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Directness in Good News and Neutral Situations

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chapter six

Directness in Good News

and Neutral Situations

McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

 Preliminary assessment
 A general direct plan
 Applications of the general plan to
– Routine inquiries
– Favorable responses
– Adjustment grants
– Order acknowledgments
– Claims
– Operational Messages
A General Guideline for
Organizing Messages
 Short messages usually are written in the
direct order.
 Long messages may require indirect order.
Preliminary Assessment

 Determine the reader’s probable reaction –

positive, neutral, negative
– If positive or neutral, directness usually
– If negative, indirectness usually recommended
The General Indirect Plan

 Start with the objective.

 Include any necessary identification
 Cover the remainder of the objective.
 End with goodwill.
Preliminary Considerations in Writing
Routine Inquiries
 You are asking for something your reader is
likely to grant.
 Thus, a direct approach is justified.
Directness for Routine Inquiries
The message plan:
Opening  Begin directly with the objective.

Either ask a specific question or
– make a general request for the information.
 Include any necessary explanation--wherever it fits (as a
Body separate part of the message or worked in with the
 If a number of questions are involved, give them structure.
– May number them.
– Make them stand out.
 End with goodwill words--something appropriate that fits
the one case.

Routine InquiryBad Example
Dear Mr. Crifasi:
As you will recall, you recently returned merchandise to us. We at Hobsons
sincerely hope that this transaction was satisfactory. In fact, we are in the
process of making changes which will insure that such transactions are
favorably handled. Thus, we would like the answers for some questions about
your experiences returning merchandise to us.
We’d like to know whether you were served promptly and courteously and
whether the adjustment was satisfactory and in accordance with your wishes.
Also, we’d like to know whether the salesperson offered assistance to you in
selecting other merchandise.
You may just write your comments on this letter and return it in the enclosed
addressed and stamped envelope. Thanking you in advance for your
cooperation, I remain,
Routine Inquiry--Good Example
Dear Mr. Crifasi:
Will you please help us to serve you better by answering the following
When you returned merchandise at our store recently:
1. Were you served promptly and courteously?
2. Was the adjustment satisfactory and in accordance with your wishes?
3. Did the salesperson offer to assist you in selecting other merchandise?
Please write your answers--and any other comments you may wish to make
about the service of this store and any other Hobson store--on this letter.
Then return it in the enclosed stamped and addressed envelope.
We shall be most grateful for your help.
Another good example
Jessica Brown <>

Itemized statement for July

Dear Ms. Brown:

Will you please send me an itemized statement covering my account for July.
According to my invoice file, the amount owed should be $2,374.27. Your statement shows
$2,833.74 owed. Perhaps you did not record the $427.17 of merchandise returned on
invoice no. 3211C late last week. But even this possible error does not explain all of the

I shall appreciate your usual promptness in clearing up this matter.

Jane Adami, President
Two Sisters Antiques
Preliminary Considerations in Writing a
Favorable Response
 You are complying with the reader’s request.
 The news is good.
 Thus, directness is justified.
Directness for a
Favorable Response
The message plan:
Opening  Begin with the answer or state you are complying with
the request.
 Identify the message being answered--incidentally in
the beginning or in a subject line.
Body  Continue to give what is wanted in an orderly
 If negative information is involved, give it proper
emphasis. Consider including extras.
Closing  End with friendly, adapted words.
Indirect Approach and Grudging Tone
Produce Negative Effect (1 of 2)
Dear Sir:
We are in receipt of your favor of April 12 in which you
request that we furnish you a copy of our current Baton
Rouge directory with certain notations and emendations. In
reply I wish to assure you that we are very much interested in
your proposed online directory of Louisiana manufacturers
and believe it is a project which should be supported by
Louisiana industry in every possible way.
In order to ascertain whether or not a particular manufacturer
listed in our directory is a producer or is only the sales agent
for goods manufactured outside the State, it will be obviously
necessary for us to put a responsible and capable clerk on
Indirect Approach and Grudging Tone
Produce Negative Effect (2 of 2)
the assignment to contact by telephone each manufacturer
listed and to request information direct as to his
classification and the nature of his operations. We are quite
willing to do this, despite our own manpower shortage, in
order to further your project, and in fact we have already
selected the man and assigned his duties to him. He will
start to work at an early date, and we will notify you in due
course as to his progress.
Assuming you of our continued interest, and trusting that
you will not hesitate to call on us in the future at any time we
may be of service to you in any way, we are
Direct Response – Good Example

Manufacturers’ Directory Assistance

Mr. Andrews:
Yes, we’ll gladly help with your manufacturers’ directory, just as you have asked in your
April 12 message.

