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Designs - Registration

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Design Vs Copyright
A design qualifies for registration only
1.It is new or original
2. It has not been disclosed to the public
3. It is significantly distinguishable from known
design or combination of known design and
4.It doe not comprise or contain scandalous or
obscene matter
5. Its use would not be contrary to Public order and
1.New or Original Section 4(a)
• The word new= design completely new, invented or
created for the first time and hitherto unknown .
• It may be existing or known design but has been
applied to particular article for the first time
Dover Limited Vs. Nurnberger Celloloid waren Fabric
Gebruder wolff
Original= person originated something, that by exercise
of intellectual activity he has started idea which had
not occurred to anyone before , that particular shape
ornament may be rendered applicable to particular
article to which he suggests shall be applied.
M/s Brighto AutoIndustries Vs Shri Raj
Chawla (ILR 1978 (I) Delhi)
• it was held by the Honorable Court ―‗new‘ is taken generally to mean as
different to what has gone before and original as something originating from
the author.
• In the matter of novelty the eye has to be the ultimate arbiter and the
determination has to rest on the general ocular impression. To secure
recognition for its newness or originality it is imperative that a design identical
with or even materially similar to the relevant design should not have been
published or registered previously.
• A slight trivial variation from a pre-existing design will not qualify it for
registration taking into account the nature involved the change introduced
should be substantial. It is no t necessary to justify registration that the whole of
the design should be new, the newness may be confined to only a part of it but
that part must be a significant one and it should be potent enough to impart to
the whole design a distinct identity, unless the registration sought for the said
part alone.
Gammeter Vs Controller of Patents and
Others (AIR 1919 Calcutta 887)
it was held the design should be protected
provided it was not merely an analogues and the
test of novelty is the eye of the judge who must
place the two designs side by side whether the
one for which novelty is claimed is new.
2.Disclosure or Publication of Design 4 (b)

• A design which has been disclosed to public

anywhere in India or in any other country by
publication intangible form or by use or in any
other way prior to filing date, or priority date of
the application shall not be registered.
• National Trading Co Vs Monica Chawla
Publication made to individual member of public
who is not under obligation to keep it secret
would constitute publication
Rotela Auto Components (P) Ltd Vs Jaspal Singh
reported in 2002(24)PTC449(Del),
• it was held by the court in Para 21 ―……word ‗published‘ used in section 19 or under
section 4 of the Designs Act has not been defined under the Designs Act‘2000.
• It is published if a design is no longer a secret. There is publication if the design has been
disclosed to the public or public has been put in possession of the design.
• Russell Clarke in Copyright in Industrial Design, 4th edition, pages 41-42 says that ……it is
sufficient, and there will be publication if the knowledge was either
1. Available to the member of the public; or
2. Actually in fact shown and disclosed to some individual member of the public who was
under no obligation to keep it secret.

• It is not necessary design should have been actually used. There will just as much be
publication if it is shown that it was known to the public without ever having been actually
put into use. Thus, publication may be of two types:
a) Publication in prior documents,
b) Publication by prior user.
Confidential Disclosure of Design
• Section 16 of the Designs Act : disclosures made prior to
the registration of a design shall not be deemed to be
publication sufficient to invalidate the copyright thereof.
They are
(1) Any disclosure made in breach of faith by someone to
whom the proprietor of the design had disclosed the
design in such circumstances as it would make contrary to
good faith for that person to use or publish design.
(2)The acceptance of first and confidential order for articles
bearing a new or original textile intended for registration
Disclosure in Exhibition – Section 21

• A design is not invalidated or prevented from registration:

i. if a design or an article to which a design is applied has been exhibited in an exhibition to which the
provisions of Section 21 of the Designs Act, 2000 have been extended by the Central Government by
notification in the official gazette; or
ii. if a description of the design is published, during or after the period of holding of such exhibition;
iii. if any person:
I. exhibits the design or the article to which
the design is applied; or
II. publishes a description of the design,
during or after the period of holding of the exhibition, without the privity or consent of the
-However, to avail the benefit of this provision, the proprietor shall:
I. give a notice in Form-9 to the Controller before exhibiting the design, and
II. file the application for registration of design within a period of six months from the date of first
exhibiting the design or publishing the description.
3.Significantly Distinguishable from Known Designs
Section 4(c)

