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Types and Parts of Computer - Josh - Terence

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Bautista Joshua
Delos Reyes Terence

The computer as we know it today had its

beginning with a 19th century English
mathematics professor name Charles
Babbage.He designed the Analytical Engine
and it was this design that the basic
framework of the computers of today are
based on.
Generally speaking, computers can be
classified into three generations. Each
generation lasted for a certain period of
time,and each gave us either a new and
improved computer or an improvement
to the existing computer.
First generation:
First generation: 1937 – 1946 - In 1937 the first electronic digital computer was
built by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It was called the Atanasoff-Berry
Computer (ABC). In 1943 an electronic computer name the Colossus was built for
the military. Other developments continued until in 1946 the first general– purpose
digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was
built. It is said that this computer weighed 30 tons, and had 18,000 vacuum tubes
which was used for processing. When this computer was turned on for the first time
lights dim in sections of Philadelphia. Computers of this generation could only
perform single task, and they had no operating system.
First generation:
Second generation:
Second generation: 1947 – 1962 - This generation of computers used transistors
instead of vacuum tubes which were more reliable. In 1951 the first computer for
commercial use was introduced to the public; the Universal Automatic Computer
(UNIVAC 1). In 1953 the International Business Machine (IBM) 650 and 700
series computers made their mark in the computer world. During this generation
of computers over 100 computer programming languages were developed,
computers had memory and operating systems. Storage media such as tape and
disk were in use also were printers for output.
Second generation:
Third generation:
Third generation: 1963 - present - The invention of integrated circuit brought us
the third generation of computers. With this invention computers became smaller,
more powerful more reliable and they are able to run many different programs at
the same time. In1980 Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-Dos) was born and
in 1981 IBM introduced the personal computer (PC) for home and office use.
Three years later Apple gave us the Macintosh computer with its icon driven
interface and the 90s gave us Windows operating system.
Third generation:
As a result of the various
improvements to the development of
the computer we have seen the
computer being used in all areas of
life. It is a very useful tool that will
continue to experience new
development as time passes.
Types of Computer
I, Computer:
Definition: A computer is a machine that can be
programmed to manipulate symbols. Its principal
characteristics are:

● It responds to a specific set of instructions in a

well-defined manner.
● It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a
● It can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of
Therefore computers can perform
complex and repetitive procedures
quickly, precisely and reliably.
Modern computers are electronic
and digital. The actual machinery
(wires, transistors, and circuits) is
called hardware; the instructions and
data are called software. All
general-purpose computers require
the following hardware components:
● Central processing unit (CPU): The heart of the computer, this is the
component that actually executes instructions organized in programs
("software") which tell the computer what to do.
● Memory (fast, expensive, short-term memory): Enables a computer to
store, at least temporarily, data, programs, and intermediate results.
● Mass storage device (slower, cheaper, long-term memory): Allows a
computer to permanently retain large amounts of data and programs
between jobs. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and
tape drives.
● Input device: Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the
conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer.
● Output device: A display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see
what the computer has accomplished.
In addition to these components,
many others make it possible for
the basic components to work
together efficiently. For example,
every computer requires a bus
that transmits data from one part
of the computer to another.
II, Computer sizes and power