To get the names and classifications up to the “directory” exactness, Mr. Joseph
McLaughlin, of our own directory staff, has already started a by-name check of each listed
industry. He will label carefully the exact goods produced or processed; and he will mark
the sales agents as such. You can expect his report by the 20th, I’m sure.

Your completed online directory will certainly help Louisiana industry get a measure of itself
and will help to “sell” Louisiana as a ripe field for many types of new enterprises. It’s a fine
job you are taking on. We’ll be glad to see the finished product.
Lisa Miller
Preliminary Considerations in Writing an
Adjustment Grant
 The news is good.
 Something bad has happened, and you are
correcting it.
 But even though the main message is good
news, you have the need to regain lost
Directness for an
Adjustment Grant
The message plan:

Opening  Begin directly--with the good news.

 Incidentally identify the message you are
Body  Avoid negatives that recall the situation being
 Regain lost confidence through explanation or
corrective action.
Closing  End with friendly positive words.
Adjustment Grant – Good Example
Katie McPhee

Full credit for suit from Consort

Ms. McPhee:
Crediting your account for $321.40 is Consort’s way of assuring you that your satisfaction is
very important to us.
Because we sincerely want to please, we thoroughly examined the suit you returned to
us. Our investigation showed that the likely cause of the fading was accidental contact
with some form of chemical. We couldn’t determine precisely what the chemical was
or just how contact was made. But we suspect a liquid spill sometime after packaging,
either in our warehouse or during shipment. Such unexpected happenings will occur
in spite of our best precautions. Anyway, we were relieved to know that Consort’s
reputation for quality fabrics and craftsmanship remains good.
We want you to know that we sincerely desire to serve you. And we look forward to
serving you with high-quality Consort suits in the years ahead.
Albert T. Hamm, Manager
Consumer Relations
Preliminary Considerations in Writing an
Order Acknowledgment
 You have received an order.
 Now you must report the status of the order.
 The situation is good news--routine in
 Thus, directness is justified.
Directness for an Order
The message plan:

Opening  Give the status of order.

 Include some goodwill—acknowledging incidentally,
reselling, sales talk, or such.
Body  Include a “thank you.”
 If there is a problem (vague order, back order)--
– Some businesses report frankly, assuming some
problems are expected.
– Others prefer to use tactful approach to get needed
information on vague orders, or report back orders.
 Close with adapted, friendly words.
Good Example of an Order
Acknowledgment Involving a Delay
Krystal Benko

Trevor Hardware Order Confirmation

Mr. Cotton:
By the time you receive this letter, you should have received the assorted pipe you ordered
July 15. As you requested we shipped it by Zephyr Freight, and we will bill you on the first.

As you may know, the J-4 Kotter Pipe Joint Clamps have been a very popular item
recently. We have marked these clamps for rush shipment to you just as soon as our
supplies are replenished. Our plant foreman tells me that his people are working overtime
to catch up. He promises that we will have the clamps on the way to you no later than
August 12.

Thank you for giving us another opportunity to serve you with quality Kotter products.
Krystal Benko
Office Manager
Preliminary Considerations in
Making a Claim
 A product or service has given you a problem.
– You are in the right.
– Probably the offending company will want to
correct the matter.
– You want to make a strong claim.
 These three facts of the case support
Directness in
Making a Claim
The message plan:
Opening  Begin directly. Tell what is wrong.
 Include all necessary facts in the text or in a
subject line.
Body  Explain the facts—enough to permit a decision.
 Seek corrective action, either by
– stating what you want, or
– letting the reader decide what to do.

 End positively—on a friendly but firm note.

Directness and Courtesy in a Good Claim
Alison Ott

Wrong billing of shipment under Invoice X13771

Ms. Ott:
From your invoice of August 7, I see that you have sent my gifts C.O.D. I need your
friendly help in restoring face.
Please refer to my original order of July 31 (copy attached) to see that the Madam Butterfly
jewel box for Ms. Mary Ellen Bannister and the Piper smoking jacket for Mr. Collis Bannister
were clearly specified for prepaid shipment. You were to include the bill for these items in
the C.O.D. shipment of the Black Diamond desk sent to me.
Please correct this embarrassing error right away. I ask that you write each of the
recipients of my gifts, refunding their money and explaining what happened. Then send
copies of your letters and the total bill to me.
You have my grateful thanks for putting me back in the good graces of the Bannisters.

Helen Toohey
Operational Communications

 The internal communications needed in a

company’s work
– They range widely in formality.
– Most are informal – written directly with
courteous frankness.
– The few formal ones generally follow the pattern
of other formal messages.
“You have to expect things of yourself before
you can do them.”
--Michael Jordan

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