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MGT. Accounting & Business Environment

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Management Accounting :

Its Role in Changing Business


Prof. Nand Dhameja

Finance Function
 Every organisation has a goal & every activity &
every decision involves inputs or Finance
 Involves Flow of Funds : Inflows & Outflows

 Primary focus is on ‘Decisions’ & ‘Actions’ which

affect value of the organization
 Finance & other functions are inter-related
Finance Function
Concerned with:
 Accounting & Control :Record Keeping
 Controller

 Financial Policy Matters : Fund

 Treasurer
Finance Deptt.
Board of Director

Director, Marketing Director, Finance Director, Operations Director, HR

Treasurer Controller

Fund manager Financial Accounting

Capital expenditure manager Management accounting

Cash/receivables Manager Tax

“Efforts” “Accomplishments”
 Inputs Outputs
 Expenses Sales
 Payments Receipts
 Outflows Inflows
 A System for Collecting, Summarising,
Presenting, Analysing, Reporting, in
Monetary Terms, Information about
Business Enterprise
 Business Language =>
Grammer; Concepts;
 A System for Collecting, Summarising, Presenting,
Analysing, Reporting, in Monetary Terms,
Information about Business Enterprise
 Business Language => Communication=>
Grammar, Concepts, common accounting norms,
 Govt. Financial Rules for Govt. Deptts.
 GAAP/IFRS for Commercial
Accounting Information-Needed

 a).Score Keeping :
 Historical, GAAP, Mandatory
 b).Attention Directing
 c).Problem Solving
Financial Accounting : is concerned
Partly with (a) above;
Management Accounting serves (b) &
Accounting System

 General Financial Rules, 2005 GOI-

 Manual of Audit and Accounts

 Accounting Period : April to March

 Basis : Cash Basis

 System : Single Entry

 Funds
Accounting Emerging Role
 Book Keeping
 Financial Accounting
 Cost Accounting
 Management Accounting
 Social Accounting
 Environmental Accounting
 National Accounting
Financial Accounting vs.
Management Accounting
Financial Management
Accounting Accounting
Regulation Statutorily As per needs of
Required Management
As per GAAP
Users Interested parties, Managers within the
outside the organisation
Source of Data Summary of Accounting records
accounting records plus other sources
& books
Periodicity Annual Frequent as per needs
of management
Nature of Audited Financial Timely Reports as per
Reports Statements Management Needs
Purpose Concerned with money Concerned with money as
as ‘economic resource’
measure of ‘economic
Financial Accounting VS Management

Financial Accounting Management Accounting

Scope: Concerned with money Concerned with money as
as ‘economic resource’ measure of economic performance
Purpose: One purpose: exhibit More than one purpose- mgt. needs
financial results of enterprise

Coverage : Entire Business One activity/dept./

Requirement : Statutory Optional

Time Span : Historical; Annual Forward Looking; periodical

Governing GAAP Objectives for which inf. needed

Emphasis: Accuracy; Presentation Prompt & Analysis
Parties External Internal
Accounting Information: A Few
 Accounting Figures for a Purpose
 Different Figures for Different
 Accounting Figures are
 Accounting Evidence- A Means To An
End => Only a Partial Evidence
 People, Not Figures, Get Things
Financial Statements
Every Company Prepares:
a). Balance Sheet => Reflects Financial
Status as on a Date
b). Profit & Loss A/C => Indicates Operating
Results for a period
c). Cash flows Statement => Inflows & out flows
of Cash
 Mandatory
 Contain two years figures: Current Year &
Previous Year
 Indicate completion of Accounting Process for
the Period
 Final Product of Accounting Process
Cost Accounting

 A branch of accounting
 A process of accounting for Costs
 In broader terms covers:
 Management Accounting & Budgeting
 Financial Accounting : concerned with Costs
 Cost accounting & management accounting:
Concerned with Break-up of Costs & decision
Management Accounting: Objectives
 Ascertainment of Costs
 Accumulation of cost Elements
 Providing Cost information for decision
making, Planning & control
 Assisting managers directing & controlling
day-to-day operations
 Concerned with Money as a Measure of
Economic Performance i.e measuring
performance of activities, sub-activities
and managers
Management Accounting:

 Inventory Valuation & Pricing

 Cost control & Cost Reduction

 Decision Making
Management Accounting:
Financial & Non-financial
 Management accounting is concerned with
internal operations & business operations: both
financial & non-financial aspects
 So concerned with
 Financial perspective : Profitability

 Internal Perspective : Defect Rate, Lead Time, No. of

Suppliers, Material Turnover
 Customer Perspective: satisfaction, retention, new
customers, market share
 Innovation Perspective: Employee Satisfaction &
Retention, No. of New Products, No. of Patents
 Balance Score Card
Management Accountant :Position in
the Organisation

 Management Accountant Designation

CFO, or Controller or Comptroller
 Staff position vs. Line Position

 Deployed in Central Office as well as

Different Organisation units
Management Accounting:
Emerging Themes
 Information needs : decision making &
attention direcion
 Behavioural Issues: Team work &
motivational aspects
 Costs & Benefits
 Emerging E-commerce : business linkages -
supply-chain management
 Global Completion & emerging new
businesses – Service and manufacturing
Management Accounting:
Emerging Themes contd.
 With Technological changes, product life cycle
is becoming shorter, management function is
shrinking in time involved e.g. JIT, perpetual
inventory control, real time costing
 Shift from ‘historical cost perspective’ to wards
‘proactive cost management perspective’
 To measure cost of various activities
 To eliminate non-value added costs
 To detemine efficiency & effectiveness of major
 To identify new activities with better results
Management Accounting:
Emerging Themes contd.
 Emphasis of cost management on
organisation’s activities
 To have ‘activity-base costing’ (ABC)
 Linkage between activities and costs
 Emphasis on activities creating values- value
chain system: e.g..
 GAP i.e. retail clothier: Securing RM, R & D, Product
design, production, packing, distribution & sales
 Car manufacturer : demand creation, R & D, Deciding
of market segment, Securing RM, Product design,
Production, Distribution & Sales
Cost: Meaning

 Cost refers to Sacrifice or

 Cost involves Exchange Process
 Relates to a Purpose or Activity or
 Measured in Monetary Terms
Cost measured in monetary terms:
 Actual Cost- Cost Incurred –A Historical Cost
 Budgeted Cost – or forecasted cost
Cost Accumulation & Cost Object
 Cost Accumulation is the Collection of Cost Data in
a systematic way – for a purpose –Cost Object
 Cost Objects : Illustrations
Paper cost : Magazine, A particular issue, A Publishing
House, Macro-level use
Supervision : Magazine Issue, Publication Dept.,
Publishing House
Rent of Premises:Magazine Issue, Publication Dept.
Canteen Expenses : for a batch of production,
Production Dept., Enterprise
Training Expenses : for a batch of production, training
division. HR Dept., Enterprise
Cost Accounting : Principles

 Costs should be Related as closely as possible to their

 Profit appropriations are excluded from costs

 Abnormal Costs are excluded from costs

 Past costs are not charged to future period. Past

costs are those from which no benefit is expected
 A Cost is not charged until it is incurred

 Measuring Costs requires Judgement

 Greater the proportion of prime costs in cost

structure, more confident are managers about cost
Cost Accounting

Cost Elements:
 Material

 Labour

 Other Expenses

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