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The Language of Relations and Functions

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The Language of
Relations and Functions

Match it up
Directions: The teacher will group the class in
four (4) groups. Each group will be given one
envelope containing set of words written in two
(2) collumns. The student will cooperate to their
group and match the collumn A from collumn B
by dwaing a line between them. Each group will
also assign one (1) representative to tell us why
those word are connected.
A One to One B

Mother Father
Girlfriend Boyfriend
Grandmother Grandfather
A Many to One B
Car Waterways
Truck Airways
Jet plane Roadways
A Many to Many B
Insect Ants
Mammal Mosquito
Fish Dog

A relation is a relationship between sets of
The relation is between the x-values and y-
values of ordered pairs
A relation between two sets is a collection of
ordered pairs containing one object from each
The set of all y-values is called the range, and
the set of x-value is domain.

Example #1
A={(-1,3) , (2,5) , (-3,2)}
x y
-1 5
Domain: x = {-1, 2, -3} 2 2
Range: y = {3, 5, 2} -3 3
One to One
Example #2 6

D = {(1,2) , (-2,3) , (5,1) , (1,4) , (5,2)}

Domain : x ={-2, 1, 5}
Range : y ={1, 2, 3, 4}
x y
-2 1
1 2
5 3
Many to One
Example #3 7

Define a relation Z from X to Y by (x,y)∈ Z,

If x > y+1 .
Z = {(2,5) , (2,6) , (2, 7), (2,8) ,(4,5) , (4,6)}

x y
X ={2, 3, 4, 5}
2 1
Y ={1, 4, 5, 6} 3 4
4 5
Many to One
5 6

Is an expression, rule, or law that defines
a relationship between one variable,
(the independent variable) and another
variable ( the dependent variable).

Geometrically, a function is a relation

which passes the vertical line test.
Testing relations to see if they are
functions we make a “mapping
table”, we do this as follows:
1. List all the x-value on the left.
2. At each x-value, draw an arrow. One
arrow pointing to each y-value it has.
3. If you see a situation where an x-
value has two or more arrows
branching to y-values, then it is not a
Examples 10

x y x y
-1 5 -2 1
2 2 1 2
-3 3 5 3
One to One 4
One to Many
Function Not a Function

x y
2 1
3 4
4 5
5 6 Many to One

Venn-Euler diagram
Is a device named after the English logician
John Venn.

Is a pictorial representation of sets.

In Venn Diagram, the Universal set U is

represented by the points inside a rectangle
and sets by the points enclosed by simple
closed curves inside the rectangle.

Venn-Euler Diagram figure:

U8 B
1 5
2 4 6
3 7

𝐴∪𝐵 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
𝐴−𝐵 = 1,2,3
𝑈−𝐴= 5,6,7,8
𝐴∩𝐵 = 4

Thats all for today class....

Thank you for


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