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Analysis of Variance

Experimental Design
 Investigator controls one or more independent
– Called treatment variables or factors
– Contain two or more levels (subcategories)
 Observes effect on dependent variable
– Response to levels of independent variable
 Experimental design: Plan used to test
Parametric Test Procedures
 Involve population parameters
– Example: Population mean
 Require interval scale or ratio scale
– Whole numbers or fractions
– Example: Height in inches: 72, 60.5, 54.7
 Have stringent assumptions
– Normal distribution
– Homogeneity of Variance
Examples: z - test, t - test
Nonparametric Test Procedures

 Statisticdoes not depend on population

 Data may be nominally or ordinally scaled
– Examples: Gender [female-male], Birth Order
 May involve population parameters such as
 Example: Wilcoxon rank sum test
of Nonparametric Tests
 Used with all scales
 Easier to compute
– Developed before wide computer
 Make fewer assumptions
 Need not involve population
 Results may be as exact as
parametric procedures © 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.
of Nonparametric Tests
 May waste information
© 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.
– If data permit using parametric
– Example: Converting data from
ratio to ordinal scale

 Difficult to compute by hand

for large samples
 Tables not widely available
ANOVA (one-way)

One factor,
completely randomized
Completely Randomized
 Experimental units (subjects) are assigned
randomly to treatments
– Subjects are assumed homogeneous
 One factor or independent variable
– two or more treatment levels or classifications
 Analyzed by [parametric statistics]:
– One-and Two-Way ANOVA
After working for the Jones Graphics
Company for one year, you have the
choice of being paid by one of three
- commission only,
- fixed salary, or
- combination of the two.
Salary Plans

 Commission only?

 Fixed salary?

 Combination of the
Is the average salary under the
various plans different?
Commission Fixed Salary Combination
425 420 430
507 448 492
450 437 470
483 437 501
466 444 ---
492 --- ---

 Homogeneity of Variance
 Normality
 Additivity
 Independence
Homogeneity of Variance

Variances associated with each

treatment in the experiment
are equal.

Each treatment population is

normally distributed.
The effects of the model behave in an additive
fashion [e.g. : SST = SSB + SSW].
Non-additivity may be caused by the
multiplicative effects existing in the model,
exclusion of significant interactions, or by
“outliers” - observations that are inconsistent
with major responses in the experiment.

Assuming the treatment populations

are normally distributed,
the errors are not correlated.
 Compares two types of variation to test
equality of means
 Ratio of variances is comparison basis
 If treatment variation is significantly greater
than random variation … then means are not
 Variation measures are obtained by
‘partitioning’ total variation
ANOVA (one-way)
Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean M
Variation Squares Freedom Square Sw
Treatments SSB c-1 SSB/(c - 1)
Treatments SSW N -c SSW/(N - c)
Total SST N -1 F = MSB/MSW
Sig. level < 0.05
ANOVA Partitions Total

Total variation
ANOVA Partitions Total

Total variation

Variation due to
ANOVA Partitions Total

Total variation

Variation due to Variation due to

treatment random sampling
ANOVA Partitions Total

Total variation

Variation due to Variation due to

treatment random sampling

 Sum of squares among

 Sum of squares between
 Sum of squares model
 Among groups variation
ANOVA Partitions Total

Total variation

Variation due to Variation due to

treatment random sampling

 Sum of squares among  Sum of squares within

 Sum of squares between  Sum of squares error
 Sum of squares model  Within groups variation
 Among groups variation
H0: 1 =  2 = 3

H1: Not all means are equal

tests: F -ratio = MSB / MSW

p-value < 0.05
 H0: 1 = 2 = 3
– All population means are
– No treatment effect
1 = 2 = 3
 H1: Not all means are equal
– At least one population
mean is different f(X)
– Treatment effect
 NOTE: 1  2  3
– is wrong 1 = 2 3
– not correct
StatGraphics Input
salary plan
425 1
507 1
450 1
::: ::
466 1
492 1
420 2
448 2
437 2
StatGraphics Results
Source of Sum of Mean
Variation Squares d.f. Square F-ratio

Model 3,962.68 2 1,981.34 3.001

Error 7,923.05 12 660.254 ---

Total 11,885.73 14 --- 0.0877
Diagnostic Checking
 Evaluate hypothesis
H0:  1 = 2 = 3
H1: Not all means equal
 F-ratio = 3.001 {Table value = 3.89}
 significance level [p-value] = 0.0877

 Retain null hypothesis [ H0 ]

ANOVA (two-way)

Two factor factorial design

Investigate the effect of decibel
output using four different
amplifiers and two different
popular brand speakers, and the
effect of both amplifier and
speaker operating jointly.
What effects decibel output?
 Type of amplifier?

 Type of speaker?

 The interaction
between amplifier
and speaker?
Are the effects of amplifiers, speakers, and
interaction significant? [Data in decibel units.]

A1 A2 A3 A4
9 8 8 10
S1 9 11 7 15
12 16 1 9
7 5 0 6
S2 1 9 1 7
4 6 7 5
 Amplifier H0:  1 =  2 =  3 =  4
H1: Not all means are equal

 Speaker H0:  1 =  2
H1: Not all means are equal

 Interaction H0: The interaction is not significant

H1: The interaction is significant
StatGraphics Input
decibels amplifier speaker
9 1 1
4 1 1
12 1 1
7 1 2
1 1 2
4 1 2
8 2 1
11 2 1
16 2 1
5 2 2
::: ::: :::
StatGraphics Results
Source of Sum of Mean
Variation Squares d.f. Square F-ratio Sig. level

Main Effects
amplifier 97.79167 3 32.5972 3.589 0.0372
speaker 135.37500 1 135.3750 15.319 0.0014

Interaction 9.45833 3 3.152778 0.347 0.7917


Residual 145.3333 16 9.08333 --- ---

Total 387.95833 23 --- --- ---

 Amplifier p-value = 0.0372 Reject Null

 Speaker p-value = 0.0014 Reject Null

 Interaction p-value = 0.7917 Retain Null

Thus, based on the data, the type of amplifier and the
type of speaker appear to effect the mean decibel
output. However, it appears there is no significant
interaction between amplifier and speaker mean
decibel output.
You and StatGraphics
 Specification
[Know assumptions
underlying various
 Estimation
[Know mechanics of
StatGraphics Plus Win].
 Diagnostic checking
End of Chapter

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