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Chapter 01

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Overview of Financial

Statement Analysis

Business Analysis

Evaluate Prospects Evaluate Risks

Business Decision Makers

Equity investors
Merger and Acquisition
External Auditors
Employees & Unions
Information Sources for
Business Analysis
Quantitative Qualitative
Financial  Management
Discussion &
Statements Analysis
Industry Statistics  Chairperson’s Letter
Economic  Vision/Mission
Indicators Statement
Regulatory filings  Financial Press
 Press Releases
Trade reports
 Web sites
Credit Analysis Equity Analysis

Management &
Control Labor Negotiations

Types of
Business Director Oversight
Regulation Analysis

Financial External Auditing


Mergers, Acquisitions
& Divestitures
Credit Analysis

Trade Creditors Non-trade Creditors

Provide goods or Provide major
services financing
Most short-term Most long-term
Usually implicit
Usually explicit
Bear risk of interest
default Bear risk of default
Credit Analysis
Credit worthiness: Ability to honor credit obligations
(downside risk)

Liquidity Solvency
Ability to meet short- Ability to meet long-
term obligations term obligations
Focus: Focus:
 Current Financial  Long-term financial
conditions conditions
 Current cash flows  Long-term cash flows
 Liquidity of assets  Extended profitability
Equity Analysis
Assessment of downside risk and upside

Technical Analysis Fundamental Analysis

Charting Determine value without
• Patterns in price reference to price
behavior or volume • Analyze and interpret
– Economy
• Predict future price
movements – Industry
– Company
Intrinsic Value
(or Fundamental Value)

Value of Company (or stock) without

reference to market value (or stock price)

Intrinsic value > Market value Buy


Intrinsic value < Market value Sell


Intrinsic value = Market value Hold

Environment &
Strategy Analysis

Industry Strategy
Analysis Analysis


Accounting of Sources Prospective
Analysis Profitability
&Uses of Risk Analysis
Funds Analysis

Cost of Capital Estimate Intrinsic Value

Accounting Analysis
Process to evaluate and adjust financial
statements to better reflect economic reality

Comparability problems — across firms and across time

Manager estimation error

Distortion problems Earnings management
Distortion of business
Financial Analysis
Process to evaluate financial position and
performance using financial statements

Profitability analysis — Evaluate return

on investments
Common tools

Risk analysis ——— Evaluate riskiness

& creditworthiness Ratio Cash
analysis flow
Analysis of — Evaluate source & analysis
cash flows deployment of funds
Prospective Analysis
Process to forecast future payoffs

Business Environment
& Strategy Analysis

Accounting Analysis

Financial Analysis

Intrinsic Value
Dynamics of Business Activities
Business Activities Time
Beginning of per
Investing Financing


Investing Financing
End of period
Business Activities
Competition Pricing

Market demands Tactics

Distribution Goals Promotion
& Objectives
Managerial performance

Opportunities Obstacles
Business Activities
Financing activities
 Owner (equity)
 Nonowner

Business Activities
Investing activities
 Buying
 Selling

Investing Financing

Investing = Financing
Business Activities
Investing Activities Financial
Activities Activities

Operating Activities
Revenues and expenses from providing
goods and services
Financial Statements Reflect Business Activities
Investing Financing
Current: Operating Current:


Notes Payable


Accounts Payable
Cost of Goods Sold
 


Salaries Payable

Selling Expense

Income Tax
 

Marketable Payable

Securities 
Interest Expense Noncurrent:
Noncurrent: 
Income Tax Expense

Bonds Payable

Land, Buildings, & Net Income 
Common Stock

Retained Earnings
Patents Liabilities & Equity
Income statement

Assets Cash Flow Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet Statement of Statement of

Cash Flows Shareholders’ Equity
Financial Statements

Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Statement of
Shareholders’ Equity
Statement of Cash Flows
Balance Sheet

Total Investing = Total Financing

= Creditor Financing + Owner Financing

Dell Financing
(in $billions)

$23.215 = $16.730 + $6.485

Income Statement

Revenues – Cost of goods sold = Gross Profit

Gross profit – Operating expenses = Operating Profit

Dell Profitability
(in $billions)

$49,205 - $40,190 = $9,015 Gross Profit

$9,015 - $4,761 = $4,254 Operating profit
Statement of Cash Flows

Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Additional Information
(Beyond Financial Statements)

Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)

Management Report
Auditor Report
Explanatory Notes to Financial Statements
Supplementary Information (10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, 20-
Proxy Statement
Analysis Preview
Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
Comparative Analysis

Purpose: Evaluation of consecutive

financial statements
Output: Direction, speed, & extent of any
Types:  Year-to-year Change Analysis
 Index-Number Trend Analysis
Analysis Preview
Analysis Preview
Analysis Preview
Common-Size Analysis

Purpose :  Evaluation of internal makeup

of financial statements
 Evaluation of financial statement
accounts across companies
Output: Proportionate size of assets,
liabilities, equity, revenues, &
Analysis Preview
Common-Size Analysis
Analysis Preview
Analysis Preview
Ratio Analysis
Purpose : Evaluate relation between two or more
economically important items (one
starting point for further analysis)
Output: Mathematical expression of relation
between two or more items
Cautions:  Prior Accounting analysis is important
 Interpretation is key -- long vs short
term & benchmarking
Analysis Preview
Valuation - an important goal of many types
of business analysis

Purpose: Estimate intrinsic value of a

company (or stock)
Basis: Present value theory (time value of
Analysis Preview
Debt (Bond) Valuation

Bt is the value of the bond at time t

It +n is the interest payment in period t+n
F is the principal payment (usually the debt’s face value)
r is the interest rate (yield to maturity)
Analysis Preview
Equity Valuation

Vt is the value of an equity security at time t

Dt +n is the dividend in period t+n
k is the cost of capital
E() refers to expected dividends
Analysis Preview
Equity Valuation - Free Cash Flow Model

FCFt+n is the free cash flow in the period t + n [often

defined as cash flow from operations less capital
k is the cost of capital
E(•) refers to an expectation
Analysis Preview
Equity Valuation - Residual Income Model

BV is the book value at the end of period

Rit+n is the residual income in period t + n [defined as
net income, NI, minus a charge on beginning
book value, BV, or RIt = NIt - (k x BVt-1)]
k is the cost of capital
E(•) refers to an expectation
Analysis in an Efficient Market

Three assumed forms of market efficiency

Weak Form - prices reflect information in

past prices
Semi-strong Form - prices reflect all public
Strong Form - prices reflect all public and
private information
Analysis in an Efficient Market
Market Efficiency
assumes competent and informed analysis
distinguish aggregate from individual behavior
reflects information (both reliable and unreliable)
cross-country differences in rewards to analysis
Financial statement analysis relevant to more
than just market analysis, e.g.,
credit and lending
valuation of nonpublicly traded firms
mergers and acquisitions
Book Organization
Financial Statement Analysis

Part I Part II Part III

Introduction and Overview Accounting Analysis Financial Analysis

Chapter 3: Analyzing Chapter 7: Cash Flow

Chapter 1: Overview of Analysis
Financial Activities
Financial Statement Chapter 8: Return on
Chapter 4: Analyzing
Analysis Invested Capital
Investing Activities
Chapter 5: Analyzing Chapter 9: Profitability
Chapter 2: Financial Analysis
Investing Activities:
Reporting and Chapter 10: Prospective
Special topic
Analysis Analysis
Chapter 6: Analyzing
Chapter 11: Credit
Operating Activities
Chapter 12: Equity
Analysis and Valuation

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