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McKinsey Accelerate: Impact Essentials for

driving systematic execution and change


Last updated June 2019


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Impact Essentials is delivered through 10 modules

Commit to full potential: Identify and align Create conviction: Ideate and scale initiatives: Design
on performance and health aspiration Engage all employees with a compelling initiatives as part of a scalable, executable
change story and communications plan plan to achieve the performance and health

Lock in change: Design tools, Launch transformation Lead by example: (Re)deploy talent: Position the
technology, processes and infrastructure: Stand-up Build ability of senior leaders to right talent in critical roles to
operating model to support governance and performance role model the change drive value
change management system to
orchestrate impact

(Re)invest in capabilities: Build and refine Activate influencers: Use formal and Reward individuals: Establish financial and
leadership, functional and executional skills informal change agents to catalyze the non-financial incentives to help achieve
change outcomes

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Detailed scope of 10 Modules to drive systematic execution and change (1/3)

a. Develop a compelling aspiration linked to the clear strategic goals of the organization
b. Ensure full clarity on performance baseline and perspective on the momentum of the business
c. Size the full potential opportunity
d. Set concrete performance targets (e.g. financial outcomes, operational metrics, and organizational capabilities) for the end state and over time
Commit to e. Identify the “from-to” tactical performance goals with targeted improvements across functionalities
full potential: Identify and f. Identify organizational capabilities required to reach performance goals
align on performance and g. Measure health baseline using the Organizational Health Index (OHI)
health aspiration h. Set Organizational Health aspiration using the OHI recipe
i. Understand critical operational and talent needs in order to achieve Health aspiration
j. Prioritize management practice based on aspiration and operational needs
k. Identify the “from-to” critical mindset and behavior shifts required to drive change and measure progress”
l. Identify ways to monitor and measure progress on Health

a. Map stakeholders on an ongoing basis and establish ways to engage them

b. Define guiding principles for communications plans on what motivates people to take action and own parts of transformation
Create conviction: c. Develop a communications plan (what we communicate, how we communicate, who communicates it, which channels to use and how frequently)
Engage all employees with a
d. Create a change story and plan to scale it
compelling change story and
communications plan e. Share the change story using the network-based approach and deliver other communications across the entire organization
f. Communications effectiveness and employee engagement measurement to improve ongoing communications in an agile manner

a. Identify the overall set of initiatives to meet the full potential aspiration (e.g., running effective ideation sessions, guidance on moving from ideas to
initiatives, segment initiatives by type and level of change to guide design)
b. Design each initiative based on best practice initiative design (e.g., segmentation and level of change, business case, implementation plan, embed
Ideate and scale initiatives: health as needed, resource requirements)
Design initiatives as part of a c. Prioritize initiatives to create a balanced portfolio
scalable, executable plan to d. Design overall roadmap, taking into account the optimal pilot and scale-up plan for each initiative and the overall portfolio of initiatives
achieve the performance and
e. Launch and execute initiatives
health aspiration
f. implement quick wins to drive near-term impact
g. Pilot and scale up initiatives based on organization's ability to absorb the change and desire to capture value
h. Refine initiatives, drive completion of all initiative milestones and track until full value is realized, and transition initiatives to steady state
implementation when ready
i. Re-sequence and rebalance initiatives and roadmap on a regular basis McKinsey & Company 3

Detailed scope of 10 Modules to drive systematic execution and change (2/3)

a. Select key elements around Structure, Processes and Systems to sustain transformation outcomes
b. Understand best practices in similar situations depending on the nature of the transformation
Lock in change: Design c. Identify key challenges in selected levers to deliver on the change aspiration
tools, technology, processes
d. Plan interventions to reach the future-state with systems, structure and processes (by lever selection)
and operating model to
support change e. Implement required changes in conjunction with capability building and transparent communication

