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CAE Theory

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Suhas Shinde
 Earlier days design philosophy was - Design for infinite

Survival for years

Heavy & oversized components
Noisy & rough operations
High cost

 Now a days design philosophy is - Design for warranty


Use & throw concept

Life just greater than warranty offered by company
Additional source of income; after sales services
Light weight components
Low cost

Software's used for CAE

 HyperWorks
 Ideas
 Abaqus
 Radioss

Advantages, Disadvantages
 Advantages

 Disadvantages


Automobile Industry Aero plane-Space Structure, Construction

Medical Field Agricultural Field

CAE Theory

CAD Model

Load and
Boundary Condition

FEA Solution

Meshing / Discritization

Suppose somebody gives you 3 straight lines and ask to best fit it in the circle, find
area of triangle & compare it with circle and then repeat the exercise with
4,6,8,16,32 & 64 lines.
Shaded Area is Error.

By increasing number of lines, error margin reduces. Number of straight lines are
equivalent to number of elements in Finite Element Analysis.

Assume exact answer for area of circle (ᴨ r2 ) is 100.

3 lines give answer =41 while 4 as 64 & so on.
Answer 41 or 64 is not at al1 acceptable but 80 or 90 is, considering
time spent & relative design concept.


 If higher number of nodes and elements leads to higher accuracy

then why not to always create a very fine mesh with maximum
possible nodes and elements ?
 The reason is solution time is directly proportional to (DOF),
depending on type of analyses and solver.
 Also large size models are not easy to handle on the computer due
to graphics card memory limitations.
 Analyst has to make a fine balance between desired level of
accuracy and element size (DOF) that could be handled
satisfactorily using the available hardware resources.
 Assume Analytical Method approach gives answers very close to
100 and time taken = 1 month and Finite Element Analysis with
reasonable mesh size gives answer 90 within 1 day.
 In industry getting fast solutions with logical or reasonable
accuracy is more important than absolute accuracy.

 Elements and Element Shapes

 Before proceeding further, you must be familiar with the concepts of
elements and element shapes, because these are the building blocks of
FEM.These concepts are discussed next.

 Elements
 Element is an entity into which the system under study is divided. An
element shape is specified by nodes. The shape (area, length, and
volume) of an element depends on the nodes with which it is made.

 Element Shapes
 There are many types of element shapes that are further divided into
various classes, depending on their uses.

Line Element (1 D)
 A line element has the shape of a line or a curve. Therefore, a
minimum of two nodes are required to define it.
 There can be higher order elements that have additional nodes (at the
middle of the edge of an element).
 An element that does not have a node in between its edges is called a
linear element.
 The elements that have nodes in between edges are called quadratic or
second order elements. Figure shows some line elements

Area Element (2 D)
 An area element has the shape of a triangle or a
quadrilateral; therefore, it requires a minimum of three or
four nodes to define it. Some area elements are shown in

Volume Element (3 D)
 A volume element has the shape of a hexahedron (8 nodes),
wedge (6 nodes), tetrahedron (4 nodes), or a pyramid (5
nodes). Some of the volume elements are shown in Figure

Special Elements

 A spring is an elastic element that is used to store mechanical
energy and which retains its original shape after a force is removed.
 Springs are typically defined in a stress free or “unloaded” state.
This means that no longitudinal loading conditions exist unless
preloading is specified.
 Springs are defined as longitudinal and they connect two bodies
together or connect a body to ground. Longitudinal springs
generate a force that depends on linear displacement. Longitudinal
springs can be used as a damping force, which is a function of
velocity or angular velocity, respectively.

Spot Welds
 Spot welds are used to connect individual surface body parts
together to form surface body model assemblies, just as contact
is used for solid body part assemblies. Structural loads are
transferred from one surface body part to another via the spot
weld connection points, allowing for simulation of surface body
model assemblies.

 A beam is a structural element that carries load primarily in
bending (flexure). Using beams, you can establish a body to
body or a body to ground connection

Advantages and Limitations of FEA Software
Following are some of the advantages and limitations of FEA software:

 It reduces the amount of prototype testing, thereby saving the cost and
 It gives the graphical representation of the result of analysis.
 The finite element modeling and analysis are performed in the
preprocessor and solution phases, which if done manually would consume a
lot of time and in some cases, might be impossible to perform.
 Variables such as stress and temperature can be measured at any desired
point of the model.
 It helps optimize a design.
 It is used to simulate the designs that are not suitable for prototype testing.
 It helps you create more reliable, high quality, and competitive designs.


 It does not provide exact solutions.

 FEA packages are costly.
 An inexperienced user can deliver incorrect answers, upon
which expensive decisions will be based
 Results give solutions but not remedies.
 Features such as bolts, welded joints, and so on cannot be
accommodated to a model. This may lead to approximation
and errors in the result.
 For more accurate results, more hard disk space, RAM, and
time are required.

