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10 DOH-Approved Halamang Gam

And Their
Indications, Uses and Preparation
Scientific Name: Blumea Balsamifera
English name: "Ngai camphor or Blumea
camphor" is a Philippine herbal medicine used
to treat kidney stones, wounds and cuts,
rheumatism, anti-diarrhea, anti spasms, colds
and coughs and hypertension
Scientific Name: Cassia alata
a medicinal plant called "ringworm bush or
shrub" and "acapulco" in English, this Philippine
herbal medicine is used to treat tinea infections,
insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and
Scientific Name: Quisqualis indica L.
is a vine known as "Chinese honeysuckle". This
Philippine herbal medicine is used to eliminate
intestinal parasites.
Tsaang Gubat
Scientific Name: Carmona retusa
English :"Wild tea" is a Philippine herbal
medicine taken as tea to treat skin allergies
including eczema, scabies and itchiness
wounds in childbirth; and diarrhea and
abdominal pain.
Scientific Name: Momordica Charantia
common names include "bitter melon " or "bitter
gourd " in English. This Philippine herbal
medicine has been found to be effective in the
treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus),
hemorrhoids, coughs, burns and scalds, and
being studied for anti-cancer properties.
Scientific Name: Vitex Negundo
known as "5-leaved chaste tree" in english is
used in Philippine herbal medicine to treat
cough, colds and fever. It is also used as a relief
for asthma & pharyngitis, rheumatism,
dyspepsia, boils, and diarrhea.
Ulasimang Bato/ Pansit-p
Scientific Name: Peperomia pellucida

is a Philippine herbal medicine known for its

effectivity in treating arthritis and gout.
Scientific Name: Allium sativum
common name in english is "Garlic". Bawang is
a used in Philippine herbal medicine to treat
infection with antibacterial, anti inflammatory,
anti-cancer and anti-hypertensive properties. It
is widely used to reduce cholesterol level in
Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
"Guava" in English. A Philippine herbal
medicine used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective,
anti-allergy, antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-
cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic in
folkloric medicine.
Yerba Buena
Scientific Name: Mentha cordifelia
commonly known as Peppermint, is used in
Philippine herbal medicine as analgesic to
relieve body aches and pain due to rheumatism
and gout. It is also used to treat coughs, colds
and insect bites.
Indication and Preparation
• Types Of Herbal Medicine
Medicinal plants can be used by anyone, for example as pa
rt of a salad, an herbal tea or supplement. Many herbalists,
both professional and amateur, often grow or wildcraft their
own herbs. Making your own herbal medicine preparation is
not only fun, but can be cost-effective. In using the above m
entioned herbal medicines, some may require some degree
of skill, you have to use your own judgement if you decide t
o use one. Below is a list of general ways on how to prepar
e your own herbal medicine. The list is not all inclusive and
you have to see individual articles for the herb you use so t
hat you will know how to prepare them.
Indication and Preparation
• Herbal Teas
There are two methods of making herbal teas, infusion and
decoction. Infusion is steeping lighter parts of the plant (lea
ves, flowers, light stems) in boiled water for several minutes
. Decoction is boiling tougher parts, such as roots or bark fo
r a longer period of time. Herbal teas are often used as a h
ome remedy, and as an alternative to tea and coffee.
As a general rule unless recommended by a herbalist, Prep
are 1 teaspoon of dried herb for every 1 cup of water. Let it
steep in boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes. Strain the herbs
out and drink 3 to 4 times a day.
Indication and Preparation
• Herbal Tinctures
Steeping a medicinal plant in alcohol extracts the alcohol-s
oluble principles into a liquid form that can be stored for lon
g periods. Herbalists may mix several herbal tinctures to for
m an individualized prescription for each patient. Plant tinct
ures are also the basis for many homeopathic medicines.
• To prepare your herbal tincture you will need:
• 8 ounces of finely cut dried herbs
• 1 large glass jar that can hold 4 cups of liquid
• 2 cups of vodka
Indication and Preparation
• Instructions:
– Put the dried herb into a large, glass jar and pour in equal amou
nt of liquid, making sure the herbs are completely covered (this i
s very important). Store the jar in a cool, dark place for at least t
wo weeks, preferably 4. Make sure to shake the mixture every d
ay. When ready to use, filter the mixture using a cheesecloth bag
, coffee filter, or fine cloth, capturing the tincture liquid below in a
nother container. Store the tincture in clean, dark glass container
s, out of the sun. If stored properly the tincture will be preserved
for two or more years. Vinegar tinctures should be refrigerated.
– Note: A drop of tincture is equal to 1 tsp of herb juice.
– For Vinegar Tinctures, use 1 ounce of herb per 5 ounces of vine
Indication and Preparation
• Fluid Extracts
Fluid extracts are stronger than herbal tinctures, a
nd can be made with alcohol or glycerin.
• Herbal Poultices
Poultices are a solid, vegetable fat based mixture
used externally. They have the shortest life span of
any herbal remedy and must be made fresh for ev
ery use.
Indication and Preparation
• Powdered Herbs And Tablets
Herbs that are dried and (sometimes) certain parts are sep
arated out then diced to powder fine consistency. Powered
matter can then be compressed or put in an empty pill coati
ng to form a tablet.

• Herbal Creams And Ointments

An ointment usually is mixed with beeswax (or something si
milar) to make it more applicable to outside the body, such
as on a cut or scrape.
Indication and Preparation
• Essential Oils
Extraction of volatile liquid plant materials and other aromat
ic compounds from plants gives essential oils. These plant
oils may be used internally in some forms of herbal medicin
e as well as in aromatherapy and generally for their perfum
e, although their medicinal use as a natural treatment (alter
native medicine) has proved highly efficacious in the treatm
ent of headache and muscle pain, joint pain and certain ski
n diseases.
Indication and Preparation
• Herbal Supplements
Herbal supplements tend to be commercial products in tabl
et or capsule form manufactured and marketed by the healt
h food industry for sale in retail outlets to the general public,
although there are some types that are sold only to healthc
are practitioners for prescription. Herbal supplements are of
ten standardized to contain stated levels of active phytoche
micals. Some herbalists may not agree with the standardiza
tion of active ingredients, preferring instead to use the whol
e plant.
• 10 DOH Approved Herbal Medicine by
Paolo Zabat, Professor at Centro Escolar
University, St. Augustine School of Nursing
– España, https://
roved-herbal-medicine-pm-zabat. Accesse
d on September 18
, 2019.

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