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Canal Outlets

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Canal Outlets

• The success of any irrigation system depends on the efficiency of distributing

sufficient supply of water to the irrigator.
• Each irrigator has to receive certain quantity of water proportionate to his
extent in a canal system at the proper time to ensure him a good crop.
• This distribution of water is carried out by means of outlets also called modules.
• Proper design of an outlet, is of most importance not only to the canal engineer
but to the irrigator also.
• An outlet is a small hydraulic structure constructed at the head of water
course which divert water from the distributary to water course. Outlet is a
connection between state owned channel and farmer owned property. OR
• A canal outlet is a small head regulatory hydraulic structure constructed at the
head of water course which divert water from the distributary to water course.
Canal Outlets
Outlets are large in number as compared to other irrigation structures in an
irrigation system and hence their design and type has more importance of
the equitable distribution of water. Therefore proper design of outlet is of
utmost importance.
For the efficient working an outlet should fulfil the following requirements.
• It should be simple in design, construction and working
• It should be strong so that farmer can not tamper with its functioning.
• If tampered by farmers can be easily detected.
• It should draw its fair share of sediment carried by channel.
• Simple design so that it can be fabricated by local masons or technicians.
• The out let should draw proportionately more or less discharge with the varying
supply in the distribution channel
Canal Outlets
Diagram of an outlet

Outlet discharge = q
Full supply depth in parent channel
Discharge of canal = Q
Hs = distance between canal FSL
and lowest point of the roof block
Width of throat = Bt
Depth of water above crest u/s = G
Flexibility = F
Min. Modular Head = Hm (Working head)
•  Criteria of performance for various outlets

The ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an outlet (dQ0/Q0) to the rate
of change of discharge in the distributary channel (dq/q) is termed
Flexibility. Thus, F =

Where F is the flexibility; q is the discharge through the outlet and Q is the
discharge of the distributary or canal. For the field channel q = KHm ; where
K is constant; m is outlet index; H is the head at outlet. K and m depend on
the type of outlet.
Now dq = mKHm-1dH ; = = m (i)

Similarly for the parent channel

•  Similarly for parent channel Q = CD n
; where C is constant n is canal index D is the
depth of water in canal.

Now dQ = nCDn-1dD ; = = n (ii) Dividing (i) and (ii) F = = =

Since any change in the water depth results in an equal change in the head causing
flow, then dH = dD. Thus the expression for flexibility become F =

Proportionality: In a proportional outlet the rate of change of its discharge is equal

to the rate of change of the discharge of the distributing channel . Thus in
proportional outlet F = 1 ,then . The ratio of H/D is known as setting.

Thus setting is defined as the ratio of the depth of sill or the crest level of the
module below the full supply of the distributing channel to the full supply depth of
the distributing channel. Thus Setting =
•  Inthecase of proportionate outlet setting equal to the ratio of outlet index to
channel index i.e. setting =
 For a channel of trapezoidal shape Q α D5/3 so n= 5/3; similarly for orifice
type outlet q α H1/2
Then setting = = = 0.3. Hence the pipe out let to be proportional, the outlet
is set at 0.3 times the depth below the water surface
• Hyper Proportional Outlet: A hyper proportional outlet is the one in which
the flexibility is greater than one i.e. the discharge in the outlet changes by a
larger percentage than the percentage in the discharge of the distributing
channel. Thus, for a hyper proportional outlet F > 1.
• 1 or if the setting is higher than required for proportionality then it will
be hyper proportional.
••  Sub Proportional Outlet : A sub proportional outlet is the one in which the
flexibility is less than one i.e. the discharge in the outlet changes by a smaller
percentage than the percentage change in the discharge of the distributing
channel. Thus, for a sub proportional outlet F< 1.
• 1 or if the setting is lower than required for proportionality then it will
be sub proportional.
• Sensitivity: it is defined as the ratio of the rate of change of discharge of an
outlet to the rate of change in the level of the distributing surface, referred
to normal depth of the channel. Thus
• S = (i)
• where S is the sensitivity of the outlet;
• q = Discharge through the outlet ;
•   Dq = Change in the discharge of the outlet ;
G = Gauge reading, so set that G = 0 when q = 0 ;
D = depth of water in the distributing channel;
dG = dD
• S = where = (ii). Comparing eq(i) and (ii) S = nF. It means that the sensitivity of a
rigid module is zero.
• Efficiency: Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the head recovered to the head put in.
Less is the working head required for functioning of the outlet, more will be its
• Drowning Ratio: It is the ratio between the depths of water level over crest on the
downstream and upstream of the module.
• Minimum Modular head: The minimum modular head or loss is the minimum loss of
head or the differences between the upstream and downstream water levels which is
essential to maintained to enable the module to pass its design discharge.
• Modular Limits and Range: The modular limits of an outlet are the upper
and lower limits of any one or more factors beyond which an outlet is
incapable of acting as a module or semi module. Modular range is the
range between the modular limits. It is the range of various factors which
a module or semi module works as designed.
• Adjustability: The adjustment of module may range from complete
reconstruction to the provision of some mechanical arrangement
by which readjustment can be made at little cost. Readjustments are
required in view of the revision of areas under command and because
of change conditions in the distributary.

