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Bab 11 ITIL v3 Introduction

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Chap 11:

ITIL V3 - Introduction and Overview

Dr. Ir. Yeffry Handoko Putra, M.T
Head Department of
Magister Information System (MIS)
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Agenda for the Session

• What is ITIL?
• What about v3?
• Key Concepts
• Service Management & Delivery
• The Service Lifecycle
• The Five Stages of the lifecycle
• ITIL Roles
• Functions and Processes
• Further Learning
• Accreditation
What is ITIL?

• Systematic approach to high quality IT

service delivery
• Documented best practice for IT Service
• Provides common language with well-defined
• Developed in 1980s by what is now The Office
of Government Commerce
• itSMF also involved in maintaining best
practice documentation in ITIL
– itSMF is global, independent, not-for-profit
What about v3?

• ITIL started in 80s.

– 40 publications!
• v2 came along in 2000-2002
– Still Large and complex
– 8 Books
– Talks about what you should do
• v3 in 2007
– Much simplified and rationalised to 5 books
– Much clearer guidance on how to provide service
– Easier, more modular accreditation paths
– Keeps tactical and operational guidance
– Gives more prominence to strategic ITIL guidance relevant to
senior staff
– Aligned with ISO20000 standard for service management
Key Concepts

• Service Level
– Measured and reported achievement against
one or more service level targets
– E.g.
• Red = 1 hour response 24/7
• Amber = 4 hour response 8/5
• Green = Next business day
• Service Level Agreement
– Written and negotiated agreement between
Service Provider and Customer documenting
agreed service levels and costs
Key Concepts

• Configuration Management System (CMS)

– Tools and databases to manage IT service
provider’s configuration data
– Contains Configuration ManagementDatabase
• Records hardware, software, documentation and
anything else important to IT provision
• Release
– Collection of hardware, software, documentation,
processes or other things require to implement one
or more approved changes to IT Services
Key Concepts

• Incident
– Unplanned interruption to an IT service or an
unplanned reduction in its quality
• Work-around
– Reducing or eliminating the impact of an
incident without resolving it
• Problem
– Unknown underlying cause of one or more
4 Ps of Service Management

 People – skills, training, communication

 Processes – actions, activities, changes,
 Products – tools, monitor, measure, improve
 Partners – specialist suppliers
Service Delivery Strategies
Strategy Features
In-sourcing All parts internal

Out-sourcing External resources for specific and defined

areas (e.g. Contract cleaners)

Co-Sourcing Mixture of internal and external resources

Knowledge Process Outsourcing Outsourcing of particular processes, with

(domain-based business expertise) additional expertise from provider

Application Outsourcing External hosting on shared computers –

applications on demand (e.g. Survey
Monkey, Meet-o-matic)

Business Process Outsourcing Outsourcing of specific processes e.g. HR,

Library Circulation, Payroll

Partnership/Multi-sourcing Sharing service provision over the lifecycle

with two or more organisations (e.g.
Shared IT Corpus/Oriel)
The Service Lifecycle
• Service Strategy – Asset & Config
– Strategy generation management
– Financial management – Change management
– Service portfolio – Knowledge Management
management • Service Operation
– Demand management – Problem & Incident
• Service Design management
– Capacity, Availability, Info – Request fulfilment
Security Management – Event & Access
– Service level & Supplier management
Management • Continual Service
• Service Transition Improvement
– Planning & Support – Service measurement &
– Release & Deployment
– 7-step improvement
How the Lifecycle stages fit
Service Strategy

• What are we going to provide?

• Can we afford it?
• Can we provide enough of it?
• How do we gain competitive advantage?
• Perspective
– Vision, mission and strategic goals
• Position
• Plan
• Pattern
– Must fit organisational culture
Service Strategy has four
Develop the

Service Assets

• Resources
– Things you buy or pay for
– IT Infrastructure, people, money
– Tangible Assets
• Capabilities
– Things you grow
– Ability to carry out an activity
– Intangible assets
– Transform resources into Services
Service Portfolio

• Prioritises and manages investments

and resource allocation
• Proposed services are properly
– Business Case
• Existing Services Assessed. Outcomes:
– Replace
– Rationalise
– Renew
– Retire
Demand Management

 Ensures we don’t waste money with

excess capacity
 Ensures we have enough capacity to
meet demand at agreed quality
 Patterns of Business Activity to be
 E.g. Economy 7 electricity, Congestion
Service Design

• How are we going to provide it?

