Computer Architecture: Habib Ur Rahman
Computer Architecture: Habib Ur Rahman
Computer Architecture: Habib Ur Rahman
How Computer Operates?
A computer operates under the control of instructions
stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data
(input), process data arithmetically and logically,
produce output from the processing, and store the
results for future use.
Block diagram of a modern general purpose
digital computer
• The art or science of building
• A style and method of design and construction
Computer Architecture
• The term Computer Architecture was coined at IBM in the 1960s
• It was used to refer to the programmer visible portion of the
instruction set of the IBM 360 family of computers
Computer Architecture (continued…)
• The structure of a computer that a machine language
programmer must understand to write correct programs for the
• So the study of computer architecture includes:
• A study of the structure of a computer
• A study of the instruction set of a computer
• A study of the process of designing a computer
Who is a Computer Architect?
A person who designs computers
What do we mean by “design”?
Design is the process of devising a system,
component, or process to meet desired needs.
What do we mean by “design”?
• It is a decision-making process (usually iterative), in which the
basic sciences, and math and engineering sciences are applied to
convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective.
Digital Design
Levels of Abstraction:
• Processor memory Switch Level
• Instruction Set Level
• Register Transfer Level
• Logic Design Level
• Circuit Level
• Mask Level
Reference books
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