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Literature Study of Pickled

Fermentation Technology


Pickle is a traditional food made by fermenting
vegetables or fruits by microorganisms such as
lactic acid bacteria which done in a sugar and salt
Pickled product contains many nutritious
components such as pigments, vitamins, minerals
and carbohydrates.
Factors like vegetable kind,
microorganisms, time, temperature and
ph  nutritions
The pickled vegetables should be fermented and
ripen between 15 and 30 days before eating
o food preservation (ancient)
o improves the nutritive value
o enhances flavor
o digestability
o popular all over the world Pickle (cabbage,
cucumber, carrot, green
tomato, pepper, eggplant
and beans)  oldest
Pickled (LAB)  unique flavor
and great healthful effects
balanced nutrition, providing
vitamins, minerals, and
pigments : flavonoids, lycopene,
anthocyanin, 𝛽-carotene, and
Phytochemicals  antioxidants
 degenerative diseases like
cancer, arthritis, and ageing
Chemical changes • LAB  lower serum cholesterol
level and help in preventing
• Pickling : conversion of sugar tumors by stimulating immune
to acid by microorganisms that are response thus acting as
lactic acid bacteria (LAB)  acidic  probiotic
inhibit pathogens & aerobic
spoilage microorganisms • Salt  drowning out water
growth  LONGER SHELF LIFE, and nutrients, substrates for
translucent, firm, flavor (pickle) lactic acid bacteria grow
Fermentation methods
• Peeling and Cutting
• Soaking in salt solution with addition of ice cube
5 hours, 500ml water
salt  pull out water
prevent browning
ice cube  lower temp
• Soaking in Pickle solution
flavor  consumer acceptance
high sugar concentrations  water activity (aw) decrease 
tends to be damaged by mold and yeast
• Bottling and Exhausting
jar  Inert and Clear  monitoring
physical condition
• Storing
24 hours to get a good flavor from the pickle
Application of Pickle
Fermentation - Traditional
pickles of Himachal Pradesh
Indigenous fruits and
vegetables  galgal, lingri, aaroo,
plum, lasura, dehu, kachnar and
Other  carrot, cucumber, cabbage,
bittergourd, beans, chillies, jackfruit,
garlic, ginger and onions
• Nutritional value
• Food adjunct
• Appetizers
• Palatability
Amount and type of various spices depend
upon the type of the fruit and vegetable
used in the pickle prepared in Himachal
Black mustard is the unique ingredient
which gives characteristics traditional flavor
to the pickles
Fruits/Vegetable Drying in the
Washing, peeling, sunlight (1-2 days),
cutting, and mixing with spices
boiling (2-3 min) and oil

The mixture is put into

Pickle and kept in the sun light
(25-30 days) 
Ingredients Possible role in pickle fermentation
per 10 kg
Antimicrobial action inhibits spoilage causing and
Asafoetida 5gm
Pathogenic microorganisms
Inhibit spoilage causing/ pathogenic microorganisms,
Coriander 100gm
impart aroma, flavor and taste
Inhibit spoilage causing and pathogenic microorganisms,
Cumin 100gm
enhance starter microorganism,
Fennel 250gm Flavor enhancing
Fenugreek 200gm Flavor enhancing and preservative

Lime juice 1L Improves pickle firmness.

Inhibits aerobic spoilage causing bacteria yeasts and molds,
Mustard oil 2L
Enhance growth of LAB
Flavor enhancing, preservative, antibacterial and antifungal
Mustard seed 350gm
properties, growth promotion of LAB
Nigella seed 100gm Flavor enhancing
Inhibits spoilage causing and pathogenic microorganisms,
Red chilli 100gm
improves flavor, taste and appearance.
Antimicrobial, extract nutrients from raw material, improves
Salt 250gm
flavor and taste
Thyme 200gm Flavor enhancing
Antimicrobial action: inhibits spoilage causing and pathogenic
Turmeric 50gm
Gives pickles a tart taste. Acts as a preservative due to the
Vinegar 1.2 L
acidity of vinegar.
Traditional pickles of Himachal Pradesh
Lingri pickle
Fermentation method : removal scales  washed with water  dipped in boiling water
 cut into pieces bamboo stick tray  kept in sunlight (one day)
Thyme seed, fenugreek seed and black mustard  roasted and powdered on shilbatta
(traditional grinding stone)
Salt, red chilli powder, turmeric, roasted spice powder and mustard oil  added to lingri
kept in chouti/achhari gharha/martbaan (30-35 days)
The pickle formed after fermentation is dry in appearance with spicy and slight acidic
identified  Enterococcus faecalis
Lingri pickle consumed for 1-2 years without any change in the quality of the product
Traditional vessels used for pickling (a) Chouti (b)
Gharha (c) Martbaan

Utensils used for drying purposes of raw material

of pickle (a) Shoop (b) Changer (c) Sheeng (d)
Shilbatta (Traditional grinder)
Lingri pickle, Figure 5 Kachnar pickle, Figure 6
Beedana pickle, Figure 7 Lasura pickle
Lasura pickle

Lasura (Cordia myxa L.)

green colored fruit
containing gum like sticky
Lasura pickle has spicy taste
and can be kept for
consumption for about 1-2
From Chamba district of Himachal
Made of chillies, lime juice, salt and
mustard oil
Taste very hot (spicy), but has pleasant
aroma and taste.
The shelf life of chukh is about 2 years

Figure 9 Aaroo pickle, Figure 10

Nashpati pickle, Figure 11 Chukh
Pickled Cucumber Production in
Agrindo Boga Santika Company,
Klaten, Central Java
Ingredients : Karimori Cucumber, salt, water

The process of pickled cucumber

1. Sortation
2. Cutting and Trimming
3. First Immersion in Salt Water
4. Second Immersion in Salt Water
5. Selection
6. Packaging
Pickle is a traditional food made by fermenting
vegetables or fruits by microorganisms such as
lactic acid bacteria which done in a sugar and salt
Pickle is basically, conversion of sugar to acid by
microorganisms that are Lactic Acid Bacteria
There are some traditional pickle such as lingri,
lasura, and chuck and each has different
fermentation methods from each other.
Industrially processed pickle like Agrindo Boga
Santika’s product also has similar methods to the
usual one, but with two sortation steps and also
two salt immersion steps.
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