Phillips V Harbro Rubber Co. (1919)36RPC 79 at P 85(CA) clearly

indicates that it is not open to a manufacturer to bring one or more
important leading features of different articles already present in a
market and by registering a design incorporating merely a
combination without any mental activity by application of mind for its
production and acquire registration of design.
• The manufacturers who are already manufacturing those products
shall be under pressure of carrying out the business for unduly
registration made and be a subject of monopoly. It would be an
oppressive if any mere change in the outline or pattern of such an
article would justify the registration of design. It will not only
hamper the business activity at large but also preclude others for
making such article.
Clark’s Registered Design (1896) 13 RPC 351
at page 362, (Lopes LJ),
it is however established law that a new
combination of two or more old features may
constitute a good subject matter of valid
registration; but it is to be seen that the
combination must not be obvious and must
result in something creative that is new or
original as a whole in respect of ornament,
pattern shape or configuration
4.It doe not comprise or contain scandalous or
obscene matter
5. Its use would not be contrary to Public order
and morality
Who is a Applicant and Proprietor Section 5
(1) and 2 (j)
Applicant =Any person claiming to be the proprietor of any
new or original design may apply for registration. A
proprietor may be from India or from a Convention
• A proprietor may be:
a. an author of design,
b. a person who has acquired the design,
c. a person for whom the design has been developed by
the author, or
d. a person on whom the design has devolved.
• STEP -1 An application for registration of design shall be made
to controller of designs. The controller refer that to examiner
for registration to see whether that design is capable of being
registered. Who issues a examination report
(before filing an application
- Priority search to be requested from the designs office- by
paying prescribed application fee
- Representation to be filed along with apllication has to be
- Identify class of goods – total 31 classes and a miscellaneous
class 99. if product falls in more than one class 2 different
registration might be sought Ex: Pen cum torch registered in 2
classes for better protection )
• The application to be made in prescribed form and is to be
accompanied by prescribed fee
• The Representation sheet needs to be filed along with the
application in duplicate
• What is representation sheet : exact representation of article for
which registration is sought
• How made : similar drawings ,photographs and tracings including
computer graphics ,and specimens of design.
• Only in rare circumstances specimens may be asked by the controller
• Where to file the application :Patent offices located in Delhi Mumbai
and Chennai(only receiving ). The application is then transmitted to
Patent Office Kolkata.
• If the application is incomplete it is deemed to be abandoned
2.Novelty Search and Examination Report

• The examiner conducts novelty search in the

available databases .
• The search is conducted class-wise or article-
wise to ascertain whether the applied design
is significantly different from previously
registered design or used published design
3.Consideration of Report of Examiner
(Section 5 and Rule 18)
a. The Controller shall consider the report of Examiner on registrability of a design as applied
to an article and if it is registrable, the same shall be registered forthwith. The registration
certificate shall be issued and sent to the applicant at the earliest.
b. If upon consideration of the report, the Controller is of the opinion that there are
objection(s) adverse to the applicant or the application requires some amendment(s), a
statement of objections shall be communicated to the applicant by the Controller. The
communication shall be made either by registered post or electronic transmission.
c. When an objection is raised on the ground of novelty, the Controller shall cite the specific
prior art.
d. If the applicant fails to comply with the objections or fails to apply for a hearing within
three months from the date of communication of statement of objections, the application
shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
e. The period for removal of objections shall not exceed the time period of six months from
the date of filing of the application.

However, the said period of six months can be extended for a further period not exceeding
three months
4.Registration and Publication(Section 7)

• a. Once an application is registered, it is published in the

Patent Office Journal ordinarily within one month. The
registration number is same as the application number.
• b. The date of registration of an ordinary application is
the date of filing of the application. In case of reciprocity
application, the date of registration is the date of filing
of application in the Convention Country.
5.Certificate of Registration(Section 9)

• Upon registration, the Controller issues a

certificate of registration to the proprietor of
the design. The certificate is sent by registered
post to the address for service. No hand
delivery of certificate of registration is

a. All the registered designs are entered in the Register of Designs maintained
at Patent Office, Kolkata. The register is available to public for inspection and
an e-register is also available at the official website.
b. The Register contains the following details:
i. names(s) and address(s) of proprietor(s) of registered designs;
ii. registration number;
iii. class;
iv. date of filing in India and date of filing in Convention Country (if any);
v. renewal of copyright;
vi. assignments and of transmissions of registered designs;
vii. any other matter which would affect the validity or proprietorship of the
1.Explain the procedure for registration under
designs Act 2000 -June 2016, December 2018
1.A multinational company which designs shoe in
Germany is already available for sale in India with
similar design. The above said company wants to
obtain registration of design used on shoe . Will it
succeed (June 2018)-Hint refer section 4 and case
laws under that.

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