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04 Physiology of The Ear

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Physiology of hearing

 Sound: Compression and rarefaction of

the air molecules
 Intensity- loudness (amplitude)- decibel
 Frequency- Pitch- hertz (CPS)
 Quality- Timbre- overtones of basic
Sound characteristics

 Audible frequency: 20-20,000 hertz
(<20: subsonic, >20,000: ultrasonic)
 Speech frequency: 500-3000 hertz
 Pure tone: single frequency sound
 Noise: mixture of multiple frequencies- irregular
and not orderly (non-harmonic)
 Music: mixture of multiple frequencies- regular
and orderly- (harmonic)
 Speech: sentences-words-alphabets-made up
of multiple frequencies
Parts of the ear

 Conductive apparatus
 Conducts mechanical sound impulse to the
inner ear
 External and middle ear
 Perceptive apparatus
 Converts mechanical sound impulse into
electrical impulse and transmits to higher
 Cochlea
Role of external ear
 Collection of sound waves by pinna
 Conduction of waves to the tympanic
 Resonance of frequency around 4000
Role of middle ear in hearing
 Impedance matching mechanism
(transformer or amplifier function)
 Preferential sound pressure application
 Resonance of sound frequency around
2000 hertz
 Equalization of pressure on either sides of
the tympanic membrane (Eustachian tube)
Impedance matching mechanism
 Impedance matching: When sound travels
from air to fluids, amplitude is reduced as
fluid offers impedance
 Similar situation in the ear: Middle ear to
cochlear fluids
 Need to compensate for the loss thus
 Middle ear amplifies the sound intensity to
match for the above loss
How does middle ear act as an
 Surface area ratio (Hydraulic ratio)
 Tympanic membrane: 55 sq mm
 Stapes foot plate: 3.2 sq mm
 Mechanical advantage: 17 times
 Lever ratio
 Length of handle of malleus versus long
process of incus- 1.3:1
 Total Mechanical advantage: 17X1.3= 22
 Buckling action of the tympanic membrane
Preferential sound pressure
 Round window protection
 Sound pressure applied
to oval window
 Cochlear fluids moves
from scala vestibuli to
scala tympani
 Round window
membrane yields
 Large TM perforation-
loss of this function
Role of inner ear- Hydrodynamics
 Converts mechanical
sound impulse into
electrical sound impulse
 Sound pressure travels
from scala vestibuli-
helicotrema- scala
tympani- RW membrane
 Scala media moves up
and down
Hair cells

Normal Damaged
Auditory pathway

 Auditory nerve
 Cochlear nucleus
 Superior olive nucleus
 Lateral lemniscus
 Inferior colliculus
 Medial geniculate body
 Auditory cortex
Theories of hearing
 Describes the mode of pitch differentiation
by the cochlea
 Necessary for speech discrimination

 3 theories

 Helmholtz ‘Place’ theory

 Rutherford’s ‘telephone’ theory

 Wever’s ‘volley’ theory

Von-Bekesy’s traveling wave
Physiology of equilibrium
 Balance of the various parts of the body
during static or dynamic positions are
maintained by 4 organs
 Vestibular apparatus (inner ear)

 Eye

 Posterior column of the spinal cord

 Cerebellum
Vestibular apparatus
 Vestibular apparatus of the 2 sides act as one
 Vestibular fluids move with head movements
 Detects head position and movements needed
for postural adjustments
 Head movements can be
 Angular acceleration
 Semicircular canals: Cristae
 Linear acceleration
 Utricle and saccule: Maculae
Arrangement of semicircular canals

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