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Computer-Aided Design For Electrical

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University of Diyala

College of Engineering
Electronic Department
fourth stage

Computer Aided Design for Electrical

Batool Hassan

Under the supervision of

Dr. Rokan
Universal ComputerComputer
Universal Aided DesignAided
for Electrical
Computer Aided Design for Electrical
Machines for Electrical Machines

Abstract— Electrical machines are devices that change either

mechanical or electrical energy to the other and also can
alternate the voltage levels of an alternating current. The need
for electrical machines cannot be overemphasized since they are
used in various applications in the world today. Its design is to
meet the specifications as stated by the user and this design has to
be an economical one. The design therefore revolves around
designing the machine to meet the stipulated performance
required, the cost available and the lasting life of the machine.
This work aims to eliminate the tediousness involved in the
manual hand calculations of designing the machines by making
use of a graphical user interface and using iterations in situations
where the data would have been assumed. Fig. 1: Introductory GUI
The materials used for the design of electrical machines
greatly depend on the hysteresis loop of the machines.
The design of motor in general is a complex procedure and
hence requires an easy and understandable design method Various materials have been used for the design of this
and tool for the designer. CAD design for this work looks toolbox and it is as shown in the fig. 2.
into the design of DC machine, induction machines,
synchronous machines, transformers, Rotary SRM and
the inductance profile of SRM[1]. The induction motor is 3.5
divided into the design of three phase and single phase
induction motor with each having its own GUI. 3.0

Synchronous motor is divided into salient and round rotor 2.5

type and the transformer is divided into the shell and core
Flux density (T)

type. The designs have been made with consideration to 2.0

the performance of the machine. Other limitations such as

cost and insulating material have not being taken into M22
consideration. The design of electrical machines [2], [3] 1.0
has looked considerable into the design of various Lohys
42 quality
machines. The reluctance machine design works on the 0.5
cast -steel
inductance profile and design of the rotary SRM [1], [4], 0.0
[5]. 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000

Fig. 2: Magnetization curves

The machine specifications for each machine design GUI

include the following:
∙ The ratings of the machine such as the voltage,
KVA, peak current, speed, number of poles.
The analysis and synthesis way of designing electrical
machines have been used in the design of the machines.
The synthesis method is used for DC machine, AC ∙ For some of the motor design, the required outer
machine, and transformers. The analysis method has been
surface parameters of the machine are required
used for the design of switched reluctance method [1].
There is a general toolbox interface that introduces the such as the total diameter and length of the
user to the design of each electrical machine. This is as machine.
shown in the fig.1 ∙ For SRM, stator and rotor pole arc, length of air
gap required and active or passive element of the
This introductory GUI makes use of radio buttons that linear SRM.
links the designer to the various machine design GUI
∙ Number of phases for the machine.
Transformers are divided into shell and core type
transformers. Although shell type transformers are hardly
Start used, they are still in used in small capacity machines. Both
types of transformers have being designed. The GUI
enables the user to be able to select the core type, number
Input machine specifications as per the
machine to be designed
of phases and the winding required.

Yoke Yoke
Define input
Main values to be
dimensions assumed as per
of machine

machine designed

Change parameters


a 2a a

Winding design parameters

Performance Analysis

Ww Ww
CAD design a
10 core transformer
10 core shell

function No
Fig. 3: Transformers CS

Input specifications

Fig. 2: Generalized machine design flowchart Assumed variables

Main dimensions of magnetic

Fig.3 is a generalised design procedure for electrical frame

machines. The analysis on how to design reluctance Core and winding design

machine is has been extensively done by [1], [4], [5]. The No load current parameters
design of the
other electrical machines has being done by [2], [3]. The design Tank design with cooling tubes

procedure looks into the design of the main dimensions, field

windings, No load calculations, performance characteristics and Performance calculations

others. For all machines the main criteria for the design is
getting the output coefficient. The output coefficient is gotten as Performance ?


(1) CAD

Where P is the output of the machine in KVA, D is the End

diameter of armature (m) and L is the gross length of Fig. 4: Transformer flowchart
armature (m), and N is the speed of the machine in RPM.

Other relevant considerations are that of the magnetic and

electric loadings and are specified as follows.
, Wb
Where Bav = specific magnetic loading (Wb/m2), D is diameter of
the armature (m) and L is the length of the armature (m) and P
is the number of poles. (2)
The specific magnetic loading ,
Total electric loading;
Where Iz.Z is the total electric loading, ac is the specific
electric loading in A/m.
The specific electric loading, (3)
Fig. 5: Core type GUI result
Fig. 6: shell type GUI result Fig. 10: Three phase IM GUI result

For the GUI design, provisions are made so that the

designer can pick if the type of core required, number of
phases and windings to be used.

