Structural Glazing A Report: Case Study of Ansal Plaza & Select City Walk, New Delhi
Structural Glazing A Report: Case Study of Ansal Plaza & Select City Walk, New Delhi
Structural Glazing A Report: Case Study of Ansal Plaza & Select City Walk, New Delhi
a report
Case study of Ansal Plaza &
Select City Walk, New Delhi
Peyom Jini
3RD YR- B.Arch
SPA, New Delhi
The use of glass in the structural elements such as facades, Floors and roofs is now a
substantial area. Using glass as a material in its own right with a minimum of
supporting structure to meet modern architectural expectations relating to achieving
maximum transparency, while at the same time creating a robust building envelope. The
use of glass in this way is now very popular and is highly fashionable design solution for
range of building types including commercial, leisure and individual residences.
The transparency and finely detailed nature of structural glazing enables architects to
develop the concept of reducing the physical separation between interior and exterior
spaces without compromising the need for performance.
In the early fifties, the outside of many high rise buildings changed dramatically. The
design of aluminum curtain walls for commercial buildings began to evolve, and
innovative glazing systems were introduced. Glass and metal building facades have
proven themselves cost effective, aesthetically pleasing, energy efficient, and capable of
performing under stringent environmental conditions.
Structural glazing is based on the use of sealants, not only as weather seals, but also for
the structural transfer of loads from the glazing panel to its perimeter structural support.
A high modulus sealant such as silicone meets the requirements of strength, adhesion to
glass and metal, weather resistance and ease of application.
Structural wall systems with glass panels comprising the facade and
vertical glass mullions to structurally resist wind load and seismic
forces. They are free from visual obstructions, limiting the need for
metal framing to the perimeter creating a seemingly floating glass
façade running away from the main structure.
Basic Components
•vision glass,
•structural sealant, and
With a few exceptions (e.g. sealants with special properties, glass mullions in all glass
systems and sealed unit spacers), the basic components are similar to most window and
curtain wall systems.
Silicone is the only type of sealant currently known to possess the structural and weathering
capabilities needed for all-glass designs. The type of silicone sealant used is a one
component, moisture curing, and acetic acid liberating material, commonly referred to as
an acid-curing silicone sealant. It is characterized by ease of application, excellent
adhesion, high flexibility, long-term durability, and a modulus which can meet structural
Framing:-Aluminum and galvanized steel have been used for manufacturing
spacers for sealed insulated units. Also, wood, aluminum and vinyl are used as
framing materials for windows. fiberglass and polyurethane frames were introduced
as framing materials. Fiberglass profiles are made by binding fiberglass strands
together in a polyester matrix. The mix is then pultruded (pulled through a heated
dye), where the heat sets the material in the pultruded form.
Glass Panes
Made from high quality float glass, clear or tinted, horizontally
- Single Glass: 10, 12, 15 and 19 mm thick.
- Double Glazing: Standard 12/15/12 mm both panes toughened.
Alternative configurations can be accommodated, including
combinations with reflective or low emissivity glazing.
Screen printing also available.
Before toughening, each glass pane is pre-drilled with countersunk
holes to precise tolerance to properly accommodate the articulated
Types of glass ** Clear Glass * Tinted Glass * Reflective glass
Reflective glasses are the most widely used glass for structural glazing
and curtain walling for reasons such as better light transmission,
reduced heat transfer etc.
Hard coated glass: * Better photometric properties than the tinted glass
and are low-performance glass. * Imported in sheet sizes and various
processes like tempering / DGU can be done locally. * This is cheaper
glass as the processes can be done locally saving customs duty * This
glass can be used as single glass in vision as well as spandrel glass
Soft coated glass: Medium performance glass * Superior glass than the
hard coated glass in terms of photometric properties. * Heat
strengthening will have to be done at the source of supply (abroad) and
DGU can be made locally. * This glass can be used as single glass in
vision as well as spandrel glass.
High Performance glass: * Most superior type of glass in terms of
photometric properties. *Can never be used as single glass and the whole
unit with DGU has to be imported from abroad.
Point fixing:- glass panels are Glass Fins for wind All Glass Structures:-
connected directly to primary bracing (stiffening):-
structures either via the joints rather than use cables or rely It is feasible for
between panel or by perforating on the primary structure it is structural glazing t be
the glass panel it self. This is also feasible to use glass fins used for facades,
commonly called Planar glazing. set at 90’ to the façade to
The use of toughened glass that
floors and roof , then
provide restraint , wind
can be drilled near its corners bracing and some degree of
it is no surprise that
was combined with a point fixing support. This option also led to some structures have
system that could to be connected the development of toughened been erected that are
at the nodal points of glass fort beams to support almost 100% glass.
pretensioned cable structures horizontal elements such as
hence the weight of each panes is floor and roofs
taken up by the structure
Mostly Structural Glazing System is based on the concept of a point supported glass
pane suspended by using standard or custom designed brackets fixed to articulated
bolts in the corners of each pane.
Connection Brackets
Standard star-shaped (four holes) or perimeter (two
holes) connection brackets or other custom designed,
purpose made brackets can be used to pick up and
connect the threaded stem of the articulated fitting.
These brackets must be pre-designed in order to allow for
djustments due to tolerances either from the steel
structure or from the glass drilling
- Glass to glass joints are filled with suitable elastic silicone mastic.
- Perimeter joints may be sealed by means of extruded silicone weather seal
gaskets, to create a flexible joint to accommodate movements and dimensional
Cylindrical hole and standard bolt
For this kind of fitting, the dead load due to the glass weight is
concentrated in the area around the hole itself.