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02 Efis

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Electronic Flight

Instrument Systems

Prepared by
Sentot Purbadi
 Tujuan Pembelajaran:
◦ Mengetahui aplikasi sistem digital pada pesbang
◦ Mengetahui defenisi dari EFIS dan keuntungannya
◦ Mengetahui perbedaan antara EFIS dengan sistem
instrument konvensional
◦ Mengetahui komponen-komponen utama pada EFIS
beserta fungsinya
◦ Mengetahui blok diagram dari sistem EFIS
◦ Contoh sistem EFIS pada beberapa pesbang
Application of Digital Techniques
of a Modern Aircraft
 Flight Control system
 Instruments system
 Recording system
 Cabin Atmosphere control system
 Navigation system
 Information system
 Electrical Power Control system
 ACARS, etc
In an effort to increase the safety of
operating complicated aircraft, computers and
computer systems have been incorporated.
Flight instrumentation, engine and
airframe monitoring are areas particularly well
suited to gain advantages from the use of
They contribute by helping to reduce
instrument panel clutter and focusing the
pilot’s attention only on matters of imminent
Electromechanical Flight
Instrument System

Electronic Flight Instrument

System (EFIS)
 An Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) is a
Flight Deck instrument display system in which the display
technology used is electronic rather than electromechanical.

 EFIS display normally consists of

 Primary Flight Display (PFD) or
Electronic Atitude Direction Indicator (EADI)
 Multi Function Display (MFD) or
Electronic Horizontal Situated Indicator (EHSI)
 Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) or
Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM)
 Although Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays were
used at first, Liquid Crystal display (LCD) are
now more common.

 LCD units generate less heat than CRTs, lighter, and

lower volume.
 An EFIS installation will have the following
o Displays
o Data processors (symbol generator)
o Control and sensors
 EFIS installations vary greatly. A light aircraft might be
equipped with one display unit, on which are
displayed flight and navigation data.
 A wide-body aircraft is likely to have six or more display
 A basic EFIS might have all these facilities in the one



Flight Navigation Engine Other

Instrument Instrument Instrument Instrument
sensors sensors sensors sensors
Data processors

The EFIS visual display is produced by the symbol generator.

This receives data inputs from the pilot, signals from
sensors, and EFIS format selections made by the pilot. The
symbol generator can go by other names, such as display
processing computer, display electronics unit, etc.

The symbol generator does more than generate symbols. It

has (at the least) monitoring facilities, a graphics generator
and a display driver. Inputs from sensors and controls arrive
via data buses, and are checked for validity. The required
computations are performed, and the graphics generator
and display driver produce the inputs to the display units.
Like personal computers, flight instrument systems
need power-on-self-test facilities and continuous
self-monitoring. Flight instrument systems, however,
need additional monitoring capabilities:
 Input validation verify that each sensor is
providing valid data
 Data comparison - cross check inputs from
duplicated sensors
 Display monitoring - detect failures within
the instrument system
Primary Flight Display (PFD)

 On the flight deck, the display units are the most obvious parts of an
EFIS system, and are the features which give rise to the name ”glass

 The display unit taking the place of the ADI is called the Primary Flight
Display (PFD). If a separate display replaces the HSI (Horizontal
Situated Indicator), it is called the Multi Function
Display(MFD)/Navigation Display.

 The PFD displays all information critical to flight, including calibrated

airspeed, altitude, heading, attitude, vertical speed and yaw.

 The PFD is designed to improve a pilot's situational awareness by

integrating this information into a single display instead of six different
analog instruments, reducing the amount of time necessary to monitor
the instruments. PFDs also increase situational awareness by alerting
the aircrew to unusual or potentially hazardous conditions — for
example, low airspeed, high rate of descent — by changing the color or
shape of the display or by providing audio alerts
An EFIS EADI displays an airspeed scale to the left of the horizon sphere and an
altimeter and vertical speed scale to the right. The slip indicator is the small
rectangle under the direction triangles at the top. This EFIS display presents all of
the flight information in the conventional cockpit basic six.

