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Composite Bridge Design

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The key steps involve preliminary design of structural elements, analysis of loads, design of reinforcement.

The steps involve structural layout, analysis of loads, design of reinforcement for the deck slab and kerb.

The loads considered include dead loads, live loads from highway traffic and pedestrians.


1.1 Proposed Structural System

1.1.2 Superstructure Type: R.C Deck and
Steel Pratt Truss Girders
1.1.3 Number of spans: 1

1.1.4 Road importance: Trunk Road

1.1.5 Preliminary Member Sizing
Effective span = 30m
Total carriage way width = 7.50m
Pedestrian kerb ( on each side) width = 1.50 m
Surfacing slope = 3%
Deck Slab thickness (AASHO Table
Minimum thickness, tmin = = 𝟒𝟐𝟎𝐦𝐦

Depth of truss girders, h:

𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 30000
ℎ~ 𝑠𝑎𝑦 =
(15 𝑡𝑜 25) 20 20
= 𝟏, 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐦𝐦
Spacing of vertical truss members
For simplifying design, take this spacing = depth of
truss girders = 1,500mm
Bracing members to the trusses to be provided at
interval of 3.00m along the span of the bridge
DEAD LOAD (ℽfL = 1.15)
Permanent Dead Load
S.W of slab in carriageway: = 0.42 x 24 x 1.15 = 11.60kN/m2

Kerb 1: = 0.10 x 24 x 1.15 = 2.76 kN/m2

Kerb 2: = ½ x 0.42 x 24 x 1.15 = 5.80 kN/m2

Superimposed Dead Load (ℽfL = 1.75)

S.W of wearing course = 0.030 x 20 x 1.75 = 1.05kN/m2
(at the edge)
= 0.1125 x 20 x 1.75 = 3.94 kN/m2
(at apex)
Parapet = 5.00 x 1.75 = 8.75kN/m2

HA Load

Reference Calculations
Carriageway width = 7.5m
Loaded length = 30m
Cl Number of notional lanes
Number of notional lanes =2
Notional lane width (bL) = 7.5/2 = 3.75m
Cl 6.2.1. Nominal HA UDL
Table 13 Loaded length = 30m
HA UDL = 30 kN/m (per notional lane)
Cl 6.2.2. Knife Edge Load (KEL)
KEL = 120 kN (per notional lane)
HA Load

HA alone (L = 1.50)

UDL: 30 kN/m/lane : 30 x 1.5/3.75 = 12.00 kN/m2
KEL: 120 kN/lane: 120 x 1.5/3.75 = 48.00 kN/m
(transversal line load)

HA with HB (L = 1.30)

HA Loading
UDL: 30 x 1.3/3.75 = 10.40 kN/m2
KEL: 120 x 1.3/3.75 = 41.60 kN/m
(transversal line load)
HB Loading (taking 45 Units)

Total wheels: 16 wheels in 4 axles and (L = 1.30)

Load per wheel: 45 x 2.5 x 1.3 = 146.25 kN

Load per axle : 146.25 x 4 = 585.00 kN

Total vehicle load: 585 x 4 = 2,340 kN

Pedestrian (L = 1.5)

Pedestrian Load: 5 x 1.5 = 7.50 kN/m2
Dead Load (DL)
Consider 1.0 m width along the slab

Slab VL= 11.60 x 0.15 = 1.74kN ML = -11.60 x 0.152/2 = - 0.13k Nm

VR = 11.60 x7.5/2 = 43.5kN MR = 11.6 x 7.52/8-0.13 = 81.43kNm
Kerb VL1 = 2.76 x 1.50 = 4.14kN ML1 = -2.76 x1.52/2 = -3.11kNm

VL2 = 5.80 x 1.35 = 7.83kN ML2 = - (5.80 x1.35) x (1.35/3 + 0.15)

= - 4.70kNm
Surfacing: VR = 0.5 x (1.05+4.99) x 7.5/2 = MR = 11.33 x 3.75 – 1.05 x 3.752/2
11.33 kN – 0.5 x 3.94 x 3.752/3 = 25.87kNm
Parapet: VL = 8.75 kN ML = 8.75 x 1.5 = - 13.13 kNm
Live Load
Case 1: HA on both lanes

Due to VR = 12.00 x 7.5/2 = 45kN MR = 12.00 x 7.52/8 =

UDL 84.38 kNm
Due to KEL VR = 48.00 x 7.5/2 = MR = 48.00 x 7.52/8 =
180 kN 337.5 kNm
Case 2: HA on One Lane Only

Due to VR = ⅜ x12.0 x 7.5 = MR = 12.00 (⅜x7.5)2/2 =

UDL 33.75kN 47.46kNm

Due to VR = ⅜ x 48 x 7.5 = MR= 48(⅜x 7.5)2/2 = 190 kNm

KEL 135 kN
Pedestrian Load

VL = 7.5x 1.50 = 11.25 kN ML = 7.5 x 1.52/2 = 8.44 kNm

Case 3: HB alone

Load per wheel = 146.25 kN

VR 
4 L  4 a  6  = 146.25/7.5 (4 x 7.5 – 4 x 0.25 – 6) = 448.5kN
Case 3: HB alone

a = 3.75 – 0.25 – 1 = 2.50m

M R  4 L  4a  6  a  1  ( Px1)

