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Smartplant 3D Structure Task: Process, Power and Marine Division

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Process, Power and Marine Division

SmartPlant 3D Structure Task

Member System
• Member System is a sequential set of
member parts that share a common axis. It
is the design parent of other entities like the
Member Part, frame connections and split

• The Frame connection is a positional

constraint mechanism that helps the user to
position and optionally orient the member
system to the supporting member system

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Member System
• At placement of a linear Member System, the user gives the
cross-section definition and the two end points of the axis. For
each end, there is a Frame Connection which defines what
relationships exist between the system axis and other members
that are supporting.

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Member System
 Prismatic Part (Member Part)
• Single-solid entities geometrically described as a surface of
projection. The axis of a member part is a portion of the system
Prismatic Parts will be created by a
projection of a cross section definition
stored in a parametric symbol file.
System uses these symbol file to generate
the member objects based on reference data
stored in the catalog.


Symbol 2D Utility

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Structural Shapes
Section table
– Support for standard
types of shapes or user-
– Holes and Multi-Region
shapes supported
– Can also be re-used for
2D drawing symbols
– SmartSketch based
Symbol2D editor makes
section creation easy!

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• Member System & Member Parts
– Name Rule
– Parent System
– Type Category
– Type
– Priority
– Continuity
– Continuity Priority Number
• Cross section
– Section Standard - AISC-LRFD-3.0
– Section Type - Wide Flange (W)
– Section Name - W10x22
– Material – Carbon Steel
– Grade - A36
– Angle
– Cardinal Point

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Member System
 Display on endpoints based on
active coordinate system (ACS)

 No Section Table Limit

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 Type Categories
– Hierarchical code-listed values
– Parent “category” values defined by INGR
– Child “type” values user-defined
– Useful for:
• Attribute filters for query, reports, drawings
• Name rules
• Connection rules

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Type Categories
 Beam (parent)  Brace
– Beam (child) – Brace
– Girder – Horizontal Brace
– Joist – Vertical Brace
– Girt – Knee Brace
– Purlin – Sag Rod

 Column  Truss Element

– Top Chord
– Column
– Bottom Chord
– Stud
– Middle Chord
 Cable
– Cable
– Wire

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Place Linear Member System Command
The Place Linear Member System command activates the smart steps
ribbon bar that provides access to standard cross section items that
have been defined in the Reference Data.

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Cross section lookup

Looks across all section tables
• Wild card look up for sections (e.g. W10*)
• Used in Property pages
• Lists Section type (e.g. *12*)

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Place Linear Member System Command


Activates the Properties dialog box.
You can use this dialog box to
specify additional properties, such
as naming rule, material, or other
properties which you cannot set on
the ribbon bar.

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Place Linear Member System Command

Start End

Toggle between Discrete or Continuous Placement Methods

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Place Linear Member System Command

Finish Mode

Finish Mode and Finish buttons:

• Enable / Disable the Finish State
• Disable: System commits to database when member end position 2
is defined
• Enable: System commits to the database when the Finish Button is
• Allow user to review/edit the Connection properties using the
connection dialog box
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Place Linear Member System Command

Connection Connection Connection Properties

Rule Properties Dialog box

Frame Connection:
If you select By Rule, System determines the
correct connection to use based on what is
located (grid lines, members or connections)
and the member that you are placing in the

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Place Linear Member System Command

Other Options:
•Type Category and Type
•Parent System
•Section Name
•Cardinal Point

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SmartSketch 3D
SmartSketch is the mechanism to automatically find
special points when the command is looking for point. Get Point on
glyph at the
• Indicates conditions for: second gridline
• End-Point
Placing Member
• Point-On End 2 Point
• Divisor
• Reference Axis Aligned
• Intersection, etc… Use SmartSketch
When SmartSketch is being used, a middle mouse lock to constraint
along the first
click will lock the currently active constraints. gridline

- Middle mouse button

- Ctrl –L keys

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 Objects
– Self contained entities that contain methods
(programs) and properties Relationships

 Relationships/Associativity
Grid Lines
– Defines What objects are related with the Type and
Role of each object in the relationship Relationships
 Semantics (Rules)
– Define How related objects are Grid Planes
created / modified / copied / or deleted

Coordinate System

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Place Columns at Grid Intersections
• Places column between two selected
elevations at selected grid intersections.
• After placement, the columns can be
edited or deleted individually if needed.