• How are we going to build it?
• How are we going to test it?
• How are we going to deploy it?

Holistic approach to determine the

impact of change introduction on
the existing services and
management processes
Processes in Service Design

 Availability Management
 Capacity Management
 ITSCM (disaster recovery)
 Supplier Management
 Service Level Management
 Information Security Management
 Service Catalogue Management
Service Catalogue

Business Process A Business Process B Business Process C

Business Service Catalogue

Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Service 5 Service 6

Technical Service Catalogue

Hardware Software Support s
Databases Capability

Keeps service information away from business information

Provides accurate and consistent information enabling
service-focussed working
Service Level Management

• Service Level Agreement

– Operational Level Agreements
• Internal
– Underpinning Contracts
• External Organisation
• Supplier Management
– Can be an annexe to a contract
– Should be clear and fair and written in easy-to-
understand, unambiguous language
• Success of SLM (KPIs)
– How many services have SLAs?
– How does the number of breaches of SLA change over
time (we hope it reduces!)?
Things you might find in an
Service Hours of Response
Description operation times

Incident Availability &

Resoluti Continuity
times on times targets

Customer Critical Change

Responsibiliti operational Response
es periods Times
Types of SLA

 Service-based
 All customers get same deal for same
 Customer-based
 Different customers get different deal (and
different cost)
 Multi-level
 These involve corporate, customer and
service levels and avoid repetition
Right Capacity, Right Time, Right Cost!

 This is capacity management

 Balances Cost against Capacity so
minimises costs while maintaining
quality of service
Is it available?

• Ensure that IT services matches or

exceeds agreed targets
• Lots of Acronyms
– Mean Time Between Service Incidents
– Mean Time Between Failures
– Mean Time to Restore Service
• Resilience increases availability
– Service can remain functional even though
one or more of its components have failed
ITSCM – what?

 IT Service Continuity Management

 Ensures resumption of services within
agreed timescale
 Business Impact Analysis informs
decisions about resources
 E.g. Stock Exchange can’t afford 5 minutes
downtime but 2 hours downtime probably
wont badly affect a departmental accounts
office or a college bursary
Standby for liftoff...

 Cold
 Accommodation and environment ready but
no IT equipment
 Warm
 As cold plus backup IT equipment to receive
 Hot
 Full duplexing, redundancy and failover
Information Security

 Confidentiality
 Making sure only those authorised can see
 Integrity
 Making sure the data is accurate and not
 Availability
 Making sure data is supplied when it is
Service Transition

 Build
 Deployment
 Testing
 User acceptance
 Bed-in
Good service transition

• Set customer expectations

• Enable release integration
• Reduce performance variation
• Document and reduce known errors
• Minimise risk
• Ensure proper use of services
• Some things excluded
– Swapping failed device
– Adding new user
– Installing standard software
Knowledge management

 Vital to enabling the right information

to be provided at the right place and
the right time to the right person to
enable informed decision
 Stops data being locked away with
 Obvious organisational advantage

Data Information Knowledge Wisdom

- who, what , where? - How? - Why?

Wisdom cannot be assisted by technology

– it only comes with experience!

Service Knowledge Information

Management System is crucial to retaining
this extremely valuable information
Service Asset and

 Managing these properly is key

 Provides Logical Model of
Infrastructure and Accurate
Configuration information
 Controls assets
 Minimised costs
 Enables proper change and release
 Speeds incident and problem
Configuration Management

Asset and
KB Info Data

Release Applicati Docume

Data on Data nt
Media Library
Painting the Forth Bridge...

 A Baseline is a “last known good

 But the CMS will always be a “work in
progress” and probably always out of
date. But still worth having
 Current configuration will always be
the most recent baseline plus any
implemented approved changes
Change Management – or what we all get wrong!

