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Introduction To Psychology: by Rabia Umar MS Clinical Psychology

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Introduction to Psychology

By Rabia Umar
MS Clinical Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and

mental processes.
The field is scientific in terms that psychologists
approach their studies in an orderly and systematic
way in order to obtain objective evidence.
Primary goals of psychology
Primary goals of psychology are to
Describe behavior (What happened?)
Understand and explain behavior (Why did she do
Predict behavior (What would happen if she did
Control behavior (What can she do next time to have
a different outcome?)
Psychology’s Rich History
Several schools of thought have helped to shape the field
of psychology into what it is today. These include
Gestalt psychology
Humanistic psychology
Cognitive psychology
In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first
“psychological” laboratory in Germany. He is widely
viewed as the founder of psychology.
He attempted to uncover the
structure of consciousness by
breaking down mental
processes into their most basic
components( quality,
 intensity, duration, clearness).
This was done through a
process called introspection ( , self
reports of sensations, views,
feelings, emotions, etc).
Wundt‟s approach became
known as structuralism.
William James argued that consciousness
cannot be broken down into elements.
He was concerned with ongoing
conscious experience and the
functions of mental processes.
(utility and purpose of
behavior that has been modified
over years of human existence
(Darwinian theory).
His views gave rise to
another branch of
Behaviourists held the view that only overt
behaviour can be studied scientifically.

They advocated the use of strict

experimental procedures in
Supported by B. F.
Skinner, Ivan Pavlov and
John B. Watson

John B. Watson
Gestalt psychology
Gestalt psychology –founded by Max Wertheimer
Focused on studying mental
processes and behaviours as a "whole"
rather than trying to separate them
into discrete functions or parts.
Held the view that “the whole
is greater than the sum of its
Law of Perceptual
Organization and the law of
While other theorists tried to explain varying
aspects of conscious experience, Sigmund Freud
argued for the role of unconscious and other
internal processes in human behavior and mental
His work formed the foundation
of psychoanalytic theory.
Humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychologists argued that humans are
not helplessly controlled by unconscious or
environmental forces –we have free will, goals,
aspirations, and other positive
motives which
should be studied.

Influenced by Carl Rogers.

Cognitive psychology
Studies how we process information through
-perception, attention, language, memory and
How they influence thoughts, feelings, behaviors
and ability to operate in world.
Past experiences make the
difference between individual’s
perception and another’s
-Can you give me an example
to illustrate this?
How does psychology differ from other fields?
 The field of psychology is similar to other sciences by
means of using similar methods when conducting
research, such as empirical studies and
the scientific method.
 However, psychology differs from other sciences
because psychologists focus on mental processes and
Psychology and Physical Sciences
Physical sciences investigate the nature of physical
stimuli apart from their relation to an individual. But
psychology studies the nature of the interaction
between an individual with physical stimuli.
Fields/areas within psychology
Where Psychologists work

Business and


Colleges and
research settings

Hospitals clinics
and human
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychologists make up the single largest
specialty area in psychology. Clinicians are
psychologists who assess, diagnose and treat mental
illnesses. They frequently work in mental health
centers, private or group practices or hospitals.
Clinical psychologists usually perform a broad range
of tasks on a daily basis such as interviewing patients,
conducting assessments, giving diagnostic tests and
performing psychotherapy.
Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychologists make up another large
specialty area in psychology. These professionals
perform many of the same tasks that clinical
psychologists do, but counseling psychologists tend to
work with clients suffering from less severe forms of
mental illness.
Counseling psychology focuses on providing
therapeutic treatments to clients who experience
emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-
related, developmental and organizational concerns.
Experimental Psychology
Experimental psychologists (or research
psychologists) conduct research on the behavior of
humans and animals. They often work at universities,
private research centers, government agencies, and
nonprofit organizations. Some major areas of research
include substance abuse, genetics, neuroscience,
motivation, and cognitive processes.
Forensic Psychology
Forensic psychology is a branch
of psychology which relates to the law. The main part
of forensic psychology is working with the criminal
justice system. Forensic psychology is the use
of psychological practices and principles and
applying them
Forensic psychologists will often conduct their own
research and may study criminals and their crimes to
figure out what traits certain types of criminals have,
which may involve interviewing criminals along with
their loved ones and victims. to the legal system.
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Industrial-organizational psychology focuses on
workplace behavior and is one of the fastest-growing
specialty areas in psychology. Industrial and
organizational psychologists tries to understand and
measure human behavior to improve employees'
satisfaction in their work, employers' ability to select
and promote the best people, and to generally make
the workplace better for the men and women who
work there."
School Psychology
School psychologists work within the educational system
to help children with emotional, social and academic
The goal of school psychology is to collaborate with
parents, teachers, and students to promote a healthy
learning environment that focuses on the needs of
 School psychologists work with individual students and
groups of students to deal with behavioral problems,
academic difficulties and other issues. They also work
with teachers and parents to develop techniques to deal
with home and classroom behavior. 
Social Psychology
Social psychologists studies human behavior within a
social context.
Their main focus is to determine how people's
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the
actual, imagined or implied presence of others.
These professionals often work in areas such as market
research, organizational management and other
applied areas.
Methods of psychology
Case History
 Case history is an in-depth study of single person.
 In a case study, nearly every aspect of the subject’s life and
history is analyzed to seek patterns and causes for behavior.
 Case studies can be compared and contrasted to further
analyze the data, however the focus is always to analyze the
behaviors, feelings, thoughts, etc. of one person.
 Case studies were developed from the idea of single cases
being tried in a court of law. Sigmund Freud was the first in
his field to use case studies to learn more about his patients.
 Unfortunately, case studies tend to be highly subjective and
it is difficult to generalize results on larger population.
Naturalistic observation
 Naturalistic observation is a method of observation
commonly used by psychologists and social scientists.
 It involves observation of subjects in their natural
 Researchers take great care in avoiding interferences
with the behavior they are observing.
 It is objective study of events as they occur naturally
without intervention.
Survey method
 Survey is a method of scientific investigation in which
a large sample of people answer questions about their
attitude or behavior.
 Standardized surveys provide data with little to no
errors. They are cost effective and efficient as a large
group of people can be surveyed in a short period of
Experimental method
 Experimental method involves manipulating one
variable to determine if changes in one variable cause
changes in another variable.
 This method relies on controlled methods and
manipulation of variables to test the hypothesis.
 An experiment is a study of cause and effect and it is
different from non-experimental methods in a way that
it involves purposeful manipulation of one variable ,
while trying to keep all other variables constants.
 The cause and effect of a particular problem can be
studied through an experiment
Parts of simple experiment
Independent variable: is the variable that is controlled
and manipulated by the experimenter.
Dependent variable: is the variable that is measured by
the experimenter.
Experimental group: is a test sample or the group that
receives an experimental procedure. This group is
exposed to changes in the independent variable being
Control group is a group separated from the rest of
the experiment such that the independent variable
being tested cannot influence the results.

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