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6 Crystallizer Design and Operation1

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 Crystal size distribution (CSD) is measured with a series of

standard screens.
 The size of a crystal is taken to be the average of the screen
openings of successive sizes that just pass and just retain the
 The cumulative wt % either greater or less than a specified
screen opening is recorded.
 Typical size distribution data on the following figure are
plotted in two cumulative modes, greater than or less than,
and as differential polygons or histograms.
Several ways of recording CSD


Cumulative wt % retained or passed, against sieve aperture


Differential polygon

Differential histogram

 evaporation of the solvent

 changing to a temperature at which the solubility is
 chemical reaction between separately soluble gases
or liquids
 induced by additives (salting out)
Nucleation rates are measured by counting the numbers
of crystals formed over periods of time.
The nucleation rate depends on the extent of

B  k1 c b (2)

Values of the exponent b have been found to range from

2 to 9, but have not been correlated to be of quantitative
value for prediction.

The growth rates of crystals depend on their instantaneous

surface and the linear velocity of solution past the surface
as well as the extent of supersaturation, and are thus
represented by the equation

G  k2 c g (3)

Values of the exponent (g) have been found of the order

of 1.5, but again no correlation of direct use to the design
of crystallizers has been achieved.
In laboratory and commercial crystallizations, large crystals
of more or less uniform size are desirable.
This condition is favored by operating at relatively low
extents of supersaturation.
The optimum extent of supersaturation is strictly a matter for
direct experimentation in each case.
As a rough guide, the data for allowable subcooling and
corresponding supersaturation of the Table 1 may serve.
Since the recommended values are one-half the maxima
shown, it appears that most crystallizations under
commercial conditions should operate with less than about
2C subcooling or the corresponding supersaturation.
Table 1. Maximum Allowable Supercooling T (C) and
Corresponding Supersaturation C (g/100 g water) at 25C
Growth rates of crystals also must be measured in the
laboratory or pilot plant, although the suitable condition
may be expressed simply as a residence time.
Table 2 gives some growth rate data at several
temperatures and several extents of supersaturation for
each substance.
In most instances the recommended supersaturation
measured as the ratio of operating to saturation
concentrations is less than 1.1.
It may be noted that at a typical rate of increase of
diameter of 10–7 m/sec, the units used in this table, the
time required for an increase of 1mm is 2.8 hr.
Table 2.
Mean Overall Growth Rates of Crystals (m/sec) at Each Face
Batch crystallizers often are seeded with small crystals of a
known range of sizes.
The resulting CSD for a given overall weight gain can be
estimated by an approximate relation known as the McCabe
Delta-L Law, which states that each original crystal grows by
the same amount L:
1. All crystals have the same shape.
2. They grow invariantly, i.e. the growth rate is
independent of crystal size.
3. Supersaturation is constant throughout the crystallizer.
4. No nucleation occurs.
5. No size classification occurs in the crystallizer
6. The relative velocity between crystals and liquor
remains constant.
The relation between the relative masses of the original
and final size distributions is given in terms of the
incremental L by

 wi  L0 i  L
R (4)
 i 0i
w L3

where R : ratio of final and initial weight of crystal

wi : fraction of crystal of size Li
L0i : initial dimension of crystal i
Li : final dimension of crystal i

When R is specified, L is found by trial, and then the

size distribution is evaluated

Seed crystals with this size distribution are charged to a

batch crystallizer
L0, length (mm) 0.251 0.178 0.127 0.089 0.064
w (wt fraction) 0.09 0.26 0.45 0.16 0.04

On the basis of the McCabe L law, find:

a. The length increment that will result in a 20-fold increase
in mass of the crystals.
b. The mass growth corresponding to the maximum crystal
length of 1.0 mm.
a. When L is the increment in crystal length, the mass ratio is

 wi  L0 i  L  wi  L0 i  L
3 3
R   20
 wi L0 i 3

By trial, the value of L = 0.2804 mm

b. When Lmax = 1  L = 1 – 0.251 = 0.749

 wi  L0 i  L  wi  L0 i  L
3 3
R   181.79
 wi L0 i 3

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