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Stress Based Topology Optimization of 30 Ton C Hook Using FEM.

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The document discusses topology optimization of a 30-ton C-Hook using finite element analysis. It aims to reduce weight and redistribute stresses.

Topology optimization is a process that optimizes the material distribution within a given design space to obtain the best performance under the given loads and constraints.

A C-Hook is a lifting device used to grab and lift heavy loads. Its applications include material handling, paper/coil handling. Types include Turner, rotating, J, double and fork C-hooks.


Jnana Sangama, Belagavi- 590018, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Project Title:
Stress Based Topology Optimization Of 30 Ton C-Hook
Using Finite Element Analysis


• Topology optimization is the process of
optimizing the design parameters with in the
design space with the main aim of
redistributing the stresses along with weight
reduction .
What is Hook?
A lifting hook is a device for grabbing and lifting load by means
of a device such as a hoist or crane .a lifting hook is usually
equipped with a safety latch to prevent the disengagement of
the lifting via ropes sling, chain or rope to which the load is

Types of C-Hook
• Turner c-hook.
• Rotating c-hook.
• J-hook.
• Double c-hook.
• Fork c-hook.
• Simple c-hook and Coil-clamps.
C-Hook Applications:

• Heavy duty material handling.

• Paper role handling.
• Slide coil handling.
• Close stacking c-hook.
• Pivoting c-hook.
A typical C-Hook

The figure shows Load lifting by a C-

Hook through overhead Crane
Structure. Generally C-Hook is used
for heavy load applications.
Literature Review
• Vijendra Kumar etc. al[1] discussed about the importance of curved beams and theories for
stress estimations. They have applied Winkler’s theory for stress estimations and the same
is obtained through strain gauge techniques. Both the values are compared to find the
applicability of the formulae’s and experimental setups. They found close relation of the
obtained values. Aluminium material is used for test setup. Even analytical calculations are
carried out along with experimental and finite element analysis to analyze the problem.
• Amaresh etc, al[2] discussed about analysis and design aspects of lifting members for heavy
load applications. In his design, truss members are used for designing and analyzing the
multi scissor arm mechanism using truss concept. The design is optimized based on finite
element analysis after constructing through three dimensional modelling and later to shell
meshing . Even the problem is analysed through one dimensional analysis due to its easier
representation. He has effectively applied both one dimensional technique with link
elements and two dimensional shell elements to analyze the problem.
• Shiv Pratap Singh Yadav et. Al[3] detailed the importance of curved beams in the
engineering industry. They find wide use in Mechanical and Civil structures. Here, they
developed programs based in ‘C’ Language and the same is validated through Finite Element
Analysis. The design parameters like radius, length , load , offset etc are considered for
parameterization of design. Ansys software is used for finite element analysis. Very
minimum variation is observed between the programmed calculations and finite element
solutions. These error is also attributed due to the selection of the elements. Finite element
can ‘t represent a curved geometry. So size of the element also plays very important role in
the accuracy of the problem.
Problem Definition & Objectives
• Topology Optimization of the C-clamp using
Finite element analysis with the help of
theoretical design concepts is the main
definition of the problem.
• Here the main objective is to find the
minimum dimensions required for the C-
clamp for the given load details.
• Topology optimization.
• Literature on C-hook designs and probable
• Theoretical calculations for dimensions for the
c-hook along with pin dimensions.
• Three dimensional modeling and analysis.
• Topology optimization of the object using
Ansys software.
• Comparison of structural strength and weight
for initial and optimized design.
Design Requirements

• Coil Diameter to be lifted : 2.5m

• Length of the Coil: 2m
• Total Coil Weight=30 tons.

Minimum dimensions required for the C-Frame

• Length of the C-Frame : 2.3 meter(Minimum gap
of 300mm at the edge of C-frame)
• Minimum height of the C-Frame: 1.5m
Material Specification

Material Elastic Poison’s Density Yield Allowable

Specification Modulus ratio Stress Stress(Mpa)

