CA Colorectal
CA Colorectal
CA Colorectal
Group 2
Sri Inda Rahayu 21117113
Susanti 21117115
Syarah Huda 21117117
Tia Novelia 21117119
Tias Rido Perdana 21117121
Tinti 21117123
Tuti Dwi Sofiyanti 21117125
The main function of
the colom is the
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and electrolytest from
kimus to fom denche
feces and
accumulation of
faecal material until it
cenbi removed
Tumors can spread through:
Direct infiltration into adjacent structures, such as into the bladder
(urinary vesica).
Spread through lymphogenic lymph vessels to pericolone lymph
glands and mesocolones.
Through blood flow, hematogenous is usually to the liver because
the colon drains blood back to the portal system.
Stadium in colon cancer patients according to Syamsu
(1197) including:
1. Stage I if the presence of cancer cells is still limited to the lining
of the large intestine (mucous layer).
2. Stage II occurs when cancer cells have entered the muscle
tissue under the mucous layer.
3. In stage III cancer cells have spread to a portion of the lymph
nodes that are mostly found around the intestine.
4. Stage IV occurs when cancer cells have attacked the entire
lymph gland or even to other organs
Tumor growth can cause partial or complete
intestinal obstruction.
Metastases to surrounding organs, through
hematogens, lymphogens and direct spread.
Growth and ulceration can also attack blood
vessels around the colon which cause
Intestinal perforation can occur and result in
abscess formation.
Peritonitis and or sepsis can cause shock.
Abscess formation Formation of the fistula in the
urinary bladder or vagina.
Medical management Patients with symptoms of intestinal obstruction are
treated with IV fluid and nasogastric suction. If there is bleeding that is
significant enough therapeutic components of blood can be given.
Surgical management Surgery is the primary action for most colon and
rectal cancers, surgery can be curative or palliative.
The type of surgery depends on the location and size of the tumor.
Selected surgical procedures are as follows.
1. Endoscopy.
2. Radiology
3. Ultrasonography (USG
4. Histopathology
5. Laboratory
6. Scan
7. Biopsy
8. Complete blood count with differential and
platelet: Can show anemia, changes in red blood
cells and white blood cells: platelets increase or
9. Chest X-ray