MR = (146.25/7.5(14)(3.5)– (146.25 x 1)
= 809.3kNm
Case 4: HA + HB

VR,HB = 448.5 kN
VR,HA,UDL = (1/8)WL = 10.40 x 7.5/8 = 9.75 kN
VR,HA,KEL = 41.60 x 7.5/8 = 39.0 kN
MHB = 146.25x (2 + 0.25) -146.25 x 2 – 146.25 x 1 = 517.59 kNm
MHA,UDL = 47.46x 1.3/1.5 = 41.13 kNm (from HA on one lane )
MHA,KEL = 190 x 1.3/1.5 = 164.67 kNm (from HA on one lane)
Summary of Design Loads for the Deck
Load type - Case Shear Force Reaction Bending Moment
in kN in kN in kNm
Outer Inner Hogging Sagging
Dead Load (DL)
Slab 1.74 43.5 0.13 81.43
Kerb 1 4.14 4.14 3.11
Kerb 2 7.83 7.83 4.70
Surfacing Dead Load
Surfacing 11.33 11.33 25.87
Parapet 8.75 8.75 13.13
Sub Total 22.46 54.83 77.29 21.07 107.3

Live Load
Case 1: HA on both
HA UDL 45.00 45.00 84.38
HA KEL 180.00 180.00 337.50
Sub-Total 225.0 225.0 421.88
Bridges © 2017

Summary of Design Loads for the Deck (ctd)

Case 2: HA on one lane
HA UDL 33.75 33.75 47.46

HA KEL 135.0 135.0 190.0

Sub-Total 168.75 168.75 237.46

Case 3: HB alone 448.5 448.5 809.3

Case 4: HA + HB
HA UDL 9.75 9.75 41.13
HA KEL 39.00 39.0 164.67
HB 448.5 448.5 517.59
Sub-Total 497.25 497.25 723.39
Pedestrian 11.25 11.25 8.44

Design Values 33.71 552.08 585.79 29.51 916.60

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Total thickness of slab = 420 mm
Concrete cover = 35 mm
Bar diameter = 20 mm
Concrete class = C40
Steel grade = 460
Effective depth: d = 420 – 35 – 10 = 375 mm
Design moment = 916.6 kNm
M 916.6 106
K 2
 2
 0.217  K ' (0.156)
f cu bd 40 x1000 x375
Doubly reinforced section

Design of Compression Steel

( K  K ' ) fcubd 2 0.217  0.156 40 1000 3752 
AS 1  
0.87 fy ( d  d ' ) 0.87 x 460 x375  45
 1,891.3mm 2 / m 18
Bridges © 2017

Design of Tension Steel
AS  AS 1  AS 2

 AS 1 
0.156  fcubd 2
0.87 fy 0.775d 

 AS 1 

0.15640 1000  3752 
0.87 x 4600.775 x375

 1,891.3  7,544.6

 9,436mm 2 / m 19
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Provide Y20 – 150 mm c/c (As = 2,094mm2/m) on top
within deck transverse direction.

Provide Y40– 125 mm c/c (As = 10,053mm2/m) at bottom

within deck transverse direction. 50% of tension steel has to
be provided at the support for taking unforeseen negative

Secondary reinforcement
As= 0.13%bh = 0.13/100(1000x420) = 546mm2/m

Provide Y16– 300 mm c/c (As = 670mm2/m) both at

bottom and top within deck longitudinal direction.

Bridges © 2017

Design of Kerb:

The design moment is 29.51 kNm

Using the same effective depth,

M 29.51106
K 2
 2
 0.0052  0.156
f cu bd 40 x1000 x375

z = 0.95d = 356.3 mm

As = 29.51 x 106/(0.87 x 460 x 356.3) = 207mm2/m

As,min = 0.13 x 1000 x 450/100 = 585 mm2/m --- Provide minimum


Provide Y16 – 300 c/c (As = 670 mm2/m)

Bridges © 2017

Design for Shear

V = 552.08kN
v = V/bd = 552080/(1000 x 375) = 1.472 N/mm2 < 5.0 N/mm2 OK
Critical shear stress:
vc = 0.79x (100 x 10053/(1000x375))^0.333x(40/25)^0.5/1.25 = 1.111 N/mm2

Provide shear reinforcement:

0.4 + vc = v < 5.0 N/mm2
Asv b( v  v c )

sv 0.87 f yv
Assume bar diameter = 16 mm
Asv 2-legs = 402 mm2,
Sv = 0.87 x 460 x 402/(1000 x (1.29-0.89) = 402 mm c/c, say 400 mm c/c

Take the minimum reinforcement of Y16 – 300 c/c

Bridges © 2017


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