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Febie A.

Rotonda National High School

Non- English Teacher’s Grammatical
Competence: Basis for Grammar
Enhancement Program
Background of the Study

Grammatical competence or linguistic competence

according to Nordquist (2020) refers to the knowledge
of grammar that allows a speaker to use and understand
a language. This type of knowledge is reflected in the
grammar rules and is considered a crucial part of
second language learning and teaching.
This has been supported by Biscocho (2015) who
said that grammatical competence is the ability to
recognize and produce the distinctive grammatical
structures of a language and to use them effectively in
communication. In linguistics, grammar is the set of
structural rules that governs the composition of clauses,
phrases, and words in any given natural language and is
believed to be the most important factor in terms of
learning a language.
Language is an important vehicle of communication among
human beings (Ogonyemi, K., Adebowale, E., 2018). Moreover,
English language has assumed the status of the language of
international relations among different countries of the world
despite of lots of grammatical forms and meanings it contains. It
is widely used as the medium of communication in acquiring
and sharing information, performing business transactions,
forging and sustaining relationships, discovering new knowledge
and creating new innovations.
One could also say, that English is learned and studied
in the modern world for its obvious practical
importance; as a means to communicate in the
international level and as a means to optimize one’s
access to opportunities in the employment market.
To illustrate, many business organizations such as Business
Process Outsourcings (BPO’s) and Call Centers give English
language tests to their applicants to examine their oral and
written language proficiency. In fact, several standardized tests
have been made available throughout the globe such as TOEIC
(The Test of English for International Communication), and
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) which both
measure the knowledge of an individual about the English
language, with grammar as one of their components.
Indeed, as a component part of the English language,
grammatical competence plays vital role for individuals to
be highly competitive in the world stage. Sad to note
though, that there is a shrinking English proficient
workforce worldwide according to Business Mirror (2016).
Hence, English language standardized tests are utilized to
identify least mastered competencies of non-native speakers
of the English language or those who use English as their
second language.
In the Philippines, the demands on the Filipino to be a
proficient English language user for personal and ultimately
for national development has become great, if not more
significant. Furthermore, the execution of DepEd Order 14,
S. 2018 (Policy Guidelines on the Administration of the
Revised Philippine Informal Reading Inventory) further
strengthens the department’s aim to make every Filipino
child a proficient English language user by making them
readers, writers and speakers of the language.
As a result, standardized tests which includes testing
pupils and students grammatical competence were
applied. One example of this, is the annual National
Achievement Tests (NAT) administered by DepEd to the
pupils and students in elementary and high school.
But the year 2018 was seen by many educators in the
academe as one of the dark times in the history of
Philippine education. The 2018 Philippine NAT showed
a very distressing result. DepEd Secretary Leonor M.
Briones was alarmed by the decline in the proficiency
and mastery of three major subjects; English,
Mathematics and Science whose primary medium of
instruction and facilitation is English.
The result was also reflected in the 2018 Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) done by the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) where the country is ranked 79th in reading, with an
average of 340 against the OECD average of 487. Paris
(2019) of Rappler reported that the country is also ranked
very low in Mathematics and Science, with 353 points and
357 points respectively against a 489 OECD average for
both categories.
The low result of the NAT and PISA could be attributed
to the teaching performance of the teachers as Times
Reporter (2016) argued that teachers are responsible for
inadequate language input due to their own limited English
proficiency. Besides, a survey conducted by DepEd in 2018,
found out that 80 percent of secondary school teachers in the
Philippines failed an English proficiency exam. This shows
teachers’ low proficiency in English.
As teachers play essential role in the language
proficiency development and enhancement of Filipino
students, they must be proficient enough to influence
students by serving as effective models in various
instructional functions. Likewise, if the teacher has a
low level of grammatical competence, there would be a
negative implication on the kind of learning that the
students would acquire in the classroom.
Teaching English for several years at Rotonda National High
School in the city Division of Koronadal, one of the observed
problems by the researcher is the deficiency in the English
grammar among its non-English teachers. The researcher took in
to account the notion that every teacher, regardless of their field
of specialization, is a language teacher. The observed problems
in the English grammar is particularly manifested in the
submitted written papers like accomplishment reports and
reflective papers attached to their daily lesson logs (DLL).
It was also observed that, some teachers used code-
switching or vernacular language, in this case Illonggo,
in most of their actual teachings despite the medium
put-upon in the learner’s manual is English. This
grammar deficiency prevents the non-English teachers
from effective expression of idea in English. If this
continues, learning higher order Language skills by
students will not be possible.
Alarmed by this situation, the researchers will
conduct this study to determine the grammatical
competence level of RNHS non-English teachers from
Grades 7 to 12, and to contribute for the welfare of the
school and of the division by crafting an enhancement
program in grammar with great optimism to address the
problem. It is in this premise that the researchers find
this study important.
General Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to identify