• Respond to customers changing business

• Respond to business and IT requests for
change that will align the services with the
business needs
• Roles
– Change Manager
– Change Authority
• Change Advisory Board (CAB)
• Emergency CAB (ECAB)
• 80% of service interruption is caused by
operator error or poor change control
Change Types

 Normal
 Non-urgent, requires approval
 Standard
 Non-urgent, follows established path, no
approval needed
 Emergency
 Requires approval but too urgent for normal
Change Advisory Board

• Change Manager (VITAL)

• One or more of
– Customer/User
– User Manager
– Developer/Maintainer
– Expert/Consultant
– Contractor
• CAB considers the 7 Rs
to other changes
Release Management

• Release is a collection of authorised and

tested changes ready for deployment
• A rollout introduces a release into the
live environment
• Full Release
– e.g. Office 2007
• Delta (partial) release
– e.g. Windows Update
• Package
– e.g. Windows Service Pack
Phased or Big Bang?

 Phased release is less painful but

more work
 Deploy can be manual or automatic
 Automatic can be push or pull
 Release Manager will produce a
release policy
 Release MUST be tested and NOT by
the developer or the change instigator
Service Operation

 Maintenance
 Management
 Realises Strategic Objectives and is
where the Value is seen
Processes in Service Operation

 Incident Management
 Problem Management
 Event Management
 Request Fulfilment
 Access Management
Functions in Service Operation

 Service Desk
 Technical Management
 IT Operations Management
 Applications Management
Service Operation Balances

Reactive Proactive

Responsiveness Stability

Cost A QualityB

Internal External
Incident Management

• Deals with unplanned interruptions to IT

Services or reductions in their quality
• Failure of a configuration item that has not
impacted a service is also an incident (e.g.
Disk in RAID failure)
• Reported by:
– Users
– Technical Staff
– Monitoring Tools
Event Management

 3 Types of events
 Information
 Warning
 Exception
 Can we give examples?
 Need to make sense of events and
have appropriate control actions
planned and documented
Request Fulfilment

 Information, advice or a standard

 Should not be classed as Incidents or
 Can we give more examples?
Problem Management

• Aims to prevent problems and resulting

• Minimises impact of unavoidable
• Eliminates recurring incidents
• Proactive Problem Management
– Identifies areas of potential weakness
– Identifies workarounds
• Reactive Problem Management
– Indentifies underlying causes of incidents
– Identifies changes to prevent recurrence
Access Management

 Right things for right users at right

 Concepts
 Access
 Identity (Authentication, AuthN)
 Rights (Authorisation, AuthZ)
 Service Group
 Directory
Service Desk

• Local, Central or Virtual

• Examples?
• Single point of contact
• Skills for operators
– Customer Focus
– Articulate
– Interpersonal Skills (patient!)
– Understand Business
– Methodical/Analytical
– Technical knowledge
– Multi-lingual
• Service desk often seen as the bottom of the pile
– Bust most visible to customers so important to get right!
Continual Service Improvement

 Focus on Process owners and Service

 Ensures that service management
processes continue to support the
 Monitor and enhance Service Level
 Plan – do –check – act (Deming)
Service Measurement

• Technology (components, MTBF etc)

• Process (KPIs - Critical Success Factors)
• Service (End-to end, e.g. Customer
• Why?
– Validation – Soundness of decisions
– Direction – of future activities
– Justify – provide factual evidence
– Intervene – when changes or corrections are
7 Steps to Improvement
What should
Corrective What can we
action measure?

Present and
Gather data
use info

Analyse data Process data

ITIL Roles

• Process Owner
– Ensures Fit for Purpose
• Process Manager
– Monitors and Reports on Process
• Service Owner
– Accountable for Delivery
• Service Manager
– Responsible for initiation, transition and
maintenance. Lifecycle!
More Roles

 Business Relationship Manager

 Service Asset & Configuration
 Service Asset Manager
 Service Knowledge Manager
 Configuration Manager
 Configuration Analyst
 Configuration Librarian
 CMS tools administrator
Functions and Processes

• Process
– Structured set of activities designed to accomplish
a defined objective
– Inputs & Outputs
– Measurable
– e.g. ??
• Function
– Team or group of people and tools they use to
carry out one or more processes or activities
– Own practices and knowledge body
– e.g. ??
Further Learning

• Do a 3-day course
• We’re running one here 30th Mar – 1st April
• Many training companies run these courses
• ITSMF provides the full books
• Internet forums and Groups
– Linkedin Group
– FacebookGroup
– Both quite active
• Video:

• Today’s seminar is
not accredited
• 3 days gives the
foundation level
• APM Group manages
accreditation and
– BCS/ISEB is accredited
by APM

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