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10-Population and Sampling

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• A research population is generally a large collection of individuals or
objects that is the main focus of a scientific query. It is for the benefit
of the population that researches are done. However, due to the large
sizes of populations, researchers often cannot test every individual in
the population because it is too expensive and time-consuming. This
is the reason why researchers rely on sampling techniques.
• A research population is also known as a well-defined collection of
individuals or objects known to have similar characteristics. All
individuals or objects within a certain population usually have a
common, binding characteristic or trait.
• Usually, the description of the population and the common binding
characteristic of its members are the same. "Government officials" is
a well-defined group of individuals which can be considered as a
population and all the members of this population are indeed officials
of the government.
• Relationship of Sample and Population in Research:
• A sample is simply a subset of the population. The concept of sample
arises from the inability of the researchers to test all the individuals in a
given population. The sample must be representative of the population
from which it was drawn and it must have good size to warrant statistical
• The main function of the sample is to allow the researchers to conduct the
study to individuals from the population so that the results of their study
can be used to derive conclusions that will apply to the entire population.
It is much like a give-and-take process. The population “gives” the sample,
and then it “takes” conclusions from the results obtained from the sample.
• Two Types of Population in Research:
• 1- Target Population
• Target population refers to the ENTIRE group of individuals or objects to
which researchers are interested in generalizing the conclusions. The target
population usually has varying characteristics and it is also known as the
theoretical population.
• 2- Accessible Population
• The accessible population is the population in research to which the
researchers can apply their conclusions. This population is a subset of the
target population and is also known as the “study population”. It is from the
accessible population that researchers draw their samples.
• What Is Survey Sampling?
• Surveys would be meaningless and incomplete without accounting for
the respondents that they’re aimed at. The best survey design practices
keep the target population at the core of their thought process.
• When the population is small enough, researchers have the resources to
reach out to all of them. This would be the best case scenario, making
sure that everybody who matters to the survey is represented accurately.
A survey that covers the entire target population is called a census.
• However, most surveys cannot survey the entire population. This is when
sampling techniques become crucial to your survey.
• Why Is It Important?
• 1- Resource Constraints
• If the target population is not small enough, or if the resources at your disposal
don’t give you the bandwidth to cover the entire population, it is important to
identify a subset of the population to work with – a carefully identified group
that is representative of the population. This process is called survey sampling,
and it is one of the most important aspects of survey design.
• Whatever the sample size, there are fixed costs associated with any survey.
Once the survey has begun, the marginal costs associated with gathering more
information, from more people, are proportional to the size of the sample.
• 2- Drawing Inferences About the Population
• Researchers are not interested in the sample itself, but in the understanding
that they can potentially infer from the sample and then apply across the
entire population.
• A sample survey usually offers greater scope than a census. Working within
a given resource constraint, sampling may make it possible to study the
population of a larger geographical area or to find out more about the same
population by examining an area in greater depth through a smaller sample.
• Before we dive into the survey sampling methods at our disposal it is
imperative that we develop a perspective on what an effective sample
should look like.
• 3 Features to Keep in Mind While Constructing a Sample
• 1- Consistency
• It is important that researchers understand the population on a case-
by-case basis and test the sample for consistency before going ahead
with the survey.
• This is especially critical for surveys that track changes across time
and space where we need to be confident that any change we see in
our data reflects real change – across consistent and comparable
• 2- Diversity
• Ensuring diversity of the sample is a tall order, as reaching some
portions of the population and convincing them to participate in the
survey could be difficult.
• But to be truly representative of the population, a sample must be as
diverse as the population itself and sensitive to the local differences
that are unavoidable as we move across the population.
• 3- Transparency
• There are several constraints that dictate the size and structure of the
population. It is imperative that researchers discuss these limitations and
maintain transparency about the procedures followed while selecting the
sample so that the results of the survey are seen with the right perspective.
• Now that we understand the necessity of choosing the right sample and have a
vision of what an effective sample for your survey should be like, let’s explore
the various methods of constructing a sample and understand the relative pros
and cons of each of these approaches.
• Sampling methods can broadly be classified as probability and non-probability.
• 3 Probability Sampling Techniques
• When each entity of the population has a definite, non-zero
probability of being incorporated into the sample, the sample is
known as a probability sample.