Fig. 11: Single phase IM GUI result

The slip of induction motor matters a lot as it greatly

affects the torque of the motor. The slip is the difference
Fig. 7: Transformer CAD between the synchronous speed and the actual speed. The
need for slip is because an induction motor does not
INDUCTION MOTORS generate voltage when the rotor is running at a
The design GUI for the induction motor has been divided synchronous speed to that of the magnetic field. This is the
reason why a much difference in the slip, yields a large
into single phase and three phase GUI.
torque value. The graph as seen from the GUI shows that
Rotor Rotor Stator Core
Stator Slot
with increase in the slip of the machine, the torque is
greatly increased until it gets to a value where the slow
Stator Winding
speed in movement of the rotor is not strong enough to cut
Rotor Slot
Stator Tooth across the magnetic field thereby resulting in a reduction
Rotor Tooth Air Gap in the torque produced.

Rotor Core

Shaft End Ring

Fig. 8: Induction motor CS


Input Specifications Assumed

variables such as choice of


Main dimensions

Rotor and winding design Amp-

Turns evaluations Performance


Performance ?



Fig. 9: IM design flowchart Fig. 12: Squirrel cage IM CAD

SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES The synchronous machine GUI shows the plots of the field
Stator winding depth, core losses vs. flux density, carter’s
Stator Tooth coefficient for the slots and open circuit characteristics of
Air GapSlot
N the machine.
The open circuit characteristics test is taken when the
S S Field Pole
generator is operating without load, running at
synchronous speed and the field current is increased from
Shaft zero to maximum. As seen from the graph in the GUIs’,
N the curve is almost perfectly linear until some saturation is
Rotor seen at high field currents. This is because the reluctance
of the motor at an unsaturated iron frame is far less than
Fig. 13: Synchronous motor CS that of the air gap thereby all mmf seem to pass through
the air gap. As the iron gets saturated, the reluctance
Start increases rather slowly.

Input specifications

Assumed variables such as choice of loadings

Stator design

Rotor design Performance


Performance ?



Fig. 14: Synchronous design flowchart

Fig. 17: Salient pole CAD

Magnetic flux
Field Pole
Pole shoe
Air gap
Fig. 15: Salient pole GUI result Field winding

Fig. 18: DC machine CS

Fig. 16: Round rotor GUI result


Input specifications Star

Assumed variables such as choice of
Machine Specifications – (Po, Nr,
Selection of
number of poles Ip,V)
Armature design
Change assumed
vari a bles Input Parameters – (D, L, lg,
Field system design
Commutator and brushes

Design Outputs -(Do, hs, hr, Dsh, Tavg,

Performance evaluations etc)

Tavg >=
N Treq
Cost Analysis

Fig. 19: DC machine flowchart

Fig. 23: SRM design flowchart

Fig. 20: DC machine GUI result

Fig. 24: Rotary SRM design GUI result

The SRM design GUI as shown above shows the torque,

height of rotor and stator, back iron thickness, pole width,
turns per phase, aligned and unaligned inductance and the
average air gap power. If the average torque generated
does not give the required output, the user is required to
change some inputs parameters such as the stator and
rotor pole arc. This will help move the average torque
closer to the required torque. When this is achieved, the
Fig. 21: DC machine CAD motor can then be said to have been designed.


Fig. 22: SRM CS Fig. 25: SRM inductance profile result

The inductance profile is a graph of the relationship
between the inductance and the rotor position. The
inductance profile shows four distinct regions. For the REFERENCES
example SRM, the motor is at a fully aligned position [1] Krishnan, R., “Switched Reluctance Motor
when its angle is 30° while 0° is when the motor is at a
fully unaligned position. The inductance profile results Drives: Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, Design,
shown are that of the unaligned inductance, aligned [2] and Applications”, CRC Press, 2001
inductance, torque, graphical analysis of some of the Aravind C.V, Kamala K. C. (2003). Design of
performance of the motor and the intermediate position electrical apparatus. Chennai:
inductance. [3] Charulatha publications
K.M. Vishnu Murthy (2008). Computer Aided
The results as shown in the GUI below, shows the
inductance for each flux path, the magnetic flux density [4] Design of Electrical Machines. Hyderabad: BS
assumed for that flux path and the reluctance for the flux Publications
path. FP in the figure indicates flux path while the number Praveen V., Design of Switched Reluctance Motors
in front indicates the number of flux path. B indicates
[5] and Development of a Universal Controller for
magnetic flux density assumed for that path and R
indicates the reluctance of the motor at that path. Switched Reluctance and Permanent Magnet
Brushless DC Motor Drives, 2001, pp. 1-104.
Aravind CV, Samuel Bright., Design of reluctance
motors for low speed applications, Bachelor’s
degree Thesis, May2011

Fig. 26: SRM CAD

A generalised tool box for optimisation of computer aided
design for electrical machines has been built successfully.
The SRM design has been verified by using analytical and
cyclic integration method. [5], [2]. Others have been
verified by using manual calculations. Although these
machines have being designed, this may not be the
optimum design because it does not put into consideration
the cost of the machine, available materials to be used,
human labour available, temperature rise and other

The authors wish to record CERVIE, UCSI University for
supporting this research work.

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