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Ucsp: Similarities and Differences

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What’s n a name ?

 Tom Cruise is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV

in real life. Vina Morales is Sharon
Magdayao. Jennifer Lopez, however is still
Jennifer Lopez, and Taylor Swift is still
Taylor Swift.
What is sociology ?
 People make many decisions, both mundane
and serious, in the course of their daily
 Sociology makes us aware that when we
make decisions, such as those mentioned , it
is within the context of our family, peers,
school, nations, and other groups which
form our social world.
Sociology and the Sociology
 Sociology – is the study of society, social institutions,
and social relationships.
 Sociology – is interested in describing and explaining
human behavior , especially as it occurs within a social
context ( Merriam-Webster ).
 It is less interested in individuals than in the group
which they are a part.
 Studying socioloy is practical and useful. As social
beings, we gain understanding of how the social world
operates and of our place in it.
C. Wright Mills (1959)

 Sociological imagination - defined as

‘’ the vivid awareness of the relationship
between private experience and wider
Peter Berger
 Explains that the perspective of sociology
enables us to see ‘’ general patterns in
particular events ‘’ ( Macionis, 2010 ).
 This means finding general patterns in
particular events.
 Sociology also enables us to see the
‘’strange’’ in familiar. This means detaching
our selves from common explanations by
taking a new look at society. Human
behavior is not simply a matter of what
people decide to do; society shapes our
thoughts and deeds.
W.I Thomas
 an American sociologist, formulated a
theorem in 1992 which states: ‘’ if people
define situations as real, they are real in
their consequences.”
History of Sociology as a Science
 Coincidentally, sociology emerged with the two of the most
significant social and political revolution in the history. The French
revolution in 1789, along with the Industrial Revolution in England
during the eighteenth century, tremendously changed people’s
lives. The industrial revolution was brought about largely by the
invention of the steam engine. Many countryside folks were
pushed into the towns as their land was taken away by the
landlords to give way to a factory-based economy. Likewise , the
French Revolution from the 1770s to the 1780s, which was
influenced by new political ideas spreading in from France and
America, created strong negative sentiments against the monarchy
to democracy. On a positive note, Europe saw the beginning of
industrial economy, the growth of cities, and the emergence of the
different political ideas which in turn transformed social life.
However, problems such as massive unemployment, increasing
crime rate, widespread poverty etc. also emerged.
Auguste Comte ( 1798-1857)
 ‘’Invented’’ sociology in 1842
 Socius or ‘’companion’’ and the latin word logy or ‘’
 Proposed that to understand society, it should be
analyzed as it really was unlike the early philosophers
and theologians who look at society in its ideal state.
 Positivism – an approach to understanding the world
based on science.
 Believed that society operates according to certain laws,
just as the physical world operates according to gravity
and other laws of nature.
Karl Marx ( 1818-1883 )
 A native of German and forerunner of the
conflict theory
 The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich
Engels in 1847
 bourgeoisie (middle class and owners) and
proletariat (the factory workers)
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
 Associated with the birth of sociology in his
native England.
 Soceity as an organism with a life and
vitality of its own.
 Used the phrase ‘’ survival of the fittest ‘’
when he proposed the policy of
noninterference in human affairs and society
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917)
 Is the first French sociologist.
 Individuals are more the products rather
than the creators of society; the society itself
is external to the individual.
 ‘’Suicide’’ book by Durkheim proved that
social forces strongly impact on people’s
lives and that a seemingly personal event is
not personal after all.
Max Weber (1864-19290)
 ‘’Sympathetic’’ understanding, verstehen, of the
mind of others’’
 The qualitative, subjective methods as well as
objective, quantitative methods should be used
in the study of social actions.
 The Protestants Ethics and the Spirit of
Capitalism, The Sociology of Hinduism and
Buddhism, and the Theory of Social and
Economic Organization
 Asserted that religion is very influential in the
actions and thoughts of people.
The Development of Sociology in
the Philippines
 In general, sociology in the Philippines developed
in three phases (Panopio and Rolda, 2002).in the
first phase, sociology was looked upon as social
philosophy. This orientation started with the
inclusion of sociology in college and university
offerings and taught as social philosophy. It was
introduced by Fr. Valentine Marin when he initiated
a course on criminlogy at the university of Santo
Thomas. There was a little emphasis on the
scientific nature of sociology.
 The second phase was when sociology was
viewed as a problem or welfare-oriented
discipline. Sociology was seen as a field in
which the focus is on analyzing poverty,
crime, unemployment , and other problems
that plague society. This view was put
forward by Serafin Macaraig, the first
Filipino to aqcuire a doctorate in sociology
and the first to write a sociology textbook, in
an Introduction to Sociology published in
1938. Very little research was done.
 The third stage is when sociology started to
take the scientific orientation. This started with
increased number of educational exchange
program grantees, establishment of social
science research centers and councils, growing
frequency of consequences, and publication of
professional journals. Public and private
agencies became increasingly aware of the
significance of social facts in the decision
making process. The data collected by the
government by pioneer Filipino sociologist
Benicio Catapusan on rural Philippines became
the benchmark for the distribution of economic
aid to different regions.
 Presently, the mainstreaming of sociology is
evident as sociologists appear in mass
media, particularly in public affairs
program. Prof. Randy David, arguably the
most prominent Filipino sociologist, writes
for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. His
column, Public Lives, appears every Sunday
Thank you !

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