• Probability samples are selected in such a way as to be representative
of the population. They provide the most valid or credible results
because they reflect the characteristics of the population from which
they are selected.
• Probability sampling techniques include random sampling, systematic
sampling, and stratified sampling.
• 1- Random Sampling
• When: There is a very large population and it is difficult to identify
every member of the population.
• How: The entire process of sampling is done in a single step with each
subject selected independently of the other members of the
population. The term random has a very precise meaning and you
can’t just collect responses on the street and have a random sample.
• Pros: In this technique, each member of the population has an equal
chance of being selected as subject.
• Cons: When there are very large populations, it is often difficult to
identify every member of the population and the pool of subjects
becomes biased. Dialing numbers from a phone book for instance, may
not be entirely random as the numbers, though random, would
correspond to a localized region. A sample created by doing so might
leave out many sections of the population that are significant to the
• Use case: Want to study and understand the rice consumption pattern
across rural India? While it might not be possible to cover every
household, you could draw meaningful insights by building your sample
from different districts or villages (depending on the scope).
• 2- Systematic Sampling
• When: Your given population is logically homogenous.
• How: In a systematic sample, after you decide the sample size, arrange the
elements of the population in some order and select terms at regular
intervals from the list.
• Pros: The main advantage of using systematic sampling over simple random
sampling is its simplicity. Another advantage of systematic random sampling
over simple random sampling is the assurance that the population will be
evenly sampled. There exists a chance in simple random sampling that
allows a clustered selection of subjects. This can be avoided through
systematic sampling.
• Cons: The possible weakness of the method that may compromise
the randomness of the sample is an inherent periodicity of the list.
This can be avoided by randomizing the list of your population
entities, as you would randomize a deck of cards for instance, before
you proceed with systematic sampling.
• Use Case: Suppose a supermarket wants to study buying habits of
their customers. Using systematic sampling, they can choose every
10th or 15th customer entering the supermarket and conduct the
study on this sample.
• 3- Stratified Sampling
• When: You can divide your population into characteristics of importance
for the research.
• How: A stratified sample, in essence, tries to recreate the statistical
features of the population on a smaller scale. Before sampling, the
population is divided into characteristics of importance for the research
— for example, by gender, social class, education level, religion, etc. Then
the population is randomly sampled within each category or stratum. If
38% of the population is college-educated, then 38% of the sample is
randomly selected from the college-educated subset of the population.
• Pros: This method attempts to overcome the shortcomings of random sampling by
splitting the population into various distinct segments and selecting entities from each
of them. This ensures that every category of the population is represented in the
sample. Stratified sampling is often used when one or more of the sections in the
population have a low incidence relative to the other sections.
• Cons: Stratified sampling is the most complex method of sampling. It lays down criteria
that may be difficult to fulfill and place a heavy strain on your available resources.
• Use Case: If 38% of the population is college-educated and 62% of the population have
not been to college, then 38% of the sample is randomly selected from the college-
educated subset of the population and 62% of the sample is randomly selected from
the non-college-going population. Maintaining the ratios while selecting a randomized
sample is key to stratified sampling.
• 3 Non-Probability Sampling Techniques
• Non-probability sampling techniques include convenience sampling,
snowball sampling and quota sampling.
• In these techniques, the units that make up the sample are collected
with no specific probability structure in mind. The selection is not
completely randomized, and hence the resultant sample isn’t truly
representative of the population.
• 4- Convenience Sampling
• When: During preliminary research efforts.
• How: As the name suggests, the elements of such a sample are picked only on
the basis of convenience in terms of availability, reach and accessibility.
• Pros: The sample is created quickly without adding any additional burden on the
available resources.
• Cons: The likelihood of this approach leading to a sample that is truly
representative of the population is very poor.
• Use Case: This method is often used during preliminary research efforts to get a
gross estimate of the results, without incurring the cost or time required to
select a random sample.
• 5- Snowball Sampling
• When: When you can rely on your initial respondents to refer you to
the next respondents.
• How: Just as the snowball rolls and gathers mass, the sample
constructed in this way will grow in size as you move through the
process of conducting a survey. In this technique, you rely on your
initial respondents to refer you to the next respondents whom you
may connect with for the purpose of your survey.