Computers can be generally

classified by size and power as
follows, though there is
considerable overlap:
● Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.
● Workstation: A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a personal
computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and, in general, a higher-quality
● Minicomputer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users
● Mainframe: A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or
thousands of users simultaneously.
● Supercomputer: An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions
of instructions per second.
Supercomputer is a broad term for one of the fastest computers
currently available. Supercomputers are very expensive and are
employed for specialized applications that require immense
amounts of mathematical calculations (number crunching). For
example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other
uses of supercomputers scientific simulations, (animated)
graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research,
electronic design, and analysis of geological data (e.g. in
petrochemical prospecting). Perhaps the best known
supercomputer manufacturer is Cray Research.
Mainframe was a term originally referring to the cabinet containing the central processor
unit or "main frame" of a room-filling Stone Age batch machine. After the emergence of
smaller "minicomputer" designs in the early 1970s, the traditional big iron machines were
described as "mainframe computers" and eventually just as mainframes. Nowadays a
Mainframe is a very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or
even thousands, of users simultaneously. The chief difference between a supercomputer
and a mainframe is that a supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few
programs as fast as possible, whereas a mainframe uses its power to execute many
programs concurrently. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than
supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers
can execute a single program faster than a mainframe. The distinction between small
mainframes and minicomputers is vague, depending really on how the manufacturer wants
It is a midsize computer. In the past decade,
the distinction between large minicomputers
and small mainframes has blurred, however,
as has the distinction between small
minicomputers and workstations. But in
general, a minicomputer is a
multiprocessing system capable of
supporting from up to 200 users
It is a type of computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM), desktop
publishing, software development, and other types of applications that require a moderate
amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities. Workstations
generally come with a large, high-resolution graphics screen, at large amount of RAM,
built-in network support, and a graphical user interface. Most workstations also have a
mass storage device such as a disk drive, but a special type of workstation, called a
diskless workstation, comes without a disk drive. The most common operating systems for
workstations are UNIX and Windows NT. Like personal computers, most workstations are
single-user computers. However, workstations are typically linked together to form a
local-area network, although they can also be used as stand-alone systems.
Personal computer:
It can be defined as a small, relatively inexpensive
computer designed for an individual user. In price,
personal computers range anywhere from a few hundred
pounds to over five thousand pounds. All are based on
the microprocessor technology that enables
manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip.
Businesses use personal computers for word processing,
accounting, desktop publishing, and for running
spreadsheet and database management applications. At
home, the most popular use for personal computers is for
playing games and recently for surfing the Internet.
III, Personal Computer Types
Actual personal computers can be generally classified by size and chassis / case. The
chassis or case is the metal frame that serves as the structural support for electronic
components. Every computer system requires at least one chassis to house the circuit
boards and wiring. The chassis also contains slots for expansion boards. If you want to
insert more boards than there are slots, you will need an expansion chassis, which provides
additional slots. There are two basic flavors of chassis designs–desktop models and tower
models–but there are many variations on these two basic types. Then come the portable
computers that are computers small enough to carry. Portable computers include notebook
and subnotebook computers, hand-held computers, palmtops, and PDAs.
Tower model
The term refers to a computer in which the
power supply, motherboard, and mass
storage devices are stacked on top of each
other in a cabinet. This is in contrast to
desktop models, in which these components
are housed in a more compact box. The
main advantage of tower models is that
there are fewer space constraints, which
makes installation of additional storage
devices easier.
Desktop model
A computer designed to fit comfortably on top of a
desk, typically with the monitor sitting on top of
the computer. Desktop model computers are broad
and low, whereas tower model computers are
narrow and tall. Because of their shape, desktop
model computers are generally limited to three
internal mass storage devices. Desktop models
designed to be very small are sometimes referred to
as slimline models.
Notebook computer
Notebook computers use a variety of techniques, known
as flat-panel technologies, to produce a lightweight and
non-bulky display screen. The quality of notebook display
screens varies considerably. In terms of computing power,
modern notebook computers are nearly equivalent to
personal computers. They have the same CPUs, memory