 The names Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI) and

Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) are used by some
manufacturers. However, a simulated ADI is only the centerpiece of
the PFD. Additional information is both superimposed on and
arranged around this graphic.
 Multi-function displays can render a separate navigation display
unnecessary. Another option is to use one large screen to show
both the PFD and navigation display.
 The PFD and navigation display (and multi-function display, where
fitted) are often physically identical. The information displayed is
determined by the system interfaces where the display units are
fitted. Thus, spares holding is simplified: the one display unit can be
fitted in any position.
Multi-Function Display (MFD)/
Navigation Display (ND)
 The MFD (multi-function display) displays navigational and weather
information from multiple systems. MFDs are most frequently designed
as "chart-centric", where the aircrew can overlay different information
over a map or chart. Examples of MFD overlay information include the
aircraft's current route plan, weather information from either on-board
radar or lightning detection sensors or ground-based sensors, e.g.,
NEXRAD, restricted airspace and aircraft traffic. The MFD can also be
used to view other non-overlay type of data (e.g., current route plan)
and calculated overlay-type data, e.g., the glide radius of the aircraft,
given current location over terrain, winds, and aircraft speed and

 MFDs can also display information about aircraft systems, such as fuel
and electrical systems (see EICAS, below). As with the PFD, the MFD can
change the color or shape of the data to alert the aircrew to hazardous
• A MFD displays an EHSI that presents navigational information for the entire
flight. The pilot selects the mode most useful for a particular phase of flight,
ranging from navigational planning to instrument approach to landing. The MAP
mode is used during most of the flight
Engine Indications and Crew Alerting System (EICAS)/
Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM)

 EICAS (Engine Indications and Crew Alerting System) displays

information about the aircraft's systems, including its fuel,
electrical and propulsion systems (engines). EICAS displays
are often designed to mimic traditional round gauges while
also supplying digital readouts of the parameters.

• EICAS improves situational awareness by allowing the aircrew

to view complex information in a graphical format and also by
alerting the crew to unusual or hazardous situations. For
example, if an engine begins to lose oil pressure, the EICAS
might sound an alert, switch the display to the page with the
oil system information and outline the low oil pressure data
with a red box. Unlike traditional round gauges, many levels of
warnings and alarms can be set. Proper care must be taken
when designing EICAS to ensure that the aircrew are always
provided with the most important information and not
overloaded with warnings or alarms.

• ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring) is a similar

system used by Airbus, which in addition to providing EICAS
functions also recommend remedial action.
• Nine of the 12 available system diagrams from the ECAM manual mode.
Control panels
EFIS has two control panel, and the function are

– One to control EFIS display

– One to select the source of the information being displayed

• The pilots are provided with controls, with which they select display
range and mode (for example, map or compass rose) and enter data
(such as selected heading).
Where inputs by the pilot are used by other equipment, data buses
broadcast the pilot's selections so that the pilot only needs to enter the
selection once. For example, the pilot selects the desired level-off
altitude on a control unit. The EFIS repeats this selected altitude on the
PFD and by comparing it with the actual altitude (from the air data
computer) generates an altitude error display. This same altitude
selection is used by the automatic flight control system to level off, and
by the altitude alerting system to provide appropriate warnings.
Control Display Unit

 Sensors are used to give information to data processor

about the actual condition of the aircraft attitude, direction,
engine status, etc.
 Flight sensors give the attitude data, altitude, speed,
 Navigation sensors give the data of heading,
position, etc
 Engine sensors give data of engine status like rpm, EGT,
oil pressure, etc.
EFIS on an Airbus A380
EFIS on an Eclipse 500
Garmin G1000 on a Diamond DA42
 EFIS display normally consists of
A. Primary Flight Displays-PFD,
B. Multi Function Display -MFD and
C. Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System- (EICAS)
D. All the answers are true

 The technology of an display screen usually are

A. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays
B. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
C. A and B are true
D. A and B are false
 The advantageous LCD over CRT generate
A. less heat than CRTs,
B. Lighter
C. lower volume.
D. All the above answers are true

 Engine parameters can be displayed on

A. Primary Flight Displays-PFD,
B. Multi Function Display -MFD and
C. Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System- (EICAS)
D. All the answers are true

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