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CA Colorectal

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Group 2
Sri Inda Rahayu 21117113
Susanti 21117115
Syarah Huda 21117117
Tia Novelia 21117119
Tias Rido Perdana 21117121
Tinti 21117123
Tuti Dwi Sofiyanti 21117125

 Colorectal Cancer otherwise known as

Ca. Colon or Colon Cancer is a form of
malignancy that occurs in the colon,
rectum, and appendix (appendix).
 To find it is needed an action which is
called a colonoscopy, while the
treatment is through surgery followed by

 The cause of Colon cancer is unknown. Diet and reduction

in circulation time in the large intestine (front flow of stool)
which includes causative factors. Foods to avoid:
 Red meat
 Animal fat
 Fatty foods
 Fried or grilled meat and fish
 Filtered carbohydrates (example: filtered juice)
 Food to be consumed:
 Fruits and vegetables especially Craciferous Vegetables
from cabbage groups (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts)
 Whole grain of rice
 Adequate liquid, especially water
Signs and sympthoms
The local symptoms are:
 Changes in bowel habits
 Changes in frequency of urination, decrease (constipation) or increase (diarrhea)
 Sensation such as not finished urinating, (still wants but can't get out) and changes in the
diameter and size of the stool (feces). Both are characteristic of colorectal cancer
 Changes in physical form of feces / feces
 Stool mixed with blood or bleeding from the drain hole when defecating
 Mucous faeces are blackish in color, usually associated with bleeding in the upper
digestive tract
 Pain arises accompanied by nausea and vomiting during bowel movements, resulting from
obstruction of the sewage tract by the tumor mass
 There is a lump in the stomach that may be felt by the sufferer
 Other symptoms arise around the location of the tumor, because
cancer can grow about the organs and tissues surrounding the
tumor, such as the bladder (blood arises in urine, air bubbles arise,
etc.), the vagina (smelling vaginal discharge, excessive mucus
appears, etc). These symptoms occur later, showing the greater the
tumor and the wider the spread. The general symptoms are:
 Weight loss without obvious cause (this is the most common symptom in all types of
 Loss of appetite
 Anemia, the patient appears pale
 Often feeling tired
Signs and sympthoms
Symptoms of the spread are:
Spread to the liver, causing symptoms:
a. The patient appears yellow
b. Abdominal pain, more often in the upper right, around the location of the
c. Enlarged liver, usually seen on a physical examination by a doctor
d. Another symptom called paraneoplastik arises, associated with increased
blood viscosity due to the spread of cancer.
Levels / Staging / Stadium of Colon Cancer There are several types
of staging classifications of colon cancer, there is a classification of TNM,
Dukes classification, but what I will describe is the following classification
(similar to the Dukes classification):
a. Stage 1: Cancer occurs inside the colon wall
b. Stage 2: Cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the colon
c. Stage 3: Cancer has spread to the lymph glands
d. Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other organs.

 Symptoms are largely determined by the

location of the cancer, the stage of the
disease, and the function of the intestinal
segment where the cancer is located. The
most prominent symptom is a change in
habit of defecation.
 . Symptoms can also be anemia of unknown
cause, anorexia, or weight loss and fatigue.
Anatomical physiology
Anatomi :
1. Intestine crassum
large intestine
2. Appendix
3. Colon transversum
4. Colon descendens
5. Colon sigmoideu

The main function of
the colom is the
afsorvetion obwater
and electrolytest from
kimus to fom denche
feces and
accumulation of
faecal material until it
cenbi removed
Tumors can spread through:
 Direct infiltration into adjacent structures, such as into the bladder
(urinary vesica).
 Spread through lymphogenic lymph vessels to pericolone lymph
glands and mesocolones.
 Through blood flow, hematogenous is usually to the liver because
the colon drains blood back to the portal system.
Stadium in colon cancer patients according to Syamsu
(1197) including:
1. Stage I if the presence of cancer cells is still limited to the lining
of the large intestine (mucous layer).
2. Stage II occurs when cancer cells have entered the muscle
tissue under the mucous layer.
3. In stage III cancer cells have spread to a portion of the lymph
nodes that are mostly found around the intestine.
4. Stage IV occurs when cancer cells have attacked the entire
lymph gland or even to other organs
 Tumor growth can cause partial or complete
intestinal obstruction.
 Metastases to surrounding organs, through
hematogens, lymphogens and direct spread.
 Growth and ulceration can also attack blood
vessels around the colon which cause
 Intestinal perforation can occur and result in
abscess formation.
 Peritonitis and or sepsis can cause shock.
 Abscess formation Formation of the fistula in the
urinary bladder or vagina.
 Medical management Patients with symptoms of intestinal obstruction are
treated with IV fluid and nasogastric suction. If there is bleeding that is
significant enough therapeutic components of blood can be given.
 Surgical management Surgery is the primary action for most colon and
rectal cancers, surgery can be curative or palliative.
 The type of surgery depends on the location and size of the tumor.
Selected surgical procedures are as follows.