Select Elevation
Plane 1

Select Grid
 Select System, Type, Section
Intersections name, CP, and Angle
 Select Elevation Plane 1
Select Elevation
Plane 2  Select Elevation Plane 2
 Select Grid Intersections
 Select Finish

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Place Framing Members
• Places framing, secondary members, between
two main supporting members.
• The two supporting members are not required
to be coplanar, of equal length, or even the
same member type.
• After placement, the framing members can be
edited or deleted individually if needed.

Select Supporting
Member 1

Select Supporting
Member 2

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Place Framing Members
Fit Mode – Select how you want the software to place the framing
members between the two supporting members.
 By Count – Select this option if you want to
specify the exact number of framing members
to place.
 Equal Spacing – Select this option to have
the software determine the number of framing
members to place based on the length of the
supporting members and the value you specify
in the Maximum Spacing box. The software
places the framing members so that the
spacing is not greater than specified.
 Best Fit – Select this option to have the
software determine the number of framing
members to place based on the length of the
supporting members and the value you specify
in the Maximum Spacing box. The software
places all framing members except for the first
and the last with the spacing specified.
© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Interior framing members

– Allows number and precise spacing to be defined
– Starting point to be defined or defaulted
– Remembers selected members
– Allows continuation mode

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Place Bracing
• Places cross bracing between members
that you select in the model.
• Chevron bracing and vertical cross
bracing can be placed with this

 At minimum, you must select two columns and one

beam to define the vertical chevron bracing location.

 Optionally, you can select two columns and two beams

to define the vertical chevron bracing location.

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Place Bracing

 At minimum, you must select two columns to define

cross bracing location.

 If you select two columns and a beam to define the

cross bracing location, the bracing is placed at the
intersection of the beam and the two columns to the two
column bases.

 If you select two columns and two beams to define the

cross bracing location, the bracing is placed in the
intersection of the four members.

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Place Vessel Support
• Places structural members that support
vertical vessels directly

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Curve member
• Allows curved (arc) member to be
• Supports framing and positioning of
standard members
• Can be split like a member system
(curve-curve split)
• Defined by 3D path
• Reportable like other members

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– Attributes
– Generic Move Command
- PinPoint & Point Along Tool
– Frame connection

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 On Paste, the user can re-
establish the connection to the
same or to different supporting
members or gridlines

Re-establish to
this gridline

Re-establish to
this gridline

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Place Split
 Divides a member system into multiple parts.
 The resulting member system is a set of
continuous member parts that move as a single
 Useful for:
 You want to resolve the interference between two
intersecting structural objects, such as a pair of cross
 You want to split columns in your model at certain
 Only members can be split using the command.
 Members can be split by:
 Member system
 Grid plane
 Elevation plane

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Place Split

Split Splitting
Members Members

 Split members – Select the members to split.

 Splitting members – Select the objects at which to split the
member systems.
 Split Status
 By Rule – Continuous and Intercostal
 Split First
 Split Second
 Split Both
 Split None

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Place Split
 Using the By Rule option
Continuity Type and Continuity
Priority Number values are
used to determine which
member system to split.
 Continuous will split the other
member system.
 Intercostal will be split by the
other member system.
 Member systems with a lower
continuity priority will split
member systems with a higher
continuity number when the
both members are intercostal.

