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Definite Integral

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The Definite Integral


1. Calculate an approximation of the area of a region bounded

by a continuous function ƒ, x-axis, and the vertical lines x = a
and x = b using Riemann sums.

2. Interpret the expression ∫a ƒ(x) dx when ƒ(x) ≥ 0 and a ≤ b.
3. Relate the definite and indefinite integrals through the
fundamental theorem of calculus.
The Definite Integral

4. Evaluate the definite integral of a function applying the
rules of integration.

5. Solve for the area of a region by evaluating the definite


6. Explain the meaning of the definite integral as an area.

7. Calculate the distance covered by a moving body at certain

time intervals when the velocity function or the acceleration
function is known.
Area of a Region
Under a Curve
Area of a Region Under a Curve

This section will focus

on the computation of
the area of a region
bounded from above by a
curve defined by a
continuous function
y= ƒ(x), from below by
the x-axis, on the left
side by the vertical line A
x=a, and on the right side
by the vertical line x=b.
This area A is the shaded
region in the figure.
Regions Bounded
by Polygons
Regions Bounded by Polygons

Example 1.
Find the area of a region bounded by the function ƒ(x)=3 (a
constant function), the x-axis, the vertical line x=0 (the y-axis),
and x=4.
We first locate the region in the
xy-plane. The graph of the
function ƒ is a line parallel to
the x-axis. Since ƒ(0)=3 and
ƒ(4)=3, then the points (0,3) and A
(4,3) are on the line. Note that
a=0 and b=4. The shaded region
is in the form of a rectangle
whose length l is 3 and width w
is 4.
Regions Bounded by Polygons

Example 1.
Find the area of a region bounded by the function ƒ(x)=3 (a
constant function), the x-axis, the vertical line x=0 (the y-axis),
and x=4.

Thus, the area is

A = lw
= 3(4) A
= 12
Regions Bounded by Polygons

Example 2.
Solve for the area of a region bounded from above by the
function ƒ(x)=x + 3, the x-axis, the y-axis (x=0) and the vertical
line x=4.

The graph of the function
ƒ(x)=x + 3 is a line whose slope
is 1 and y-intercept is 3, so it
passes through point (0,3).
Since ƒ(4)=4+3=7, then the line
also passes through (4,7). In
this region, a=0 and b=4.
Regions Bounded by Polygons

Example 2.
Solve for the area of a region bounded from above by the
function ƒ(x)=x + 3, the x-axis, the y-axis (x=0) and the vertical
line x=4.
The region is in the form of a
trapezoid whose parallel sides
(b1 and b2) have lengths 3 and 7.
The distance h between these
parallel sides is 4. Thus, the
area is
A = (b1 + b2)h = (3 + 7)(4)
2 2
A = 20
Approximating the
Area Under the Curve
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

We observe that the

shaded region in the
figure does not form a
familiar figure. Hence, we
cannot apply the
formulas we already
know. However, we can
still calculate an
approximate value of the
area. This is done by
partitioning the region
into small rectangles.
There are several ways of
doing this.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

1. Using small inscribed rectangles. (shown in figure a)

2. Using small circumscribed rectangles. (shown in figure b)
3. Using modified circumscribed rectangles. (shown in figure c)

(a) (b) (c)

Approximating the Area Under the Curve

How do we calculate an approximate area under the curve?

We follow this procedure.

STEP 1. For each rectangle Ri, the width is the increment in x

which we will set as x = (b-a)/n, where n is the
number of rectangles.

STEP 2. Find the intermediate points x0, x1, … , xn that divides

the closed interval [a,b] into subintervals [xi-1,xi]. The
value of each xi, is given by xi = a + i( x). Hence,
x0 = a
x1 = a + x
x2 = a + 2( x); and so on until
xn = a + n( x)
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

STEP 3. Find the length of each rectangle.

a. In the inscribed rectangles, the length of each

rectangle is ƒ(xi-1). This means that the length of the
first rectangle is l1=ƒ(x0). For the second rectangle, it
is l2=ƒ(x1). For the ith rectangle, li=ƒ(xi-1), and for the
last rectangle, ln=ƒ(xn-1).

b. For the circumscribed rectangles, the length of each

rectangle is ƒ(xi) which means that l1 = ƒ(x1), l2 =
ƒ(x2), and so on until ln = ƒ(xn).
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

c. For the modified circumscribed rectangles, the

length of each rectangle is the function of the
midpoint ci for each subinterval, where
ci = (xi+xi-1)/2. Thus, for the first rectangle, c1 =
(x1+x0)/2; for the second rectangle, c2 = (x2+x1)/2,
and so on until cn = (xn+xn-1)/2. The length of each
rectangle is then l1=ƒ(c1), l2=ƒ(c2), and so on until

