry?
Why are we studying chemistry ?
Where can we see chemistry in our life?
Chemistry is everywhere in the world
around you!
It's in the food you eat, clothes you wear, water
you drink, medicines, air, cleaners... you name it.

Chemistry sometimes is called the "central

science" because it connects other sciences to
each others, such as biology, physics, geology
and environmental science.
Chemistry is
• Why Study Chemistry?

• Because understanding chemistry helps you to

understand the world around you. Cooking is
chemistry. Everything you can touch or taste or
smell is a chemical.
• When you study chemistry, you come to
understand a bit about how things work.
Chemistry isn't secret knowledge, useless to
anyone but a scientist. It's the explanation for
everyday things, like why laundry detergent works
better in hot water or how baking soda works or
why not all pain relievers work equally well on a
headache. If you know some chemistry, you can
make educated choices about everyday products
that you use.
• Chemistry is important in everyday life because:

• Everything is made of chemicals. You are made of chemicals. So is

your dog. So is your desk. So is the sun. Drugs are chemicals.
Food is made from chemicals.
• Many of the changes you observe in the world around you are
caused by chemical reactions. Examples include leaves changing
colors, cooking food and getting yourself clean.
• Knowing some chemistry can help you make day-to-day decisions
that affect your life. Can I mix these household chemicals? What
are safe mosquito repellents? Will my bottled water expire? Can
I mix types of motor oils for my vehicle?
• Understanding basic chemistry is essential for understanding the
effects of chemicals on the environment. This information can be
used to give plants the best nutrients to help them grow or to
decide how to dispose of chemicals without poisoning the air or
water supply.
• Chemistry concepts are important in other disciplines. It's key to
cooking, biology, physics, and astronomy.
Exams and grades

Warm up
• Look at the list of words below:

peanut butter, water, fish, light, garbage, time,

motion, the human brain, carbon dioxide, air,
yourself, an idea, tree, energy, wind, dream, atom

• Sort the words into three categories: matter, not

matter, or not sure.

• Why is a clear definition of matter important to the

study of chemistry?
• Matter is the stuff that’s all around you: the metal and
plastic of a telephone, the paper and ink of a book, the
glass and liquid of a bottle of soda, the air you breathe, and
the materials that make up your body.

•A more formal definition of matter is anything that takes

up space and has mass.

•Mass or weight ?

•Is air matter, too?


•Air has mass.


•What about fire? (HW)

Section Review

1. Which one is not matter and why?

A. Helium gas
B. Water
C. Salt
D. Space
Section Review

1. Which one is not matter and why?

A. Helium gas
B. Water
C. Salt
D. Space
Section Review

2. Matter includes all of the following EXCEPT?

A. Air
B. smoke
C. spray
D. nightmare
Section Review

2. Matter includes all of the following EXCEPT?

A. Air
B. smoke
C. spray
D. nightmare
Section Review

3. Two features that distinguish matter are

A. Mass and velocity
B. Weight and velocity
C. Mass and volume
D. Weight and volume
Section Review

3. Two features that distinguish matter are

A. Mass and velocity
B. Weight and velocity
C. Mass and volume
D. Weight and volume
4. How do you describe a block of wood is a matter ?

Matter is anything that has mass and volume.

The four states of matter are solid, liquid , gas and


Substances can exist in one of these three states.

For example; gold is a solid, water is a liquid and

oxygen is a gas at room temperature (25 C).
• In …………… state
– definite shape and volume,
– particles are very close to each other.

•In …………………….state
– not definite volume or shape,
– move freely in all directions,
– far apart from one another.
•In …………… state,
– definite volume, but not definite shape,
– particles move and slide over one another.

•………………state can be seen at extremely hot

temperatures. Stars, lightning, sun are examples
for ………… state.
States of Matter
Section Review

1. In Which state of matter particles are able to move in

all directions?
A. Liquid
B. Gaseous
C. Solid
D. Plasma
States of Matter

Section Review

1. In Which state of matter particles are able to move in

all directions?
A. Liquid
B. Gaseous
C. Solid
D. Plasma
States of Matter
Section Review

2. What are the physical state of clouds, rain and snow?

A. solid, liquid, gaseous
B. liquid, gaseous, solid
C. solid, liquid, liquid
D. gaseous, liquid, solid
States of Matter
Section Review

2. What are the physical state of clouds, rain and snow?

A. solid, liquid, gaseous
B. liquid, gaseous, solid
C. solid, liquid, liquid
D. gaseous, liquid, solid
States of Matter

Section Review

3. Which of the following substances are able to expand

and fill their containers?
apple, gasoline, air, orange juice, stone, water steam
A. apple, orange juice, stone
B. gasoline, air, water steam
C. air, water steam
D. orange juice, gasoline
States of Matter

Section Review

3. Which of the following substances are able to expand

and fill their containers?
apple, gasoline, air, orange juice, stone, water steam
A. apple, orange juice, stone
B. gasoline, air, water steam
C. air, water steam
D. orange juice, gasoline
States of Matter

Section Review

4. Which of the following characteristics of matter in

liquid state?
A. Definite volume
B. Shapeless
C. Its particles can move and slide over one another.
D. All of the above
States of Matter

Section Review

4. Which of the following characteristics of matter in

liquid state?
A. Definite volume
B. Shapeless
C. Its particles can move and slide over one another.
D. All of the above
States of Matter
Section Review

5. The state of matter in which particles are rigidly held

in fixed positions is the
A. vaporous state.
B. gaseous state.
C. solid state.
D. liquid state.
States of Matter

Section Review

5. The state of matter in which particles are rigidly held

in fixed positions is the
A. vaporous state.
B. gaseous state.
C. solid state.
D. liquid state.
States of Matter
Section Review

7. A sample of matter can be poured from container to

container. It takes the shape of its container but only
takes up a certain volume. Based on this information,
the sample is in the ________state.
States of Matter
Section Review

7. A sample of matter can be poured from container to

container. It takes the shape of its container but only
takes up a certain volume. Based on this information,
the sample is in the liquid state.
States of Matter

Section Review

8. Why can a gas fill the entire volume of its container?

States of Matter

Section Review

8. Why can a gas fill the entire volume of its container?

8. Gas particles have little attraction for each other and can
easily and quickly move from one place to another.

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