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Individual member parts can

be “Converted” to member
– Migrates frame
connections to new
member system
– Allows independent
movement from other
Convert to

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Frame Connections
– The Frame connection is a positional constraint mechanism that
helps the user to position and optionally orient the member
system to the supporting member system.
– Provide offsets for the further configuration of the framing
– The catalog provides seven types of positioning connections:
• Flush
• Seated
• Centerline
• Axis
• Corner Brace
• Surface
• Unsupported
– Manual or Automatic rule-based selection

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
Case 1:
 Flush Connections
– Use one of the two sides of the supporting
member to positioning the supported
– Offset
Edge (Supported):

Offset: 2” Case 2:

Side (Supporting)

Case 2 Case 1

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Flush Connections
– Use one of the two sides of the supporting
member to positioning the supported
– Offset Case 3:
Side: Right

Case 3

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Seated Connection
– Use one of the two sides of the supporting member to
positioning the supported member
– Offset


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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Centerline Connections
– Use the centerline supporting member to
positioning the supported member
– Offset


Side: Top

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Axis Connections
– Use a point on the supporting member to position the
supported member based on the CP of the supporting
– Offset
Axis Along
- Axis Along
- Axis End
- Axis Colinear
Point on

Offset: - 2”

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Axis Connections
– Use a point on the supporting member to
positioning the supported member
– Offset
- Axis Along
Axis Colinear
- Axis End
- Axis Colinear

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Frame Connections (Cont.)
 Vertical Brace Connections
– Use two member connections on the
supporting member in positioning the
supported member
– Offset

S-Center Corner
PN, SN Connection

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Frame Connections
The Vertical Corner Brace frame connection now supports offsets
in the X, Y, and Z directions. 1

1 4

2 5

3 6
• Work Point
• 1 = Center - Far
• 2 = Center - Center
• 3 = Center - Near
• 4 = Near - Far
• 5 = Near - Center
• 6 = Near - Near
• Offsets from Work Pts.

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Frame Connections
Position Rule
• Ability to retain position
along supporting member
• (options: intersection, ratio,

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

• Ability to place stacked columns by edge

• Ability to align member ends

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Assembly Connections
– The Assembly connection is the controlling object that
creates the set of detailed end-treatment features and
generates the physical parts that connect two or more
member parts.
– Asynchronous process
– Detailed end-treatment features
– Planar cutbacks and copes with clearances and skew control
– Part generation
– Gusset and base plates, etc

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)

 Assembly Connection Ribbon

Bar and Property Page
– Settings
– Select Frame Connections
– Finish
– By Rule
– Type
– System
– Name

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)
• Column Base Plate Assembly
– Offsets
– Cutback clearance
– Part (Base plate)
 Splice Assembly Connection
– Optional Flange and Web Plate w/Thickness
– Clearance
– Symmetry
– Parts (Flange and Web plates)

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)
• Fitted Assembly Connection
– Offsets
– Rule-based application of “Cope” features
• Squared
• Planar
– Independent Flange/Web Clearance
– Parts (Gusset plate)

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)
 Example of Fitted Assembly Connection

Squared = False Squared = False Squared = True

Planar = False Planar = True Planar = True

Squared End – Specifies whether the end of the member is squared or

skewed when the two members are not perpendicular.
Planar – Specified whether the end of the member has copes or not.

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)
• Splice Assembly Connection
– Offsets
– Optional Flange and Web Plate w/Thickness
– Clearance
– Symmetry
– Parts (Flange and Web plates)
• Mitre Assembly Connection
– Offsets
– Clearance
– Symmetry
– Parts

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Assembly Connections (Cont.)
 Corner Gusset Plate Assembly
– Rule-based offset positioning
– Clearance
– Squared or Skewed planar cut
– Part (Gusset plate)
 Column Base Brace Assembly
– Rule-based offset positioning
– Clearance
– Squared or Skewed planar cut
– Part (Gusset plate)

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Trim Member Command

Trim Member
 Support a general Trim of Members for
ad-hoc cases
 Multiple member parts can be selected
and cut during placement
 Create children features that are the result
of the trim or cope operation
 React automatically to changes in
member cross-section and model topology

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Trim Member Command

Trim Member command

 Select Trimmed Member
 Select Trimming Objects defined by selected catalog
Feature operation
 System Parent
 Name
 Creates a standalone Feature

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Trim Member Command

Trim Member (Examples)

 Corner Cope Features
 Surface Trim

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Different conditions when fireproofing can be applied to

 Fireproofing on a pre-existing structure.
 Correct encasement on a pre-existing beam using “By Rule”
 User defined correct encasement on a pre-existing members
 Add Fireproofing to a column that already has fireproofing
 Retain fireproofing
 Place fireproofing for the entire structure
 Changes in existing fireproofing

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Fireproofing (contd..)