STEP 4. We then find the area Ai of each rectangle Ri using the

formula Ai = ( x)(li), where li depends on which part of
the subinterval is considered.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

STEP 5. Finally, we calculate the approximate area under the

curve by getting the sum of the areas of all the
rectangles. If we let Sn represent the sum of the areas of
the n rectangles, then

Sn = A1 + A2 + A3 + … + An


Sn = ( x)(l1) + ( x)(l2) + … + ( x)(ln)

Approximating the Area Under the Curve

Example 3.
Calculate an approximation of the area of the region An
bounded by the function ƒ(x)=x2, the x-axis, and the vertical
lines x=1 and x=3. Approximate the areas using 4 subintervals.

The graph of the function
ƒ(x)=x2 is a parabola. The
vertical lines are x=1 and x=3,
thus a=1 and b=3. Since ƒ(1)=1
and ƒ(3)=9, then the graph is a
curve that crosses the points
(1,1) and (3,9). The shaded
region is shown in the figure.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 1. Using Inscribed Rectangles

STEP 1. With n=4,
x = 3-1 = 0.5
The width of each
rectangle is 0.5.
STEP 2. The intermediate points:
x0 = a = 1
x1 = 1 + 0.5 = 1.5
x2 = 1 + (2)0.5 = 2
x3 = 1 + (3)0.5 = 2.5
x4 = 1 + (4)0.5 = 3 = b
The subintervals and
the inscribed rectangles
are shown in the figure.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 1. Using Inscribed Rectangles

STEP 3. The length of each
rectangle is ƒ(xi-1). Thus,
we obtain
l1 = ƒ(x0) = (1)2 = 1
l2 = ƒ(x1) = (1.5)2 = 2.25
l3 = ƒ(x2) = (2)2 = 4
l4 = ƒ(x3) = (2.5)2 = 6.25
STEP 4. The areas of the
rectangles where the
width is x=0.5 and the
length is ƒ(xi-1) are:
AI = 1(0.5) = 0.5
AII = 2.25(0.5) = 1.125
AIII = 4(0.5) = 2
AIV = 6.25(0.5) = 3.125
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 1. Using Inscribed Rectangles

STEP 5. The approximate area of

the shaded region using
inscribed rectangles is
the sum of the four
S4 = 0.5 + 1.125 + 2 + 3.125
= 6.75

In the figure, note that the total

area of the rectangles is smaller
than the area under the curve.
Hence, we expect the area under
the curve to be more than 6.75.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 2. Using Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 1. With n=4,
x = 3-1 = 0.5
The width of each
rectangle is 0.5.
STEP 2. The intermediate points:
x0 = 1
x1 = 1.5
x2 = 2
x3 = 2.5
x4 = 3
The subintervals and
the circumscribed
rectangles are shown in
the figure.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 2. Using Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 3. This time, the length of

each rectangle is ƒ(xi).
l1 = ƒ(x1) = (1.5)2 = 2.25
l2 = ƒ(x2) = (2)2 = 4
l3 = ƒ(x3) = (2.5)2 = 6.25
l4 = ƒ(x4) = (3)2 = 9
STEP 4. The area of each
rectangle with width of
x=0.5 and length ƒ(xi),
AI = 2.25(0.5) = 1.125
AII = 4(0.5) = 2
AIII = 6.25(0.5) = 3.125
AIV = 9(0.5) = 4.5
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 2. Using Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 5. The approximate area of

the shaded region is the
sum of the four areas:
S4 = 1.125 + 2 + 3.125 + 4.5
= 10.75

We observe that the area covered

by the circumscribed rectangles is
greater than the area under the
curve so we expect the area under
the curve to be less than 10.75.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 3. Using Modified Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 1. The width of each

rectangle is also 0.5.
STEP 2. The intermediate points
are the same as in the
first two methods:
x0 = 1
x1 = 1.5
x2 = 2
x3 = 2.5
x4 = 3
The subintervals and
the rectangles are given
in the figure.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 3. Using Modified Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 3. In this method of

approximation, the
length of the rectangle is
the value of the function
at the midpoint of the
subinterval ci, where
ci = (xi + xi-1)/2. Note
that increments in x are
equal so we need only to
solve for the initial value
ci. Succeeding values of
ci will be obtained by
adding x.
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 3. Using Modified Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 3. The midpoints for each

interval are
c1 = 1 + 1.5 = 1.25
c2 = 1.25 + 0.5 = 1.75
c3 = 1.75 + 0.5 = 2.25
c4 = 2.25 + 0.5 = 2.75
Therefore, the lengths of
the rectangles are
l1 = ƒ(c1) = (1.25)2 = 1.5625
l2 = ƒ(c2) = (1.75)2 = 3.0625
l3 = ƒ(c3) = (2.25)2 = 5.0625
l4 = ƒ(c4) = (2.75)2 = 7.5625
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

