Patient Safety
Patient Safety
Patient Safety
Fury Maulina
Prescribing antibiotics without regard for the
patient’s underlying condition and whether
antibiotics will help the patient, or administering
multiple drugs potential for adverse drug reactions
Many studies confirm medical error is prevalent in our
health system and that the costs are substantial
Ethical codes
(perspective of
the doctor) complex
environment and
the needs of
Patient safety patients
(perspective of
the patient)
The significant number of studies
most adverse events are preventable
28%: negligence
In a landmark of a health
study by Leape professional • Poor medical
et al. (1993): Management
> 2/3 adverse
events • Substandard
preventable care
42%: other factors
not related to such
Swiss Cheese Model
Source: Coombes ID et al. Why do interns make prescribing errors? A qualitative study, Medical
Journal of Australia, 2008, 188(2): 89–94. Adapted from Reason’s model of accident causation
What need to do?