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Supplier Development Strategies

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Supplier Management
and Development
Chapter 9

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Supplier Development Defined

 “Any activity undertaken by a buyer to

improve a supplier’s performance or
capabilities to meet the buyer’s short-
and long-term supply needs”

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Supply Development Activities

 Sharing technology
 Providing performance incentives
 Promoting competition among
 Providing necessary capital
 Directly involving buyer personnel
 Training
 Process improvement
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Steps to Supplier Development

1. Identify critical commodities for

2. Identify critical suppliers for
3. Form cross-functional development
4. Meet with supplier’s top management
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Steps to Supplier Development

5. Identify opportunities and probability

for improvement
6. Define key metrics and cost-sharing
7. Reach agreement on key projects and
joint resource requirements
8. Monitor status of projects and modify
strategies as appropriate
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Supplier Development Process Map
3. Form cross-
1. Identify critical 2. Identify critical
commodities for suppliers for
development development

6. Define key 5. Identify 4. Meet with

metrics and cost- opportunities and supplier’s top
sharing probability for management
mechanisms improvement team

7. Reach
8. Monitor status
agreement on key
of projects and
projects and joint
modify strategies
as appropriate
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Identify Critical Commodities
 Do externally purchased products and
services account for > 50% of product
or service value?
 Is supplier existing or potential source
of competitive advantage?
 Does buyer currently purchase or plan
to purchase based on total cost vs.
initial purchase price?
 Can existing suppliers meet buyer’s
competitive needs 5 years from now?
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Identify Critical Commodities

 Does buyer need suppliers to be more

responsive to its needs?
 Is buyer willing and able to become
more responsive to suppliers’ needs?
 Does buyer plan to treat suppliers as
 Does buyer plan to develop and
maintain open and trusting relations?
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Identify Critical Suppliers

 Use formal supply base assessment

 Routinely evaluate suppliers and rank
them from best to worst
 Poor performers are candidates for
 Middle-of-the-road suppliers are
candidates for development
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Form Cross-Functional Team

 Develop internal consensus and

 Improve internal processes first
 Typical members
 Supply management
 Engineering
 Operations
 Quality

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Meet Supplier’s Top Management

 Establish relational building blocks

 Strategic alignment
 Measurement
 Professionalism
 Establish positive tone
 Reinforce collaboration
 Foster two-way communication
 Develop mutual trust
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Identify Opportunities and
Probability for Improvement
 May be driven by final customer’s
requirements and expectations
 Determine probability and scope of
 Jointly agree upon areas of

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Define Key Metrics and
Cost-Sharing Mechanisms
 Evaluate project feasibility
 Determine return on investment (ROI)
 Determine if opportunities are realistic
and achievable
 Establish agreed-upon measures and
improvement goals
 Determine equitable cost and benefit
sharing arrangements
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Reach Agreement on Key Projects and
Joint Resource Requirements
 Identify necessary resources
 Obtain commitment to deploy
 Develop specific measures and metrics
that demonstrate success
 Develop visible milestones and time

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Monitor Status of Projects and Modify
Strategies as Appropriate
 Routine monitoring
 Ongoing two-way exchange of
 Creating visible milestones
 Posting progress
 Creating new or revised objectives
 Modify plan as necessary to maintain
momentum or address new findings
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Overcoming Barriers to
Supplier Development
 Direct-involvement activities (hands’ on)
 Shared personnel in joint projects
 Incentives and awards (the “carrot”)
 Increase future order volumes
 Annual award ceremonies
 Warnings and penalties (the “stick”)
 Pull back current business
 Withhold future business

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Buyer-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Buying company’s purchase volume from
supplier does not justify development

 Solution
 Parts standardization across products
 Single sourcing

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Buyer-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 No immediate benefit is evident to buyer

 Solution
 Pursue small wins to build momentum

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Buyer-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Importance of purchased item does not
justify development efforts

 Solution
 Take a longer-term focus
 Include integrated solutions to be used in
future designs

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Buyer-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Lack of executive support in buyer
organization for supplier development

 Solution
 Prove benefits
 Document and publicize

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Buyer-Supplier Interface Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier is reluctant to share information
on costs or processes

 Solution
 Create ombudsman to deal with non-
contractual issues

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Buyer-Supplier Interface Barriers

 Barrier
 Confidentiality inhibits information sharing

 Solution
 Establish confidentiality agreements
 Non-disclosure agreements
 Exclusivity agreements
 Engage in ethical behavior

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Buyer-Supplier Interface Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier does not trust buyer

 Solution
 Spell it out with properly executed written

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Buyer-Supplier Interface Barriers

 Barrier
 Organizational cultures are poorly aligned

 Solution
 Adapt new approach to local conditions
 Supplier partnership manual
 Training

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Buyer-Supplier Interface Barriers

 Barrier
 Not enough inducements to participate are
provided to supplier

 Solution
 Designed-in motivation
 Future business
 Financial incentives
 Payment terms favorable to supplier
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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Lack of commitment on part of supplier’s

 Solution
 Implement only after commitment
 Joint development of goals and objectives
 Determination of potential costs and benefits
to each party and how they will be shared
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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier’s management agrees to
improvements but fails to implement

 Solution
 Supplier champions
 Key supplier employee
 Training in tools and techniques
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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier lacks engineering resources to
implement solutions

 Solution
 Direct on-site support from buyer

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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier lacks required information

 Solution
 Direct electronic data interchange (EDI)
 Direct financial assistance as required
 Training on hardware and software
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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier is not convinced development will
provide benefits

 Solution
 Let suppliers know where they stand
 Supplier evaluation and measurement system
 View supplier performance vis-à-vis
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Supplier-Specific Barriers

 Barrier
 Supplier lacks employee skill base to
implement solutions

 Solution
 Establish training centers
 Develop supplier skill levels
 Provide human resource support
 Co-location and direct involvement
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