METHOD 3. Using Modified Circumscribed Rectangles

STEP 4. The area of each

rectangle with width of
x=0.5 and length ƒ(ci),
AI = 1.5625(0.5) = 0.78125
AII= 3.0625(0.5) = 1.53125
AIII= 5.0625(0.5) = 2.53125
AIV= 7.5625(0.5) = 3.78125
STEP 5. The approximate area of
the shaded region is the
sum of the four areas:
S4 = 0.78125 + 1.53125 +
2.53125 + 3.78125
= 8.6255
Approximating the Area Under the Curve

What do you notice?

The third value is somewhat

nearer to what we expected-
greater than 6.75 and less than
10.75. Looking at the figure, we
observe a much closer
approximation of the area under
the curve.
The Definite Integral
The Definite Integral

Suppose we have a continuous function ƒ on the closed interval

[a,b]. Let us partition the interval [a,b] into n subintervals so
that x0=a, xn=b, and that

x0 < x1 < x2 < … < xi < … < xn

For each partition, we draw a rectangle whose width is
x=xi-xi-1 and whose length is ƒ(ci), where ci is any point in the
subinterval [xi-1, xi], that is, xi-1 ≤ ci ≤ xi.
The Definite Integral

In the figure, we
note that ƒ(ci) may
be positive or
negative. When ƒ(ci)
is positive, the
product ƒ(ci) x is
the area of the
rectangle Ri. When
ƒ(ci) is negative, the
product ƒ(ci) x is
the negative of the
area of the rectangle.
If we take the sum
of these products, Sn = ƒ(c1) x + ƒ(c2) x + … + ƒ(cn) x
we obtain
The Definite Integral

This sum is called a

Riemann sum for ƒ on
[a,b], in honor of
Georg Friedrich
Riemann, the
mathematician who
studied extensively
the limits of both
continuous and
The Definite Integral

As the number of rectangles is increased, n gets larger and

larger while the length of the subintervals x gets smaller and
smaller. The union of the rectangles becomes more and more
like the shape of the region between the curve and the x-axis.
As this happens, the Riemann sums tend to move toward a
limiting value. This limiting value of the Riemann sums is the
definite integral of the function ƒ. In symbols,

∫a ƒ(x)dx =nlim S


= lim [ƒ(c1) x + ƒ(c2) x + … + ƒ(cn) x]

x 0
provided that the limit exists. The increment of each
subinterval is x = b – a .
The Definite Integral
The symbol ∫a ƒ(x)dx is read as “the integral of ƒ of x dx

from a to b.” is the integral sign, the function ƒ is the integrand
of the integral, and the variable x is the variable of integration.
The interval [a, b] is the interval of integration, a is the lower
limit of integration, and b is the upper limit of integration.

When we solve for the value of a ƒ(x)dx, we evaluate the
integral and integrate ƒ from a to b. If the definite integral exists,
then we say that the function ƒ is integrable.

In the definition above, it is very important to note that the

function is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]. An
important result in calculus states that every function that is
continuous on a closed interval is integrable.
The Definite Integral

Another important note about the symbol is that the

variable of integration may not be x always. We may also have
the following:

∫a ∫a
b b
ƒ(u)du or ƒ(t)dt
Area Under the Curve
Area Under the Curve

Given a continuous non-

negative function ƒ, the
area A of the region
bounded by the graph of ƒ,
the vertical lines x=a and
x=b, and the x-axis is the
definite integral of the
function ƒ evaluated from
x=a to x=b. In symbols,

A = ∫a ƒ(x)dx
Area Under the Curve

Example 4.
Write as a definite integral the area of the region bounded by
the curve ƒ(x)=5x, the x-axis, and the vertical lines x=3 and x=4.
The integrand is the
function ƒ(x)=5x. The
limits of integration are
a=3 and b=4.
Therefore, as a definite
integral, the area A is
denoted as

A = ∫3 5(x)dx
Area Under the Curve

Suppose the shaded region between x=a and x=b is below

the x-axis. Can we still use the definite integral in finding the
area of the shaded region?