Mild Steel 200Gpa 0.3 7850kg/m3 250 100

Functioning of C-Hook
• The C-Clamp is the most common type of coil handling device, and the
“Balanced C-Clamp” is the most common C-Clamp style.
• Many years ago, they were made of a single plate with a counterweight
attached for balance.
• The first improvement was to install a saddle on the lifting arm. The lifting
arm is the portion that is inserted into the eye of the coil and actually
performs the coil lifting.
• A back plate was installed to alleviate the damage done to the coil wall
when the leg portion of the C-Hook hit it. This striking of the coil wall
occurs almost always, and especially when picking up coils of maximum
width. C-Hooks are designed so that the coil wall of a maximum width coil
will be approximately one half-inch to one inch away from the leg edge
when lifting and transporting it. Ideally, a crane operator will - from a
hundred feet or more away - insert the lifting leg of the C-Hook into the
eye of the coil without the leading edge (or “nose”) ever touching the coil
wall, and then stop the insertion process when the coil wall is just a half
inch or so from striking the back plate. The probability of lifting the coil in
this manner without damage is extremely low.
Specifications of the C-Hook
Segment Representation
Shear Force and Bending Moment
• Total load : 30 tons=30000kgs or 300000N or
• If 300KN is applied on a length of 2300mm,
the uniformly distributed load value is
• For analysing the segment, each segment is
assumed to be fixed. The following boundary
conditions were applied.
Loading Diagram
Bending Moment calculations for
Segment 1:
• Assuming the left end is constrained,
maximum moment created by UDL for
cantilever configuration is
mm(Here negative sign represents clockwise
• The value is approximated to 345e6N-mm.
• Shear Force at location
Shear Force Diagram for Segment 1
Bending Moment Diagram for
Shear Force for Segment 2:
Bending Moment Diagram For
Segment 2:
Shear Force Diagram for Segment 3:
Bending Moment Diagram for
Segment 3:
Shear Force Diagram For Full
Bending Moment Diagrams For Full
Pin Calculations
• Pins are designed for shear load
• Maximum shear load: F=300000N
• Allowable stress τ =50N/mm2.
• Since pin is in double shear, allowable shear for
stress τ =25N/mm2
• Area of the pin required
• A=300000/25=12000mm2
• Diameter of pin required d=62mm at the center
Link Dimensions
• Since two lifting links are used.
• Load on each link : 300000/2= 150000 N
• Minimum area required for the link
A=150000/100 (100 is allowable stress)
• Minimum area requirement for the link
C-Frame Calculations
• Minimum section required based on Bending Moment :
• Maximum Bending Moment=345e6N-mm
• Assuming a rectangular section of the beam
• From basic mechanics of material formulations
• σb= 6Mmax/(bh2)
• here b=width of the beam
• h=depth of the beam
• due to 2 unknown variables width can be assumed.
• width of the beam b=120mm
• h2=6*345e6/(120* σb)=172500mm2
• h=415mm.
Analysis Results For The Given
Bending Stress Plot

The figures shows structural safety for the design dimensions of 120mm width and
428mm height for the beam. The segment 2 has maximum stress compared to the
other regions. Since it is a heavy structure, self weight also plays very important role in
the structural safety. So analysis is carried out further with self weight consideration. So
further input of acceleration due to gravity and mass density are required as input to
find the self weight solution.
Self Weight Results – Deformation
Stress Due To Self Weight
Total Self Weight
Final Dimensions Considered
• Due to the hole requirement for hinge at the
center of plate , along with bush insertion the
final dimensions are as follows.
• Height of the beam : 800mm ( Due to removal of
the material for hinging and bush placement)
• Width of the beam: 120mm
• Cross sectional area A=1e5mm2
• Moment of Inertia of the problem: 0.54e10mm4.
• Weight of the structure W=11973kg
Final C-Frame Dimensions
Three Dimensional View Of The
Mesh View Of The Problem

Element Type : Solid45

Number of element: 85872
Number of nodes:62342
Boundary Conditions
Deformation Plot
Vonmises Stress Plot
Stress In The C-Frame
Stress In Other Components
Low Stress Regions
Topology Optimized Structure

By Element Birth and Death feature, the low stress elements can be killed
and only live elements can be displayed using Ansys post processor. Final
weight : 9773kgs. Overall weight reduction in the problem equal to 18%.
Results And Discussions
• Initially theoretical calculations are carried out for the given design
requirements. Using free body diagram, initially bending moments and
shear force diagrams are represented for the problem. Both theoretical
and finite element calculations are compared and results found matching
and so finite element calculations are carried out further.
• Once the moments and shear forces are calculated , the sectional
dimensions are calculated for structural safety. Due to the dimensional
calculation, the design dimensions are altered and further iterations are
carried out for structural safety under external loading and self weight.
The final dimensions are concluded with width requirement of 120mm
and height of the bema requirement of 800mm.
• Further a three dimensional model is considered based on conventional
rectangular representation with the calculated values. The geometry is
built using Solid Edge software and meshed with Hypermesh. The results
shows safety of the structure for the given structural loads(external load
300000N, counter weight of 5 tons and self weight). But the results shows
stress concentration on outer surfaces compared to the inner geometry.
• topology optimisation is carried out to reduce the weight. The results
shows weight reduction from 11973kgs to 9773kgs. So a weight reduction
of 18% is observed in the problem.
Further Scope
• Composite material usage can be checked
• Shape optimisation can be carried out
• Transient response analysis can be carried out
• Dynamic response can be calculated
• Full assembly with coil in the position can be
carried out
• Possible thermal effects can be carried out
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3. Shiv Pratap Singh Yadav, Kishan Reddy,” Numerical and Analytical Study on
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4. Eduardo Vazquez-Santacruz, “ Optimal Synthesis and 3D Modelling of a Lifting
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Thank You.

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