1. Segmental resection with anastomosis (removal of the tumor and portion of

the intestine on the growth side, blood vessels and lymphatic nodes)
2. Abominoperineal resection with permanent sigmoid colostomy (removal of
the tumor and sigmoid portion and all the rectum and anal sphincter)
3.Temporary colostomy is followed by segmental resection and anastomosis
and further reanastomosis of the colostomy
4. Permanent colostomy or iliostomy (to cure unresectable obstruction

1. Support adaptation and independence.

2. Increase comfort.
3. Maintain optimal physiological functions.
4. Prevent complications.
5. Provides information about process /
disease conditions, prognosis, and
treatment needs.

1. Endoscopy.
2. Radiology
3. Ultrasonography (USG
4. Histopathology
5. Laboratory
6. Scan
7. Biopsy
8. Complete blood count with differential and
platelet: Can show anemia, changes in red blood
cells and white blood cells: platelets increase or
9. Chest X-ray

Tumors in the colon and rectum (colorectal) or

large intestine are of two kinds,
Benign tumors are divided into:
1. Epithelial tumors, consisting of: Adenoma and
2. Nonepithelial tumors, consisting of: Leomioma,
Hemangioma, and Lipoma

Malignant tumors consist of:

1. Carcinoma
2. Sarcoma

 Nursing diagnoses based on data analysis according

to Marilynn E. Doenges (1999), Brunner and Suddarth
(2001), and Lynda Selll Carpenito (1997).
1. Anxiety / fear is related to crisis situations (cancer)
2. Pain (acute) associated with tissue trauma and
muscle spasm reflex secondary to colon cancer.
3. Changes in nutrition less than the body's needs are
related to hypometabolic status with regard to cancer.
4. High risk of lack of fluid volume is associated with less
fluid input
5. Fatigue is related to changes in body chemistry: side
effects of drugs, chemotherapy.
1. Anxiety / fear is related to crisis situations (cancer)
Objective: After nursing actions anxiety can be reduced or can be controlled.
a. Encourage patients to express thoughts and feelings.
b. Provide an open environment where patients feel safe.
c. Maintain frequent contact with patients.
d. Help the patient / person closest to recognizing fear
e. Improve calm and calm environment

2. Pain (acute) is associated with discontinuation of continuity of skin tissue

secondary to surgical procedures.
Objective: After nursing action is expected the patient can report maximum
pain relief / control with minimal influence.
a. Determine the history of pain, such as the location of pain,
frequency, duration, and intensity, and the remedial actions performed.
b. Give basic comfort actions and entertainment activities.
c. Encourage pain management skills such as deep breathing
relaxation techniques (by pulling the breath through the nose hold up to a
count of ten, then exhale softly through the mouth while feeling),
laughing, music, and therapeutic touches.
d. Pain relief / control evaluation.

4. Changes in nutrition less than the body's needs are related to

hypermetabolic status with regard to cancer.
Objective: After nursing action is expected the patient can demonstrate a
stable body weight.
a. Monitor input every day.
b. Weigh your weight every day or as indicated.
c. Encourage patients to eat high-calorie and nutrient-rich diets
with adequate fluid input.
d. Encourage patients to eat small but frequent meals.
e. Create a pleasant dining atmosphere.
f. Identify patients who have anticipated nausea / vomiting.

 Colon cancer is a cancer that is in the

colon. Colon cancer is the second
leading cause of death in the United
States after lung cancer (ACS 1998) This
disease is a deadly disease because the
disease is often not known to a more
severe extent. Surgery is the only way to
change Colon cancer.
Thank you

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