• Immunity from Tempering: There is tendency on the parts of cultivators

/farmers to draw more than their lawful share of water from
outlet by tampering. Therefore the outlets must be tamper proof.
Types of Canal Outlets
Canal outlets are of the following three types:

(i) Non-modular outlets,

(ii) Semi-modular outlets, and

(iii) Modular outlets.

Non-modular outlets are those whose discharge capacity depends on the

difference of water levels in the distributary and the watercourse. The

discharge through non-modular outlets fluctuates over a wide range with

variations in the water levels of either the distributary or the watercourse.

Such an outlet is controlled by a shutter at its upstream end. Non-modular

outlets are suitable for low head conditions. Examples of non modular

outlets are submerged pipe outlets, masonry sluice and orifice etc.
Non Modular Outlets
•• One
  of the example of non modular outlet is pipe outlet. The diameter of pipe varies
from 10 to 30 cm and are laid on a Concrete foundation to prevent uneven
Settlement and leakage. They are generally Fixed horizontally at an angle to the
direction of flow. The head loss H through the outlet is given by

H = (Entry loss+ Friction loss + Velocity head at the exit

• H where
• => V= √[(2gH)
• )0.5
•Q= CA )0.5 where C =

Where C is coefficient of discharge; V flow velocity (m/s)

f friction factor (0.005 for clean iron pipe & 0.01 for slightly encrusted iron pipes

A is cross section area (m2); d is the pipe diameter (m) and L is the pipe length (m)
Non Modular Outlets
••The discharge through the outlet is given as where k = coefficient of discharge
= 6 for submerged case.

• The discharge of an outlet can be increased by digging the head of

watercourse and by lowering the water level in it. This will increase the head

H and therefore the discharge will be increased.

Types of Canal Outlets (semi modular)
(ii) semi-modular outlet (or semi-module or flexible outlet) : In such type of
outlet the discharge is depends only on the water level in the distributary and
is unaffected by the water level in the watercourse. A semi-module is more
suitable for achieving equitable distribution of water at all outlets of a
Example of such outlets are pipe cum open flume, Kennedy's gauge outlet
Crump’s Open flume outlet and Orifice semi modules.

Minimum modular head is 0.22 H o, where Ho is the depth of water over the
center of the orifice.

The water discharges at atmospheric pressure from bell mouth orifice into
the truncated cone. The water is led further through cast iron expansion
pipe to a concrete pipe and from there to the water course.
Types of Canal Outlets
Discharge through this module can be found out as following:

√2 𝑔 𝐻 𝑜
a = Cross section area at the throat ;Ho is mentioned in the figure

Crump’s Open Flume Outlets

• This is a smooth weir with a throat constricted sufficiently long to ensure
that the controlling section remains within the parallel throat for all
discharges up to the maximum
• Since a hydraulic jump forms at the control section, the water level of the
watercourse does not affect the discharge through this type of outlet.
Types of Canal Outlets
This type of structure is built in masonry, but the controlling section
is generally provided with cast iron or steel bed and check plates.

The discharge formula for the Crump’s open flume outlet is given

Q = C Bt H3/2

Where Where: Q is discharge, C is flume constant depends on B t

(width of the throat) H is the height of full supply level of the

channel above the crest level of the outlet in meters.
Types of Canal Outlets
(iii) Modular outlets or Rigid Module:
A rigid module is one which maintain constant discharge within limits ,
irrespective of the fluctuations in the water levels in the distributing channel
and /or watercourse. These outlets may or may not have moving parts. In
the latter case, these are called rigid modules. Modular outlets with moving
parts are not simple to design and construct and are, hence, expensive.
Example of such outlet is Gibb’s rigid module.
Selection of Type of Outlet
• A module (Modular) or semi-module with a constant coefficient of discharge is the best

selection if the discharge and the water levels are constant in the distributary and

necessary working head is available. But the problem is become more complex when both the

discharge and level are likely to change.

• The following points should be remember

• For a temporary discharge variation, a proportional semi module is desirable to

distribute both excess or deficiency in the parent channel.

• Seasonal variation in the slope require the use of outlets of low flexibility, i.e., sub-

• For channels running with full supply for a certain period and remaining closed for some

other period i.e. rotational running it is desirable to have hyper proportional or high flexibility

outlets in the head reaches.

• In general rigid modules are desirable in the following circumstances.
• Direct outlets on a branch canal subject to variation in supply In channels which sometimes

carry extra discharge for specific reasons like leaching.

Adjustable Proportional Module (APM)
• In this type of outlet, a cast iron base, a cast iron roof block and check plates
on either side are used to adjust the flow and is set in a masonry structure
• This outlet works as a semi-module since it does not depend upon the level of
water in the watercourse. The roof block is fixed to the check plates by bolts
which can be removed and depth of the outlet adjusted after the
masonry is dismantled. This type of outlet cannot be easily tampered with and
at the same time be conveniently adjusted at a small cost.
• The APM is the best type of outlet if the required working head is
available and is the most economical in adjustment either by raising or
lowering the roof block or crest.
• It is generally costlier than the other types of outlets and also requires more
working head.

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