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Lec 3

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Artificial Intelligence

• Search permeates all of AI
• What choices are we searching through?
– Problem solving
Action combinations (move 1, then move 3, then move 2...)
– Natural language
Ways to map words to parts of speech
– Computer vision
Ways to map features to object model
– Machine learning
Possible concepts that fit examples seen so far
– Motion planning
Sequence of moves to reach goal destination
• An intelligent agent is trying to find a set or sequence of actions to
achieve a goal
• This is a goal-based agent
Problem-solving Agent

state = UpdateState(state, percept)
if sequence is empty then
goal = FormulateGoal(state)
problem = FormulateProblem(state, g)
sequence = Search(problem)
action = First(sequence)
sequence = Rest(sequence)
Return action
• Static or dynamic?

Environment is static
• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?

Environment is fully observable

• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?
• Discrete or continuous?

Environment is discrete
• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?
• Discrete or continuous?
• Deterministic or stochastic?

Environment is deterministic
• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?
• Discrete or continuous?
• Deterministic or stochastic?
• Episodic or sequential?
Environment is sequential
• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?
• Discrete or continuous?
• Deterministic or stochastic?
• Episodic or sequential?
• Single agent or multiple agent?
• Static or dynamic?
• Fully or partially observable?
• Discrete or continuous?
• Deterministic or stochastic?
• Episodic or sequential?
• Single agent or multiple agent?
Search Example
Formulate goal: Be in

Formulate problem: states

are cities, operators drive
between pairs of cities

Find solution: Find a

sequence of cities (e.g., Arad,
Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest) that
leads from the current state
to a state meeting the goal
Search Space Definitions
• State
– A description of a possible state of the world
– Includes all features of the world that are pertinent to the problem
• Initial state
– Description of all pertinent aspects of the state in which the agent starts
the search
• Goal test
– Conditions the agent is trying to meet (e.g., have $1M)
• Goal state
– Any state which meets the goal condition
– Thursday, have $1M, live in NYC
– Friday, have $1M, live in Valparaiso
• Action
– Function that maps (transitions) from one state to another
Search Space Definitions
• Problem formulation
– Describe a general problem as a search problem
• Solution
– Sequence of actions that transitions the world from the initial state to a
goal state
• Solution cost (additive)
– Sum of the cost of operators
– Alternative: sum of distances, number of steps, etc.
• Search
– Process of looking for a solution
– Search algorithm takes problem as input and returns solution
– We are searching through a space of possible states
• Execution
– Process of executing sequence of actions (solution)
Problem Formulation

A search problem is defined by the

1. Initial state (e.g., Arad)

2. Operators (e.g., Arad -> Zerind, Arad -> Sibiu, etc.)
3. Goal test (e.g., at Bucharest)
4. Solution cost (e.g., path cost)
Example Problems – Eight Puzzle
States: tile locations

Initial state: one specific tile configuration

Operators: move blank tile left, right, up, or


Goal: tiles are numbered from one to eight

around the square

Path cost: cost of 1 per move (solution cost

same as number of most or path length)

Eight puzzle applet

Sample Search Problems
• Graph coloring
• Protein folding
• Game playing
• Airline travel
• Proving algebraic equalities
• Robot motion planning
Search Problem Example (as a tree)
Search Function –
Uninformed Searches
Open = initial state // open list is all generated states
// that have not been “expanded”
While open not empty // one iteration of search algorithm
state = First(open) // current state is first state in open
Pop(open) // remove new current state from open
if Goal(state) // test current state for goal condition
return “succeed” // search is complete
// else expand the current state by
// generating children and
// reorder open list per search strategy
else open = QueueFunction(open, Expand(state))
Return “fail”
Search Strategies
• Search strategies differ only in Queuing
• Features by which to compare search
– Completeness (always find solution)
– Cost of search (time and space)
– Cost of solution, optimal solution
– Make use of knowledge of the domain
• “uninformed search” vs. “informed search”
Breadth-First Search
• Generate children of a state, QueueingFn
adds the children to the end of the open list
• Level-by-level search
• Order in which children are inserted on
open list is arbitrary
• In tree, assume children are considered left-
to-right unless specified differently
• Number of children is “branching factor” b
BFS Examples


Example trees

Search algorithms applet

• Assume goal node at level d with constant branching factor b

• Time complexity (measured in #nodes generated)

1 (1st level ) + b (2nd level) + b2 (3rd level) + … + bd (goal level) + (bd+1 – b) = O(bd+1)

• This assumes goal on far right of level

• Space complexity
At most majority of nodes at level d + majority of nodes at level d+1 = O(bd+1)
Exponential time and space

• Features
Simple to implement
Finds shortest solution (not necessarily least-cost unless all operators have equal cost)
• See what happens with b=10
– expand 10,000 nodes/second
– 1,000 bytes/node
Depth Nodes Time Memory
2 1110 .11 seconds 1 megabyte
4 111,100 11 seconds 106 megabytes
6 107 19 minutes 10 gigabytes
8 109 31 hours 1 terabyte
10 1011 129 days 101 terabytes
12 1013 35 years 10 petabytes
15 1015 3,523 years 1 exabyte
Depth-First Search
• QueueingFn adds the children to the
front of the open list
• BFS emulates FIFO queue
• DFS emulates LIFO stack
• Net effect
– Follow leftmost path to bottom, then
– Expand deepest node first
DFS Examples
Example trees
• Time complexity
In the worst case, search entire space
Goal may be at level d but tree may continue to level m, m>=d
Particularly bad if tree is infinitely deep

• Space complexity
Only need to save one set of children at each level
1 + b + b + … + b (m levels total) = O(bm)
For previous example, DFS requires 118kb instead of 10 petabytes for d=12 (10 billion times less)

• Benefits
May not always find solution
Solution is not necessarily shortest or least cost
If many solutions, may find one quickly (quickly moves to depth d)
Simple to implement
Space often bigger constraint, so more usable than BFS for large problems
Comparison of Search Techniques

Complete N Y
Optimal N N
Heuristic N N
Time bm bd+1
Space bm bd+1
Avoiding Repeated States
Can we do it?

• Do not return to parent or grandparent state

– In 8 puzzle, do not move up right after down
• Do not create solution paths with cycles
• Do not generate repeated states (need to store
and check potentially large number of states)
Maze Example
• States are cells in a maze
• Move N, E, S, or W
• What would BFS do
(expand E, then N, W, S)?
• What would DFS do?
• What if order changed to
N, E, S, W and loops are
• Solution = 0 0 1 0 1 0
• Fitness(x) = #digits that match solution
A) 0 1 0 1 0 1 Score: 1
B) 1 1 1 1 0 1 Score: 1
C) 0 1 1 0 1 1 Score: 3
D) 1 0 1 1 0 0 Score: 3

Recombine top two twice.

Note: 64 possible combinations
• Solution = 0 0 1 0 1 0 • Next generation:
C) 0 1 1 0 1 1 E) 0 0 1 1 0 0
D) 1 0 1 1 0 0 F) 0 1 1 0 1 0

E) 0 | 0 1 1 0 0 Score: 4 G) 0 1 1 | 1 0 0 Score: 3
F) 1 | 1 1 0 1 1 Score: 3 H) 0 0 1 | 0 1 0 Score: 6
G) 0 1 1 0 1 | 0 Score: 4 I) 0 0 | 1 0 1 0 Score: 6
H) 1 0 1 1 0 | 1 Score: 2 J) 0 1 | 1 1 0 0 Score: 3

DONE! Got it in 10 guesses.

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