Analysis Types

Structural Analysis
 In structural analysis, first the nodal degrees of freedom
(displacement) are calculated and then the stress, strains, and
reaction forces are calculated from nodal displacements. The
classification of structural analysis is shown in Figure

Static Analysis
 In static analysis, the load or field conditions do not vary with
respect to time, and therefore, it is assumed that the load or field
conditions are applied gradually, not suddenly.
 The system under this analysis can be linear or nonlinear. The
inertia and damping effects are ignored in structural analysis. In
structural analysis, the following matrices are solved:

 [K] x [X ]= [F]
K = Stiffness Matrix
X = Displacement Matrix
F = Load Matrix
 The loadings that can be applied in a static analysis include:
1. Externally applied forces and pressures
2. Steady-state inertial forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity)
3. Imposed (non-zero) displacements
4. Temperatures (for thermal strain)

 The outputs that can be expected from the FEA software are given next.
1. Displacements
2. Strains
3. Stresses
4. Reaction forces

Dynamic Analysis
 In dynamic analysis, the load or field conditions vary with the time and
are applied suddenly.
 The system can be linear or nonlinear. The dynamic load includes
oscillating loads, impacts, collisions, and random loads. The dynamic
analysis is classified into the following three main categories:
 Modal Analysis
It is used to calculate the natural frequency and mode shape of a
 Harmonic Analysis
It is used to calculate the response of a structure to harmonically
time varying loads.
 Transient Dynamic Analysis
It is used to calculate the response of a structure to arbitrary time
varying loads.
 In dynamic analysis, the following matrices are solved:
For the system without any external load:
[M] x Double Derivative of [X] + [K] x [X]= 0
M = Mass Matrix K = Stiffness Matrix
X = Displacement Matrix

 For the system with external load:

[M] x Double Derivative of [X] + [K] x [X]= [F]

 The load types applied in a dynamic analysis are the same as that in a
static analysis.
 The outputs that can be expected from a software are Natural
frequencies, Mode shapes, Displacements, Strains, Stresses, and Reaction
Spectrum Analysis
 This is an extension of the modal analysis and is used to calculate stress and
strain due to the response of the spectrum (random vibrations). For
example, you can use it to analyze how well a structure will perform and
survive in an earthquake.

Buckling Analysis
 This type of analysis is used to calculate the buckling load and the buckling
mode shape. Slender structures (that is thin and long structures) when
loaded in the axial direction, buckle under relatively small loads. For such
structures, the buckling load becomes a critical design factor.

Explicit Dynamic Analysis

 This type of structural analysis is available only in the ANSYS LS-Dyna
program and is used to get fast solutions for large deformation dynamics and
complex contact problems, for example, explosions, aircraft crash
worthiness, and so on.

Thermal Analysis
 The thermal analysis is used to determine the temperature
distribution and related thermal quantities such as: Thermal
distribution, Amount of heat loss or gain, Thermal gradients, and
Thermal fluxes.
 All primary heat transfer modes such as conduction, convection, and
radiation can be simulated. You can perform two types of thermal
analysis, steady-state and transient.

 Steady State Thermal Analysis

 In this analysis, the system is studied under steady thermal loads with
respect to time.

 Transient Thermal Analysis

 In this analysis, the system is studied under varying thermal loads
with respect to time

Fluid Flow Analysis
 This analysis is used to determine the flow distribution and
temperature of a fluid. The ANSYS/FLOWTRAN program is
used to simulate the laminar and turbulent flow, compressible
and electronic packaging, automotive design, and so on. The
outputs that can be expected from the fluid flow analysis are
Velocities, Pressures,Temperatures, and Film coefficients.

Electromagnetic Field Analysis

 This type of analysis is conducted to determine the magnetic
fields in electromagnetic devices. The types of electromagnetic
analyses are Static analysis, Harmonic analysis, and Transient

Coupled Field Analysis

 This type of analysis considers the mutual interaction between two or

more fields. It is impossible to solve fields separately because they are
interdependent. Therefore, you need a program that can solve both the
problems by combining them.

 For example, if a component is exposed to heat, you may first require to

study the thermal characteristics of the component and then the effect
of the thermal heating on the structural stability.
 Alternatively, if a component is bent in different shapes using one of the
metal forming processes and then subjected to heating, the thermal
characteristics of the component will depend on the new shape of the
 Therefore, first the shape of the component has to be predicted through
structural simulations.This is called as the coupled field analysis.
 Linear Analysis

 Non linear Analysis

 Element Quality Checks

 Material Information

 Geometry Clean-up

 Boundary Conditions and Loads

 Solution Convergence


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