capacity, and disk drives. However, all this power in a
small package is expensive. Notebook computers cost
about twice as much as equivalent regular-sized
computers. Notebook computers come with battery packs
that enable you to run them without plugging them in.
However, the batteries need to be recharged every few
Laptop computer
A small, portable computer --
small enough that it can sit on
your lap. Nowadays, laptop
computers are more frequently
called notebook computers.
Subnotebook computer
A portable computer that is slightly
lighter and smaller than a full-sized
notebook computer. Typically,
subnotebook computers have a
smaller keyboard and screen, but are
otherwise equivalent to notebook
Hand-held computer
A portable computer that is small enough to be held in one’s hand.
Although extremely convenient to carry, handheld computers have
not replaced notebook computers because of their small keyboards
and screens. The most popular hand-held computers are those that are
specifically designed to provide PIM (personal information manager)
functions, such as a calendar and address book. Some manufacturers
are trying to solve the small keyboard problem by replacing the
keyboard with an electronic pen. However, these pen-based devices
rely on handwriting recognition technologies, which are still in their
infancy. Hand-held computers are also called PDAs, palmtops and
pocket computers.
A small computer that literally fits in your palm. Compared to
full-size computers, palmtops are severely limited, but they are
practical for certain functions such as phone books and
calendars. Palmtops that use a pen rather than a keyboard for
input are often called hand-held computers or PDAs. Because
of their small size, most palmtop computers do not include disk
drives. However, many contain PCMCIA slots in which you
can insert disk drives, modems, memory, and other devices.
Palmtops are also called PDAs, hand-held computers and
pocket computers.
Short for personal digital assistant, a handheld device that combines computing,
telephone/fax, and networking features. A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone,
fax sender, and personal organizer. Unlike portable computers, most PDAs are pen-based,
using a stylus rather than a keyboard for input. This means that they also incorporate
handwriting recognition features. Some PDAs can also react to voice input by using voice
recognition technologies. The field of PDA was pioneered by Apple Computer, which
introduced the Newton MessagePad in 1993. Shortly thereafter, several other
manufacturers offered similar products. To date, PDAs have had only modest success in
the marketplace, due to their high price tags and limited applications. However, many
experts believe that PDAs will eventually become common gadgets.
Parts of Computer
CPU (central processing unit) is the
most important part of a computer. It is
like the brain. It does all the tasks that
we want the computer to do. It also
controls all the other parts, like the
Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse. These
parts have to be connected to the CPU,
for them to work.
A monitor looks like a TV
screen. The CPU uses the
monitor to show us photos,
movies and games. The front
portion of the monitor is called
the screen, or display.
The keyboard is made of several
small buttons called keys. Each key
has a number, letter or word written
on it. Just as you use a pencil to
write on a paper, you can use a
keyboard to write with a computer.
A mouse is used to point at items
shown on the monitor. The mouse
usually has two or three buttons and
a small wheel between the buttons.
The motherboard is an important
computer component because it's what
everything else connects to! The
motherboard is a decently sized circuit
board that lets other components
communicate. A motherboard has ports
that face outside a PC's case, so you
can charge your computer, plug in a
monitor, or connect a mouse.
Power Supply
True to its name, the power supply
powers all other components of the
machine. It usually plugs into the
motherboard to power the other parts.
The power supply connects to either an
internal battery (on a laptop) or a plug
for an outlet (on a desktop).
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
A CPU, sometimes referred to as a
computer's brain, is the workhorse of
the machine. It performs the
calculations needed by a system, and
can vary in speed. The work that a CPU
does generates heat, which is why your
computer has a fan inside.
Random-access Memory (RAM)
RAM is temporary memory. Whenever
you open up a Microsoft Word window,
your computer places it in RAM, and
when you close the window, that RAM is
freed. Since RAM is volatile, its contents
are lost if the machine loses power.
This is why you lose a Word document
when the power goes out if you didn't
save it.
Hard Disk Drive / Solid State Drive
Since RAM is temporary, your computer
needs a place to store data
permanently. That's where the hard
drive comes in. The traditional hard
drive consists of several spinning
platters with an arm that physically
writes data to the disk. However, these
drives are slow and are starting to be
replaced by the faster solid-state drives.
Video Card
A video card is a dedicated unit for handling the
output of images to a display. Video cards have their
own dedicated RAM for performing these functions.
A high-end video card is required to process
extremely intense visual functions, such as computer
drafting by engineers. Like many components, many
types of video cards are available with varying power
and prices.
Optical Drives
Though less common than they
used to be, many machines still
have an optical drive for reading
CDs and DVDs. These can be used
to listen to music or watch movies,
place information onto a blank disc,
or install software from a disc.

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