grammatical competence of RNHS non-English
teachers as basis for crafting an enhancement
program in grammar.
Specific Statement of the Problem
Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the levels of grammatical 2. What grammar

competence of RNHS non-English enhancement program can be
teachers in terms of:
produced to address the
A. Parts of Speech needs of the teachers based
B. Verb Tenses on the results of this study?
C. Subject-Verb Agreement
D. Sentence Structure
Scope and Delimitations

The study was conducted to identify the grammatical

competence level of RNHS Non-English teachers that
includes grammar rules limited to parts of speech, tenses of
verb, subject-verb agreement and sentence structure. The
researchers examined the grammatical competence using a
grammar test instrument validated by language experts.
Scope and Delimitations

The respondents of this study were the seventeen (17)

non- English teachers from Grades 7 to 12 S.Y. 2019-
2020. This study was conducted at Rotonda National
High School, District X, Division of Koronadal City. It
is located at Brgy. Rotonda , Koronadal City. The result
of the study will be the basis for a grammar
enhancement program.
Significance of the Study

This study had great impact in the grammar

competency development of the non-English teachers
and students of the school. The results benefited mostly
the following persons in the school:
Significance of the Study

To the school administrator, the study has provided

information on teachers’ level of grammatical
competence. It encouraged the school leadership to
make proper adjustment and intervention to fully
monitor and provide program intervention based on
actual context of the school;
Significance of the Study

To the teachers, they have had a vital information of the

general picture of status of their grammatical competence level.
They can make appropriate interventions to improve learning
of grammar rules for mastery of concepts and skills.
To the students, their grammar skills and language literacy
could be improved because of a much competent and proficient
The study made use of quantitative research to
quantify the problems by way of generating
numerical data from an adopted grammar test.
The variables quantified are the grammatical
competence level and the test scores in grammar.
Source of Data
The data was taken from an adopted
grammar test answered by the respondents.
Samples and Sampling Technique
The study used purposive sampling. The non-
English teachers from grades 7 to 12 of the
school locale were purposely chosen as they
fitted the profile of the people that was needed
Locale of the
This study was conducted at Rotonda National High
School, Brgy. Rotonda, Koronadal District X, Division of
Koronadal City. The school was established on June 06, 2006
as an annex known as Esperanza National High School-
Rotonda Campus with 77 students. After four years of
operation, it became an independent school under a certain
Republic Act on October 12, 2009.
Locale of the
Today, the school has a population of 668 students from the online
and remote enrolment of the school for both junior and senior high
school and still continues to grow. There are now 11 teachers in the
JHS and 8 teachers in the SHS with 2 administrators, a principal
and assistant principal and 1 administrative assistant. From 3
faculty members and staff on 2006, there are now 22 who
comprises the Teachers and Employee Association of the school.
s The non-English teachers from grades 7 to 12 for the
School Year 2020-2021 were utilized as the respondents.
Three grade 7 advisers, two grade 8 advisers, two grade 9
advisers, two grade 10 advisers, three grade 11 advisers,
three grade 12 advisers and two senior high school floating
teachers , a total of seventeen (17) respondents, all female
teachers , were involved in this study.
A 60 item adopted grammar test was used as instrument in
this study. The test was adopted from the work of Dave C.
Prodigo titled “Grammar Competence of Rotonda Elementary
School”. The adopted research instrument underwent
evaluation, validation and reliability test by two English Master
Teachers, Shiena Lyn L. Antenor of Conception National High
School and Ida Sajor of Koronadal National Comprehensive
High School.
The adoption of the instrument was under the consent of its
author. The test was composed of four grammar areas: parts of
speech – 15 items; tenses of verb - 15 items; subject-verb
agreement – 15 items; and sentence structures – 15 items.
Data Gathering
Prior to administering the data-gathering instrument, permission was
officially sought from the Principal of the research locale. The concerned
teachers were asked to answer the said instrument for 1 hour and were
gathered the same day. In the interest of transparency and clarity, the
description and purpose of the instrument were adequately communicated
to the teacher-respondents, and of the school administration as these were
indicated in the cover letter attached to the instrument. It also stipulated a
confidentiality clause to ensure the security of data gathered.
Data Gathering
To ensure the reliability of the data obtained, the
researchers personally administered the instrument to
the teachers and carefully explained the directions. All
data were carefully checked, recorded, tallied,
tabulated and analyzed.
Data Analysis
The study made use of frequency counts, percentages,
mean, and mean percentage score (MPS) as statistical tools
to describe the data gathered and to identify the
grammatical competence level of the teachers in the
grammar test. The frequency and percentage is getting the
percent after tallying the answers from the questionnaires
that were distributed to the respondents.
Data Analysis
Frequency (f) in this study is just the number of
times the item or score appeared. Percentage (%) is
calculated by taking the frequency in the category
divided by the total number of participants and
multiplying by 100%.
Data Analysis
P= f / n x 100
P= percentage
f= frequency
n= total number of respondents
Data Analysis
The mean (informally, the “average“) is found by
adding all of the numbers together and dividing by the
number of items in the set:
Total Scores of respondents
Total number of takers
Data Analysis
The Mean Percentage Score (MPS) indicates
the ratio between the number of correctly
answered items and the total number of test
questions or the percentage of correctly answered
items in a test.
Computer Mean
Total number of Test items x 100
Data Analysis
Data on the teachers’ level of grammatical
competence for each part of the grammar test were
described using mean percentage score. The results
were conveyed using its descriptive equivalent as
adopted from DepEd Memorandum no. 160 series of
2012 which is shown below:
Data Analysis
Weight Mean Percentage Score Descriptive Equivalent