• Pros: The costs associated with this method are significantly lower,
and you will end up with a sample that is very relevant to your study.
• Cons: The clear downside of this approach is that you may restrict
yourself to only a small, largely homogenous section of the
• Use Case: Snowball sampling can be useful when you need the
sample to reflect certain features that are difficult to find. To conduct
a survey of people who go jogging in a certain park every morning, for
example, snowball sampling would be a quick, accurate way to create
the sample.
• 6- Quota Sampling
• When: When you can characterize the population based on certain
desired features.
• How: Quota sampling is the non-probability equivalent of stratified
sampling that we discussed earlier. It starts with characterizing the
population based on certain desired features and assigns a quota to
each subset of the population.
• Pros: This process can be extended to cover several characteristics
and varying degrees of complexity.
• Cons: Though the method is superior to convenience and snowball
sampling, it does not offer the statistical insights of any of the
probability methods.
• Use Case: If a survey requires a sample of fifty men and fifty women,
a quota sample will survey respondents until the right number of each
type has been surveyed. Unlike stratified sampling, the sample isn’t
necessarily randomized.
• Probability sampling techniques are clearly superior, but the costs can
be prohibitive. For the initial stages of a study, non-probability
sampling techniques might be sufficient to give you a sense of what
you’re dealing with. For detailed insights and results that you can
bank upon, move on to the more sophisticated techniques as the
study gathers pace and takes a more concrete structure.
• Once you have created your sample, go ahead and start
creating an effective survey by choosing the right survey question typ
• What are sampling methods?
• In a statistical study, sampling methods refer to how we select
members from the population to be in the study.
• If a sample isn't randomly selected, it will probably be biased in some
way and the data may not be representative of the population.
• There are many ways to select a sample—some good and some bad.
Bad ways to Sample:
• 1- Convenience sample: The researcher chooses a sample that is
readily available in some non-random way.
• Example—A researcher polls people as they walk by on the street.
• Why it's probably biased: The location and time of day and other
factors may produce a biased sample of people.
• 2- Voluntary response sample: The researcher puts out a request for
members of a population to join the sample, and people decide
whether or not to be in the sample.
• Example—A TV show host asks his viewers to visit his website and
respond to an online poll.
• Why it's probably biased: People who take the time to respond tend
to have similarly strong opinions compared to the rest of the
Good Ways to Sample:
• 3- Simple random sample: Every member and set of members has an
equal chance of being included in the sample. Technology, random
number generators, or some other sort of chance process is needed
to get a simple random sample.
• Example—A teachers puts students' names in a hat and chooses
without looking to get a sample of students.
• Why it's good: Random samples are usually fairly representative since
they don't favor certain members.
• 4- Stratified random sample: The population is first split into groups.
The overall sample consists of some members from every group. The
members from each group are chosen randomly.
• Example—A student council surveys 100100100100 students by
getting random samples of 25252525 freshmen, 25252525
sophomores, 25252525 juniors, and 25252525 seniors.
• Why it's good: A stratified sample guarantees that members from
each group will be represented in the sample, so this sampling
method is good when we want some members from every group.
• 5- Cluster random sample: The population is first split into groups.
The overall sample consists of every member from some of the
groups. The groups are selected at random.
• Example—An airline company wants to survey its customers one day,
so they randomly select 5555 flights that day and survey every
passenger on those flights.
• Why it's good: A cluster sample gets every member from some of the
groups, so it's good when each group reflects the population as a
• 6- Systematic random sample: Members of the population are put in
some order. A starting point is selected at random, and every
nthn^{\text{th}}nthn, start superscript, t, h, end superscript member
is selected to be in the sample.
• Example—A principal takes an alphabetized list of student names and
picks a random starting point. Every 20th20^{\text{th}}20th20, start
superscript, t, h, end superscript student is selected to take a survey.
• 7- Purposive Sampling
• This is based on the intention or the purpose of study. Only those
elements will be selected from the population which suits the best for
the purpose of our study.
• For Example: If we want to understand the thought process of the
people who are interested in pursuing master’s degree then the
selection criteria would be “Are you interested for Masters in..?”
• All the people who respond with a “No” will be excluded from our

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