 Fireproofing Ribbon bar properties

 Name
 Name Rule
 System
 By Rule
 Surface Area
 Volume
 Reporting Requirement
 Reporting Type
 Setback Distance
 Setback Reference

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Fireproofing (contd..)

 Rendering
Format  View

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Fireproofing (contd..)

 Fireproofing Conditions
 “Add” condition is used to place fireproofing on new members.
 Select beams (one beam on which fireproofing has already been applied
and two other beams that have no fireproofing).

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Fireproofing (contd..)

Insulation Specs Encasement Rules

 There are two types:  Uncheck “By Rule” option.
 Spray and Conc.  Allows the user to apply different
types of encasements for Columns,
Beams and Braces.

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Fireproofing (contd..)

Setback distance
 Changing the setback distance allows to place fireproofing only in the desired

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 Bounded infinite plane geometry
 Derived from a design plane
defined by several methods
 Coincident plane
 Offset from plane
 Angle from plane
 Point/Normal Vector
 3 Point plane
 2D Sketch
 3D Sketch
 Composite type/layer definition
from reference data

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Slabs (Cont.)
Conceptual Framework
– Design Plane – 6 methods
– Boundaries – geometry projected to design plane
– Edge Offsets – constant along edge
Step 2- Boundary elements
– Thickness direction
• Top
• Center
• Bottom Projection

– Type/Layer composition

Step 1- Support Plane

Thickness Driven by Reference Data

•Type/ Layer Composition

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Slabs (Cont.)

Slab Ribbon Bar and Property Page

– Settings
– Select Support Plane(s)
– Select Boundaries
– Boundary Offset
– Finish
– Plane Method
– System
– Type
– Name
– Priority
– Composition
– Face Position
– Total Thickness

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Slabs (Cont.)

– Support for Multi-Edit

– Additional Boundary Validation
– Preview before Finish


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Slabs (Cont.)

Slab Ribbon Bar

• Coincident plane
• Offset from plane
• Angle from plane
• Point/Normal Vector
• 3 Point plane

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Slabs (Cont.)

Define Boundary
• Select Method
• Draw Method
• Sketch 3D

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Slabs (Cont.)

Define Boundary Offsets

• Segmental edge offset distance
• Positive (+) value is away from
the bounded region
• Negative (-) value is into the
bounded region
Negative Offset

Positive Offset

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Slabs (Cont.)

Sketch 3D
 Ability to sketch slab boundaries directly in the 3D environment using the
sketch service

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Slabs (Cont.)
Slab Command
 Enhance ambiguity solver on modify slab
 Boundary feedback on unnecessary selected
boundaries needed on ambiguity





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Slabs (Cont.)
Slab Assembly Connection
 Trim slab by port which are not
orthogonal to the supporting plane
 Control by edge
– Vertical
– Horizontal
– Normal

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Slabs (Cont.)
Slab Assembly Connection
 Trim Slab slope and offset
 Multi-edit edges

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Slabs (contd)

 Sketch Multiple Slabs

 Select Elevation Plane at 18’- 0” and Elevation Plane 30’ – 0’’ for the support plane. Click “Accept” button and then
select the boundaries as shown below.

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Slabs (Cont.)
Slab Assembly Connection
 Trim slab by member part
- inner face position
- centerline position
- outer face position

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Slabs (Cont.)

Specifies the “Type” of slab as defined from reference data.

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Slabs (Cont.)

• Specifies the “Composition” of slab layers
as scoped from the currently selected
“Type” of slab.
• Defined from reference data.