1 96-100% Mastered

2 86-95% Closely Approximating Mastery

3 66-85% Moving Towards Mastery

4 34-65% Average

5 15-33% Low

6 5-14% Very Low

7 0-4% Absolutely No Mastery

Rotonda National High School Non-English Teacher’s Grammatical
Competence: Basis for Grammar Enhancement Program

Non-English Teacher’s Grammar Locale of the Study

Competence in terms of: RNHS

a. Parts of Speech Sampling Technique
b. Verb Tenses
Purposive Sampling
c. S-V agreement
d. Sentence Structure
Grade 7-12 Non- English Teachers

Grammar Enhancement Program Research Instrument

Adopted Grammar Test

Data Gathering Procedure

Schematic Diagram of the Test Questionnaire

Data Analysis
Research Design Frequency, Percentage, Mean and
Presentation, Analysis
and Interpretation of
Table 1. The Grammatical Competence of the Non-English Teachers in the Parts of Speech.

Scores Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Table 1 showed the teachers’ grammatical
13-15 1 5.88
competence scores in the parts of speech competency
10-12 13 76.47 test. As seen on the table, only one (1) teacher or 5.88
7-9 3 17.65 % among seventeen (17) teachers obtained a score
4-6 0 0.00 ranging from 13-15. The table further showed that
0-3 0 0.00
thirteen (13) or 76.47 % of the teachers obtained a
Total 17 100
score ranging from 10-12 and three (3) or 17.65 %
Mean 10.82
obtained a score ranging from 7-9. The mean score
(sum of all the scores divided by the number of
Moving Towards Mastery
respondents) is 10.82 and the mean percentage score
(mean divided by the number of items, then multiply by
100) is 72.13 with its corresponding descriptive
equivalent of Moving towards Mastery.
Table 2. The Grammatical Competence of the Non-English Teachers in Verb Tenses.

Scores Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Table 2 showed the teachers’ grammatical
13-15 11 64.71
competence scores in the verb tenses
10-12 5 29.41
competency test. As seen on the table, eleven
7-9 1 5.88

