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CH 1 Introduction of HRM

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Welcome to the class of HRM !!!

Human Resources Management


Prof. Hiteshwari Jadeja

Course content

Module 1:

Introduction to Human Resource Management , Job Analysis ,

HR Planning and Recruiting, Employees Testing and Selection,
Interviewing Candidates, Training and development

Module 2:

Performance Management and Appraisal, Establishing Strategic

Pay Plans, Pay for Performance and Financial incentives.
Module 3:

Industrial Relations – Definitions and Main Aspects, Trade

Union Legislations, Methods of settling Industrial Disputes,
Collective Bargaining, Legislations Concerning Settlement of
Industrial Disputes, Factories Act.

Module 4:

Labour Management Cooperation/Workers’ Participation in

Management , Payment of Wage Legislation, Minimum Wage
Legislation, The Strategic Role of Human Resources
Management, Managing Global Human resources,
International Labour Organization
Module 5:

Applications of Module I to IV – Live Cases / Case Studies,

Role Play, Team-based Games etc.
Basic Text Books

T1 : Pravin Durai, “Human Resource Management”

T2: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkery, “Human Resources


T3: P. Subba Rao, “Essential of Human Resource

Management and Industrial Relatives.”
Introduction to Human
Resource Management
Human resources: Meaning

Human resources means the collection of people and their

characteristics at work. These are distinct and unique to an
organization in several ways.
Human resources: Definition

 Human Resource are ”A whole consisting of inter-related,

inter-dependent & interacting psychological, sociological

& ethical components”.

-Michael J. Jucius
“Having good talent people in the organisation
was important yesterday, but today it is critical
What is HRM?

 Human Resource Management is “the planning, organizing, directing

and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation,

integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end
that individual, organizational, and social objectives are accomplished.”
Human resource management: Definition

Human resource management is concerned with policies

and practices that ensure the best use of the human
resources for fulfilling the organizational and individual

-Edwin B. Flippo
Characteristics of HRM

• People oriented • Young discipline

• Action- oriented • Nervous system
• Individual- oriented
• Development – oriented
• Pervasive Function
• Continuous Function
• Future- oriented
• Challenging function
• Science as well as art
• Staff function
Objectives of HRM

 To act as a liaison between the top management and the

 To arrange and maintain adequate manpower inventory
 To devise employee benefit schemes
 To ensure and enhance the quality of work life
 To offer training
 To help keep up ethical values and behaviour amongst
employees both within and outside the organization.
 To maintain high morale and good human relations within
the organization.
HR Objectives of TATA Group

 Tata company shall provide equal opportunities to all its

 HR policies shall promote diversity and equality in the
 Employees shall be treated with dignity.
 Maintain a work Environment free of all forms of
 Respect for the right to privacy and the right to be heard.
 Equal opportunity to all eligible.
 Decisions are based on merit.
Scope of HRM

1. Personnel or Labour Aspect

Planning, recruiting, selection, placement, transfer,
promotion, training and development, Lay-offs,
retrenchment, remuneration, incentives and productivity
2. Welfare Aspect
Housing, transport, medical assistance, canteen, rest
rooms, health and safety, education, etc.
3. Industrial Relation Aspect
Union-management relations, collective bargaining,
grievance and disciplinary actions, settlement of
Difference between HRM and PM

 HRM is proactive in nature while PM is reactive.

 HRM is a resource-centred activity whereas PM is a
employee-centred activity.
 HRM emphasizes on flexible, open-ended contracts but PM
emphasizes the strict observance of defined rules,
procedures and contracts.
 HRM views better performance as a cause of job
satisfaction whereas PM considers job satisfaction as a
source of better performance….
Difference between HRM and PM

 HRM seeks to develop the competencies of the

employees on a sustained basis while PM is a
regular, status quo–based administrative function.
Functions of human resource
Operative functions of HRM
Benefits by Corporates

 Mobile Working at IBM

 HR and well-being of Employees at Infosys
Significance of HRM

 Significance for an enterprise

 Professional significance
 Social significance
 National significance
Significance of HRM
Significance for an
Attracting & retaining the required human
resource, recruitment & selection , placement ,
orientation, compensation & promotion
Developing the skills & necessary attitude
among the employees by T&D & performance
Providing them social & job security by
grievance handling, motivating & participation
in mgt
Utilizing effectively the available human
Ensuring that the enterprise will have in
future a team of competent & dedicated
Significance of HRM

 Providing maximum
opportunities for personal
development of each employee.
Maintaining healthy relationships
among individual & different work
Allocating work properly.
Significance of HRM
Social Significance

Sound human resources management has a great

significant for the society. It help to enhance the
dignity of labour in the following ways.
Providing suitable employment that provides
social & psychological satisfaction to people.
Maintaining a balance between the job available
& the jobseekers in terms of numbers,
Qualification, needs & aptitudes.
Eliminating waste of human resource through
conservation of physical & metal health
Significance of HRM