a. Design and staff the TO (including determining if a CTO is required and how best to fill)
b. Build TO problem-solving and thought leadership capabilities (e.g., boot camp, A2E Performance)
c. Establish TO goals, governance, program review cadence, and supporting tools and other infrastructure
Launch transformation d. Track performance using cascading metrics to avoid leakage, engaging Finance to sign off in every stage gate to ensure 'single source of truth’
infrastructure: Stand-up
e. Manage risks and interdependencies proactively across the portfolio, remove roadblocks, share best practices, and jointly problem-solve
governance and performance
opportunities to maximize/ accelerate impact
management system to
orchestrate impact f. Systematically assess impact over time (including all aspects: operation performance, financial impact, health)
g. Ensure that change (i.e. in organization focus, behavior, mindsets) is sustained beyond the formal existence of a TO

a. Identify the set of senior leaders targeted in creating new behaviors, assess their effectiveness at doing this today and uncover limiting mindsets
b. Align with the CEO on the need/requirements for a top team effectiveness effort and/or senior leaders development effort, conduct the TTE survey
and deep structured interviews to emerge improvement areas and potential points of tension/misalignment
c. Prioritize behaviors to role model and change: Connect leadership behaviors to the overall vision for the organization and work with senior leaders
to commit to action
Lead by example: Build
d. Design the journey to affect behavior change and create a sense of ownership for the new ways of working, commitment to drive the change and
ability of senior leaders to
become role models of the new behaviors. Build capabilities and support personal insights/mindset shifts through field and forum approach (e.g.
role model the change
Lead Self, Lead others, Lead change), deep insights workshops, coaching and peer network.
e. Launch the journey and embed new behaviors in moments of influence and through symbolic actions
f. Implement tactical changes to top team cadence, meetings, ways of working
g. Measure adoption and impact of new ways of working and celebrate progress

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Detailed scope of 10 Modules to drive systematic execution and change (3/3)

a. Talent to value: Understand where value comes from within the transformation and identify related critical roles
b. Talent selection at scale: Identify talent pools for talent selection at scale
c. Assess talent based on external benchmarks and organizational aspirations
d. Modernize HR: Assess HR and talent management practices against “best-in-class”
(Re)deploy talent: Position e. Talent to value: Create and launch roadmap to evaluate talent, fill critical roles, and launch ongoing management
the right talent in critical f. Talent selection at scale: Ensure infrastructure is in place for drafting talent at scale and execute
roles to drive value g. Develop and execute plan to address talent needs
h. Modernize HR: Identify and launch initiatives to upskill HR and improve talent systems
i. Talent Management Systems: Refine existing talent management systems (e.g., performance management; recruiting) to reinforce transformation
a. Agree on the individuals and cohorts to target
b. Identify the skills and capabilities required to drive value, as well as a “case for learning” that will need to be reflected in the change story
c. Run a capability assessment to establish baselines
d. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess program impact
(Re)invest in capabilities: e. Design learning journeys and key interventions, jointly with client learning leaders whenever possible
Build and refine leadership,
f. Source, create, and build content based on developed journey
functional and executional
skills g. Deliver learning journeys
h. Measure program impact and adjust journeys as needed
i. Reinforce the learning journeys with formal mechanisms (e.g., HR process; performance management)
a. Define change network objectives, formal/informal roles, and governance, based on the nature and scope of changes anticipated
b. Use analytics to identify influential people and characteristics of the organization (e.g., siloes and communities of influence)
Activate influencers: Use c. Recruit, onboard, and build the capabilities of the change network
formal and informal change d. Design and deploy change network tactics
agents to catalyze the change e. Monitor change network performance and impact
f. Refresh members and/or skills as required as transformation progresses
a. Diagnose BAU financial and non-financial incentive structure and determine applicable transformation archetype
b. Design incentive structure to drive outperformance and deliver exceptional performance and health impact
Reward individuals:
Establish financial and non- c. Implement transformation’s incentives by creating an overall process for monitoring and tracking that is systematic and sustainable over time
financial incentives to help
achieve outcomes McKinsey & Company 5

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