4-6 0 0.00
(11) teachers or 64.71% obtained a score
0-3 0 0.00
ranging from 13-15. The table further showed
Total 17 100 that five (5) or 29.41 % of the teachers
Mean 12.82 obtained a score ranging from 10-12 and one
MPS 85.47 (1) or 5.88 % obtained a score ranging from 7.
Moving Towards Mastery The mean score is 12.82 and the mean
percentage score (MPS) is 85.47 with its
corresponding descriptive equivalent of
Moving towards Mastery.
Table 3. The Grammatical Competence
  of the Non-English Teachers in the S-V agreement.
Scores Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Table 3 showed the teachers’ grammatical
13-15 10 5.82 competence scores in the subject-verb
10-12 6 35.29 agreement competency test. As seen on the
7-9 1 5.88 table, eleven (10) teachers or 5.82 % obtained a
4-6 0 0.00 score ranging from 13-15. The table further
0-3 0 0.00 showed that six (6) or 35.29 % of the teachers
Total 17 100 obtained a score ranging from 10-12 and one
Mean 12.82 (1) or 5.88 % obtained a score ranging from 7-9.
MPS 85.47
The mean score is 12.82 and the mean
Moving Towards Mastery percentage score (MPS) is 85.47 with its
corresponding descriptive equivalent of Moving
towards Mastery.
Table 4. The Grammatical Competence of the Non-English Teachers in the Sentence Structure.

Scores Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

13-15 0 0.00 Table 4 showed the teachers’ grammatical

10-12 0 0.00
7-9 8 47.06
competence scores in the sentence structure
4-6 9 52.94 competency test. As seen on the table, eight
0-3 0 0.00 (8) teachers or 47.06 % obtained a score
Total 17 100 ranging from 7-9. The table further showed
Mean 6.82
that nine (9) or 52.94 % of the teachers
obtained a score ranging from 4-6. The mean
score is 6.82 and the mean percentage score
(MPS) is 45.47 with its corresponding
descriptive equivalent of Average.
Table 5. The Summary of the Teachers’ Scores in the Grammatical Competency Test

Grammar Areas Mean MPS Grammatical Level

Parts of Speech 72.13 Moving Towards Mastery

Verb Tenses 85.47 Moving Towards Mastery

S-V Agreement 85.47 Moving Towards Mastery

6.82 Average
Sentence Structure 45.47
Table 5. The Summary of the Teachers’ Scores in the Grammatical Competency Test

Table 5 presented the summary of the Non-English Teachers’ mean

scores and the mean percentage scores in the four grammatical
competency areas. As displayed in the table, three competency areas
have mean percentage scores (MPS) which are described as Moving
towards mastery and one competency area has a mean percentage
score (MPS) which is described as Average. The mean scores and
mean percentage scores are broken down as follow: parts of speech
has a mean score of 10.82 and an MPS of 72.13; verb tenses and S-V
agreement both have a mean score of 12.82 and MPS of 85.47 ; and
sentence structure has a mean score of 6.82 and an MPS of 45. 47.

The main purpose of the study is to identify the grammatical

competence of the seventeen (17) Non-English teachers from the
60-item adopted grammar test and to craft a grammar
enhancement program after the results have been gathered. The
grammar test focused in four areas namely, parts of speech, verb
tenses, subject-verb agreement and sentence structure. The
researchers agreed to WordsWorthBlog (2020) that grammar
learning in this four areas has a positive and real effect on all the
four skills of language learning, hence the adoption of the
grammar test.

Each part of the grammar test is composed of 15 items that dealt

with different specific grammar points. The parts of speech has
specific lessons on nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives,
conjunctions, prepositions and interjections. The verb tenses has
specific lessons on simple tenses and progressive tenses. The
subject-verb agreement dealt on lessons about the basic rules of
subject and verb agreement in number. The sentence structure
has topics that dealt on sentences according to structure and
sentence fragments.

All four areas are necessary to be assessed if teachers

would want to develop and improve their communicative
skills. Also, enhanced communication skills call for a high
degree of grammatical competence that involves knowledge
and application of grammar and use of appropriate
vocabulary of the language to convey meanings in a socially
acceptable way (WordsWortBlog, 2020).

The results in table 1, 2 and 3 about the grammatical

competence of the teachers’ scores in the parts of speech,
verb tenses and subject-verb agreement showed that the
teachers’ grammatical competence level are Moving towards
Mastery with a mean percentage scores (MPS) of 72.13,
85.47 and 85.47 respectively. The data implied that the Non-
English teachers have somehow mastered the rules
governing the parts of speech, verb tenses and subject and
verb agreement.

The teachers’ scores reflect their adequacy in identifying the

parts of speech asked, determining tenses referred to, and
determining the relationship between the rules of s-v
agreement in terms of number. The scores are acceptable
given the fact that the respondents were all Non-English
teachers, but it is worthy to note that the scores are still low
compared with Closely Approximating Mastery with a
weighted average of 86%- 90%.