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– Cutout feature that removes
material from Slabs, Members
– Cutout operation is performed
by using a contour defined by
three methods:
• Bounded by general topology
(edges, faces)
• Sketch method
• Select an opening from Catalog
– Supports full-depth or partial-
depth cutouts

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Openings (Cont.)
 Conceptual Framework
– Select the surface (slab or structure member)
– Sketch Plane
– Define the contour:
Step 3- Select boundary elements
- Boundaries elements. Or sketch the opening
or select a shape from catalog.
- Draw the contour using
the Draft 2D task.

Step 2- Sketch plane

Step 1- Surface

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Openings (Cont.)
Opening Ribbon Bar
– Select Structure
– Select Sketch Plane
– Select Orientation
– Select Boundary
– Boundary Offset

– Select
– Add to Sketch
– Draw (Sketch 2D)
– Select Shape
– Cutting Limit (Through All, User Defined, Through Next)

Draft 2D Task

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Openings (Cont.)

 Boundaries
– Selection
• Grids
• Edges
• Planes
• Members
– By Sketch
• Manual Sketch
• Parametric shapes from

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Openings (Cont.)

– Support for Edit

– Opening shape
preview before Finish
– Partial-Depth cutout
– Arbitrary support plane
(Allows skewed
through openings by
selecting planes not
directly on target solid)
– Parametric 2D
opening shapes from

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Openings (Cont.)
Pre-defined opening shapes are StructOpeningsMetric.xls
defined in the reference data.
Bulkload Utility



Symbol 2D Utility

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Full support of 3D sketch
Place and Modify

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Default library of most current
wall cross-sections

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Default library of most current
Wall cross-sections

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
 Make cut-out in the wall with doors, windows and with sketched and
standard openings

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
 Bound and Trim wall up to slab
 Bound and Trim wall by wall

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SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Doors, Windows, Louvers
• Supports Kinematics for Doors and Windows - select list
(Swing left/right/both, Slide left/right/up, Roll-up)


Sliding Door
Loading Dock

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Toggle Walls

 Before Toggle After Toggle

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 Features
– Parametric custom assembly.
– Associative construction that
references Members to position itself.
– Participates in all system services like
IFC, reporting, and drawings.
– VB code-based construction.
– Supports simple or complex level of
detail using “aspects” and either simple
geometry or detailed application object
types (grout, Pier, etc).

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Footings (Cont.)
 Conceptual Framework
– Depending on footing type
– Users can place one or Member Axis End Port / CP Info
more Catalog-defined types Base Plate
of footings relative to
structure members and Pier Coordinate System
optionally relative to a
supporting surface Slab Coordinate System
– Supports selection of single
or multiple members

Member Axis End Port / CP Info

Base Plate
Pier Coordinate System

Step 1- Select Footing Type

Step 2- Select member Supporting surface

Optional Step 3- Select supporting surface

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Footings (Cont.)
 Footing Ribbon Bar and Property Page
– Settings – Review placement properties
– Select Member
– Select supporting surface
– Finish
– Construction – Uses input cardinality to determine
how to apply multiple Footings
– Type – Catalog class type
– System
– Name
 Options
– Supports single or multi-placement of Footings

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Footings (Cont.)
 Samples
 Footing Assemblies
– Composite PierAndSlabFooting
– PierAndSlabFootingAsm
– Rectangular/Circular/Octagonal
– Bounded Piers
– Combined Slab

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Footings (Cont.)
 Combined Footing catalog
 Illustrates variable input/output custom assemblies
 Can create correlated component outputs from variable inputs
 Can also merge selected inputs

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Footings (Cont.)
Footing Command
 Rectangular Pier and Slab Combined Footing Asm
– pier merge option
– Max column distance
 Merge Piers option is based
on the column distance

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Footings (Cont.)
Footing Command
 Rectangular Merged Pier Combined Footing Asm
– Single pier merges all columns
– Optional bounded by a supporting surface (slab)

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Footings (Cont.)
Footing Command
 Rectangular Slab Combined Footing Asm
– Single slab encompasses all columns
– Optional bounded by a supporting surface

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Equipment Foundations
– Parametric custom assembly
– Defined in the catalog as a
custom Equipment Foundation
assembly with user-defined
– Associative construction defined
by Equipment Foundation Ports
– Positioned by port geometry and
other bounding surface
– VB code-based construction
– Supports simple or complex level
of detail using “aspects” and
either simple geometry or detailed
application object types.

