Ia1 GG 2020
Ia1 GG 2020
Ia1 GG 2020
• PAS 20, paragraph 3,
• “assistance by government in the form of transfer of resources to
an entity in return for part or future compliance with certain
conditions relating to the operating activities of the entity”.
• subsidy, subvention or premium
• To qualify as a government grant (either monetary or nonmonetary),
• a prerequisite that the grant shall be provided by the government
to an entity in return for past or future compliance with
conditions relating to the operating activities of the entity.
Recognition and Measurement
• Government grant, including nonmonetary grant at fair value
shall be recognized when there is reasonable assurance that:
1. The entity will comply with the conditions attaching to the
2. The grant will be received.
Presentation of Government Grant
• Government grant related to asset, including nonmonetary
grant at fair value, shall be presented in the statement of
financial position in either of two ways:
• By setting the grant as deferred income
• By deducting the grant in arriving at the carrying amount of
the asset