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Intro - To - Programming - PPT Filename UTF-8''intro To Programming

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 Hardware: Electronic Devices

 Software: Instructions and Computer

 Input : Keyboard, Mouse
 System unit:
 Random Access Memory (RAM)
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Output: Monitor, Printer
 Secondary Storage: Disk Drive
 Instructions for the hardware.
 Actions to be performed
 A set of instructions is called a program.
 Driving force behind the computer
 Without a program – What is a computer?
▪ Collection of Useless Hardware
 2 purposes:
 Tell the computer what to do
 Tell other people what we want the computer to
 System SW
 Programs written for computer systems
▪ Compilers, operating systems, …
 Application SW
 Programs written for computer users
▪ Word-processors, spreadsheets, & other
application packages
Application Programs
Word-Processors, Spreadsheets,
Database Software, IDEs,
System Software
Compilers, Interpreters,Preprocessors,
Operating System, Device Drivers
Machine with all its hardware
 Provides several essential services:
 Loading & running application programs
 Allocating memory & processor time
 Providing input & output facilities
 Managing files of information
 The central processing unit (CPU)
 The “brain” of a computer
 Retrieves instructions from memory and
executes them.
 Stores data and program instructions for CPU to
 A program and its data must be brought to memory
before they can be executed
 Stores intermediate and final results of
 Volatile: Contents are erased when computer is
turned off or reset.
 A memory unit is an ordered sequence of bytes,
each holds eight bits. A byte is the minimum
storage unit. No two data can share or split the
same byte.
 Hard Drives, CDs/DVDs, Flash Drives, etc.
 Non-Volatile or Permanent Storage
 Programs and data are permanently stored
on storage devices and are moved to memory
when the computer actually uses them.
 Digital devices have two stable states, which
are referred to as zero and one by convention
 The binary number system has two digits, 0 and
1. A single digit (0 or 1) is called a bit, short for
binary digit. A byte is made up of 8 bits.
 Binary Language: Data and instructions
(numbers, characters, strings, etc.) are encoded
as binary numbers - a series of bits (one or more
bytes made up of zeros and ones)
 Encoding and decoding of data into binary is
performed automatically by the system
based on the encoding scheme
 Encoding schemes
 Numeric Data: Encoded as binary numbers
 Non-Numeric Data: Encoded as binary numbers
using representative code
▪ ASCII – 1 byte per character
▪ Unicode – 2 bytes per character
 Decimal
 Base 10, ten digits (0-9)
 The position (place) values are integral powers of 10:
100(ones), 101(tens), 102(hundreds), 103(thousands)…
 n decimal digits - 10n unique values
 Binary
 Base 2, two digits (0-1)
 The position (place) values are integral powers of 2:
20(1), 21(2), 22(4), 23(8), 24(16), 25(32), 26(64)…
 n binary digits - 2n unique values
 Computers can not use human languages, and
programming in the binary language of
computers is a very difficult, tedious process
 Therefore, most programs are written using a
programming language and are converted to the
binary language used by the computer
 Three major categories of prog languages:
 Machine Language
 Assembly Language
 High level Language
 Natural language of a particular computer
 Primitive instructions built into every
 The instructions are in the form of binary
 Any other types of languages must be
translated down to this level
 English-like Abbreviations used for
operations (Load R1, R8)
 Assembly languages were developed to make
programming easier
 The computer cannot understand assembly
language - a program called assembler is
used to convert assembly language programs
into machine code
 English-like and easy to learn and program
 Common mathematical notation
 Total Cost = Price + Tax;
 area = 5 * 5 * 3.1415;
 Syntax:
 The structure of strings in some language. A language's
syntax is described by a grammar.
 Examples:
▪ Binary number
<binary_number> = <bit> | <bit> <binary_number>
<bit> =0|1
▪ Identifier
<identifier> = <letter> {<letter> | <digit> }
<letter> =a|b|...|z
<digit =0|1|...|9
 Semantics:
 The meaning of the language
 Syntax descriptions for a PL are themselves
written in a formal language.
 E.g. Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
 The formal language is not a PL but it can be
implemented by a compiler to enforce
grammar restrictions.
 Some PLs look more like grammar
descriptions than like instructions.
 Compiler
 A program that converts another program from
some source language (or high-level programming
language / HLL) to machine language (object code).
 Some compilers output assembly language which is
then converted to machine language by a separate
 Is distinguished from an assembler by the fact that
each input statement, in general, correspond to
more than one machine instruction.
Source Assembly
Program Compiler Language

Assembly Assembler Machine

Language Language
 Source program
 The form in which a computer program, written
in some formal programming language, is
written by the programmer.
 Can be compiled automatically into object code
or machine code or executed by an interpreter.
 Pascal source programs have extension ‘.pas’
 Object program
 Output from the compiler
 Equivalent machine language translation of the source
 Files usually have extension ‘.obj’

 Executable program
 Output from linker/loader
 Machine language program linked with necessary
libraries & other files
 Files usually have extension ‘.exe’
 A program that pulls other programs together so
that they can run.
 Most programs are very large and consist of several
 Even small programs use existing code provided by
the programming environment called libraries.
 The linker pulls everything together, makes sure
that references to other parts of the program (code)
are resolved.
• Steps that the computer goes through to run a program:

Machine language
(executable file)
Input Data Data entered CPU
during execution

Computed results
Program Output
 Steps taken by the CPU to run a program
(instructions are in machine language):
1. Fetch an instruction
2. Decode (interpret) the instruction
3. Retrieve data, if needed
4. Execute (perform) actual processing
5. Store the results, if needed
 Syntax Errors:
 Errors in grammar of the language
 Runtime error:
 When there are no syntax errors, but the program can’t
complete execution
▪ Divide by zero
▪ Invalid input data
 Logical errors:
 The program completes execution, but delivers incorrect
 Incorrect usage of parentheses
Source Assembly
Program Compiler Language

Assembly Assembler Machine

Language Language
 Procedural
 Defining set of steps to transform inputs into outputs
 Translating steps into code
 Constructed as a set of procedures
 Each procedure is a set of instructions
 Object-Oriented
 Defining/utilizing objects to represent real-world entities that work
together to solve problem
 Basic O-O Programming Components
▪ Class
▪ Object/Instance
▪ Properties
▪ Methods
 Class
 Specifies the definition of a particular kind of object
▪ Its Characteristics : Properties (or Attributes)
▪ Its Behaviors: Methods
 Used as blueprint / template to create objects of that type
 Object/Instance
 A specific instance of a class – an object created using the Class
 All specific instances of the same class share the same definition
▪ Same Properties – can be modified
▪ Same Methods – can be modified

 All Instances of Class Dog  A particular Instance Could Have

 Properties
▪ Name -Spot
 Properties
▪ Breed - Mutt
▪ Name ▪ Weight - 10 pounds
▪ Breed ▪ Color - Black
▪ Weight  Methods
▪ Color ▪ Walk
▪ Bark
 Methods
▪ Jump
▪ Walk
(these can also be modified to fit a
▪ Bark particular dog)
▪ Jump
 Algorithm
 A FINITE set of clear, executable steps that will eventually
terminate to produce the desired outcome
 Logical design used to solve problems – usually a list of
actions required to perform task
 Pseudocode
 Written like program code but more “English Like” and
doesn’t have to conform to language syntax
 Flowchart
 Diagram that visually represents the steps to be performed
to arrive at solution.

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