In table 1, it showed that three (3) teachers had a score

ranging from 7-9. In table 2, one (1) teacher, gained a score
ranging from 7-9 and in table 3, also one (1) teacher, gained
a score ranging from 7-9. If 75% were the passing grade for
a test as mandated by DepEd Order no. 70 s. 2003, these
teachers would fail since the 75% of 15 is 11.25.

In addition the respondents were all secondary professional

teachers, who were supposed to have learned and mastered
the basics of grammar during their elementary, secondary
and tertiary days and who had developed good
communicative skills. These findings further implied that if no
intervention is given to these teachers, they might find it
difficult to express their ideas in English both in speaking
and in writing.

From the results of table 4 and 5 which showed the

grammatical competence of teachers’ scores in sentence
structure and summary of MPS in the four areas of grammar
test, it is clear where the greater linguistic problem of the
respondents lie—sentence structure. Table 4 showed nine
(9) teachers having a score ranging from 4-6 and eight (8)
teachers with a score ranging from 7-9. Table 5, showed that
sentence structure has a mean percentage score (MPS) of
45.47 or average.

The result is way too low compared to the scale given by the
Department of Education pertaining to the passing scores of
the National Achievement Test (NAT) of students. This result
and data conformed to the study conducted by Barraquio
(2017) and Ulla (2019). The study of Barraquio (2017)
revealed that sentence structure is one of the most difficult
area of grammar to be learned.

The study of Ulla (2019) on the other hand, revealed that the
kinds of errors in grammar committed by faculty members
themselves are no less serious, damning and reprehensible as
their students. Ulla (2019) also added that the public is more
forgiving with students since they could always argue that they
are still learning the grammar rules in the target language but
the same argument cannot be waived by the faculty who, by
virtue of their advanced learning and position, are already of a
different league.

The results of this study paved way to the researchers to

craft a grammar enhancement program with a general focus
on sentence structures. But the program would also have
glimpse of some basic grammar areas like the ones included
in the grammar test for the in-depth learning purposes.
Summary of findings,
Conclusions and

This study was conducted to identify the grammatical

competence of the Non-English teachers of the research
locale using an adopted grammar test and to craft a
grammar enhancement program for the welfare of the
teachers in the academe. Based on the data gathered and
analyzed, the following are the summary of the findings:

1. The respondents’ scores from the grammar test revealed that

their grammatical competence level for Parts of Speech is
Moving towards Mastery; for the Verb Tenses, their
grammatical competence level is still Moving towards Mastery
and for Subject and Verb Agreement, their GCL is also
Moving towards Mastery. This grammatical competence level
is weighted third (3rd) with a descriptive equivalent of 66% to
85% MPS from the adopted Deped Memo. No.160 series of
2012 for the NAT.

However, they have a grammatical competence level of

Average for Sentence Structure, which is weighted fourth
(4th) with a D.E of 34% to 65%.

2. The grammar enhancement program on Sentence

Structure was crafted to help aid the Non-English Teachers.

Based from the data gathered, the study lead to the following

1. Fourteen (14) or 82.35% of the Non-English Teachers were

quite knowledgeable in terms of the functions and rules
governing the first three areas of grammar; parts of speech, verb
tenses and subject and verb agreement. However, there were
three (3) or 17.65% of the teachers who were found to still have
difficulty in these grammar areas mentioned.

2. 100% of the respondents were found to have problems in identifying

the basic structures of sentences such as simple and compound
sentences. Moreover, they lack background knowledge on
independent and dependent clauses.

3. The crafted grammar enhancement program on sentence structure

would certainly help the Non-English teachers deal with their grammar
problems and in their endeavour of developing good grammar skills
and eventually, communicative skills.

Based from the significance and the results of this study, the
following recommendations are given:
1. For the students, they should learn grammar seriously
since it is the base of language learning.
2. For the teachers, they should have high grammatical
competence as a primal tool of input in guiding both
learners and other teachers towards quality learning.

3. For the administrator of RNHS, they should conduct

seminars, trainings and workshops to its faculty members
with emphasis in the use of good grammar and use of
English as the medium of instruction for classes that
required it.

4. For other researchers, further researches should be

conducted using other grammar test that asses other
grammar areas aside from the ones used here, and use
other respondents with the same type of group (Non-English
Teachers) but of a larger scope or area such as the entire
Koronadal City Division or the region 12 as a whole.

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