National Significance

Human resource & their management plays a vital role in the

development of a nation. The effective exploitation & utilisation of a
nation’s natural, physical & financial resources require an efficient &
committed manpower.
There are wide differences in development between countries are with
similar resources due to differences in the quality of their people.
Countries are underdeveloped because their people are backward. The
level of development in a country depends primarily on the skills ,
attitudes & values of its human resources. effective management of
human resources helps to speed up the process of economic growth
which in turn leads to higher standards of living & fuller employment
Human resource Management is the central subsystem of an
National Significance


Material HRM Technical

Subsystem SUBSYSTEM subsystem

National Significance
a. Increase in the size & complexity of organisation
eg.MNC employees ,Rapid technological development
like automation, computerisation
b. Rise of professional & knowledgeable workers, Increasing
proportion of women in the workforce Growth of
powerful nationwide trade unions.
c. Widening scope of legislation designed to protect the
interests of the working class.
d. Revolution in the information technology that might
affect the work force.
e. Rapidly changing jobs & skills requiring long-term
manpower planning.
f. Growing Expectations of society from employers.
Evolution of HRM

1. The Industrial Revolution(beyond 1820 to 1840)

2. Trade unionism(1841 to 1909)
3. Scientific Management (1910 evolve & 1920
implementation to 1940)
4. Industrial Psychology (1945 to 1970)
5. Human Relation Movement Era( 1971 to 1980)
6. Behavioural Science (1980 to 1990)
7. The Contemporary HRM Era (1990 onwards)
The Industrial Revolution(beyond 1820 to 1840)

• Usages of the machinery

• Mass level of production
• To satisfied the human need
• Profit maximization form the factor
of production like land , labour,
capital, entrepreneur
Trade unionism(1841 to 1909)

World have been separated in two type of
economy one is capitalization which has a
motive of profit maximization other other
side labour intensive economy
Labour class reflected their provouge by
strike, slowdown, pen down, boycott &
sabotage of the work for resolution of the
problem where new redressal procedure
had been developed to subside the chaos
like collective bargaining, grievance
handling system, arbitration, disciplinary
Construction of titanic & child labour
pathetic condition
Scientific Management (1910 evolve & 1920
implementation to 1940)

• Development of true • Draw back

• Man become machine
• Scientific selection &
human factors were
completely avoided.
• Friendly co-operation
between management
• Development of every
worker to his fullest
Industrial psychology era (1945 to 1970)

 Mainly focused on the part on IQ of the employees

through MMPIT(Minnesotta multiple personality
test )or MBTI( Myer Brigg Jung topology) & assigned
them skill & aptitude based job.
Human relation movement ( 1971 to 1980)

 Hawthorne experiment
 Interaction with the employee increase the
 Basic facilities are required for the production
 Empathized view towards workes have increased
productivity of worker
Behavioural Science era (1980 to 1990)

 Multiple branch discipline like sociology ,

anthropology, psychology, economics & politics
 Contributors:- Abraham Maslow, Douglas mc
gregeor, Fredrik Herzberg, Rensis Likert, Robert
black, Robert Owen, kurt lewin, burke letwin, fidler
contingent theory, victor vroom theory, grid
theory, Aldofer ERG theory, Mclland N-ach theory
The Contemporary HRM era (1990 onwards)

 More focused on gaining competitive advantage in

market through HR.
 Focuses on developing HR strategies, aligning them
with corporate strategy and achieving organizational
goals effectively.
Evolution of HRM in India

1920s – 30s
Pragmatism of capitalists

1940s – 50s
Technical, legalistic

1970s – 80s
Professional, legalistic, impersonal

History of HRM in India

 1 Available in scatter manner

 2 So many informal ways on implementation
 3 In 1920 due the recommendation of S.S. Bengali under
the title of the Royal commission(1931), labour welfare
officers had been employed on every manufacturing unit
 4 Tata steel have informally started HRM practices in their
organisation under the title of Administration & vigilance
 5 In 1948 first in charge president of India approached for
the Factory act & stipulated working hours for female &
teen age worker & security about female worker .
History of HRM in India

 6 Soon T V Rao & Udai pareek have started to implement

the Personnel management & Indian institute of personnel
management(IIPM) & National Institute of Labour
Management were set up.
 7. By 1970, there was shift in professional values & New
technologies, HR challenges and HRD was discussed.
 7 In 1980 IIPM and NILM merged to form National
Institute of Personnel Management(NIPM)
 8 In 1990, emphasis shifted to human values and
productivity through people.
Qualities of an HR manager

 Knowledge
 Intelligence
 Communication skills
 Objectivity and fairness
 Leadership and motivational qualities
 Emotional maturity and
 Empathy

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