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Equipment Foundations (Cont.)

Conceptual Framework
– Custom orientation from single or
multiple located “Equipment Equipment Foundation Port
Foundation Port” definitions on
Port Coordinate System
– Sizing from possible bolt hole
positions and other mounting
information available from list of
located port positions Foundation Coordinate System
– Supports selection of single or
multiple equipment and multiple ports
by custom input selector criteria
– Bounding support surface is also “Length”

optional and definable by custom input “Width”

selection criteria

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Equipment Foundations (Cont.)
 Equipment Foundation Ribbon Bar
– Settings – Review properties
– Select Equipment(s)
– Select Equipment Port(s)
– Select Support Surface
– Finish
– By Rule – Uses default Foundation type
defined on first selected equipment port
– Type – Catalog foundation class type
– Name
– System

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Equipment Foundations (Cont.)
 Bounded Example
– Created sample
Support selection
Foundation that is of multiple
lower bounded by equipment
the support surface
with slope
– Handles general Support
surface cases

surface is not

Support selection
of multiple Ports

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Equipment Foundations (Cont.)

 Supports simple or
complex level of detail
using detailed
application object types

Base plate and

prismatic parts

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


 Stairs/Ladders
– Parametric part class assembly
– Associative construction defined by
supporting surfaces/edges
– Positioned by offset from referenced
surfaces or edges
– VB code-based construction
– Defined as customizable catalog part
with user-defined attributes
– Supports simple or complex level of
detail and multi-representation using

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Stairs/Ladders (Cont.)
 Conceptual Framework
– Defines a located coordinate
– Top support
– Bottom Support
– Optional references
Local Z Axis
Step 4
Local X Axis Step 3

Reference Options
Top Support Edge
Local Y Axis
Step 1
Top Support Surface
2 Bottom Support Surface

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Stairs/Ladders (Cont.)
– Bottom support can be a sloped surface (45 deg or
– Can be a general surface (3Dplane entities)
– Users can custom
filter degree of
slope and
evaluate surface Local Z Axis
at intersection
– IFC Suppression
Local X Axis

Reference Options
Top Support Edge Local Y Axis

Top Support Surface

Bottom Support Surface

Angle of Slope

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

• Allow for sloped surfaces top edges

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Stairs/Ladders (Cont.)
 Stair/Ladder Ribbon Bar
– Settings
– Top Support
– Bottom Support
– Reference
– Position
– System – Pitch
– Type – Horizontal Offset
– Name – Vertical Offset
– Width – Side
– Angle

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


– Parametric part class assembly

– Associative construction defined
by located path trace
– Various customizable end
treatment conditions and
connecting conditions
– Defined as customizable catalog
part with user-defined attributes
– VB code-based construction
– Supports simple or complex level
of detail and multi-representation
using “aspects”

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Handrails (Cont.)
 Conceptual Framework
• Based on a routed path definition
• Supports various path-defined
segment geometries
• Lines
• Arcs
• Supports various path defined
segment transitions
• Straight
• Bend (radius)
• Chamfered
• Cornice

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Handrails (Cont.)

– Support for associative path

by vertices
• Point-On Curve
• Point-On Surface
– Uses absolute positions, not
editable by dimensions. Move
only by vertex modify in path
– Only general IFC suppression
from associated objects,
Slabs, Members etc…

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Handrails (Cont.)

• Handrail ribbon bar • Type

• Properties • Start End Treatment
• System • End End Treatment
• Name • Connection Type

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Handrails (Cont.)

 Example:
– Side mounted handrail
– Post on Pad

Hand Rail Path


Post On Pad

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SmartPlant 3D Structural Task

Handrail By Member command

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SmartPlant 3D Structural Task
Delivered Reports

© 2004. Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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