We see that the boundaries are still the same: the x-axis and
the vertical lines x=a and x=b. Only this time, the function ƒ is
negative in the closed interval [a, b]. To solve for the area of the
shaded region, we obtain the negative of the definite integral of
the function from a to b. That is, when ƒ(x) is negative in [a, b],
then the area A is
A = - ∫a ƒ(x)dx

Note that in this case, taking the negative of the integral

from a to b will give us a non-negative value of the area.
Properties of the
Definite Integral
Properties of the Definite Integral

Let the functions ƒ and g be continuous on the closed interval

[a, b]. The following are the properties of the definite integral:

When the limits of integration are equal (b=a), then the
value of the integral is equal to zero. That is,
∫a ƒ(x)dx = 0
Example: ∫1 x dx = 0 because the limits of integration are

Properties of the Definite Integral

We define the integral from b to a as the negative of the
integral from a to b. That is,
∫b ƒ(x)dx = - ∫a ƒ(x)dx
a b

Example: ∫ x dx = - ∫ x dx because we inverted the limits of

3 5
2 2
5 3


When a function is multiplied by a constant factor k, we can
factor this constant out of the integral, or
b b
∫a kƒ(x)dx = k ∫a ƒ(x)dx
2 2
Example: ∫1 5x2dx =5 ∫1 x dx
Properties of the Definite Integral

The definite integral of the sum of two functions ƒ and g is
the sum of the integrals of the two functions.
∫a [ƒ(x)+g(x)]dx = ∫a ƒ(x)dx + ∫a
b b b

Example: ∫ (x +x)dx = ∫ x dx + ∫ xdx

2 2 2
2 2
1 1 1

The integral of the difference of two functions ƒ and g is the
difference of the integrals of the two functions.
∫a [ƒ(x)-g(x)]dx = ∫a ƒ(x)dx - ∫a g(x)dx
b b b

Example: ∫ (x -x )dx = ∫ x dx - ∫ x dx
3 3 3
3 2 3 2
1 1 1
Properties of the Definite Integral


If the function ƒ has a constant value c on the closed interval
[a, b], then

ƒ(x)dx = a cdx
∫1 2dx = 2(3-1)
= c(b-a) =4

If a < c < b, then
b c
∫a ƒ(x)dx = ∫a ƒ(x)dx + ∫c ƒ(x)dx b

Example: ∫15
x2dx = ∫1
x2dx + ∫3 x dx
Fundamental Theorem
of Calculus
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The fundamental theorem of calculus allows us to evaluate

the definite integral by using antiderivatives.
Given a continuous function ƒ on the interval [a, b]. Let F be
an antiderivative of ƒ on [a, b]. The definite integral of ƒ can be
evaluated from the formula

ƒ(x)dx = F(b) – F(a)
This means that the definite integral from x=a to x=b is equal
to an antiderivative of ƒ evaluated at x=b minus this
antiderivative of ƒ evaluated at x=a. The difference F(b)-F(a) is
often denoted by the shorthand expression
F(b) – F(a) = F(x)|a
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

This theorem extremely simplifies the evaluation of the

definite integral. To evaluate the definite integral ∫a
ƒ(x)dx, we
carry out the following steps:

1. Obtain an antiderivative of F of ƒ.

2. Solve for the value of this antiderivative at x=b and x=a.

In other words, we find F(b) and F(a).

3. Find the difference F(b)-F(a). This is the value of the

definite integral.
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Example 5.
Evaluate ∫2 3xdx.

The integrand is ƒ(x)=3x.
The limits of integration are a=2 and b=4.

a. First, we evaluate the indefinite integral of ƒ.

F(x) = ∫ ƒ(x)dx
= ∫3(x)dx
= 3x2 + C
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

b. Next, we solve for F(a) and F(b).

F(2) = 3(2)2 + C F(4) = 3(4)2 + C
2 2
= 3(2) + C = 3(8) + C
=6+C = 24 + C

c. Finally, we compute the difference F(b)-F(a).

F(b)-F(a) = 24 + C - (6 + C)
= 24 + C - 6 - C
= 18

Therefore, ∫2 3xdx = 18.
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Note that when calculating the difference, the constant of

integration C eventually cancels out. Hence, we do not have to
add the constant of integration anymore when evaluating the
definite integral. Using the shorthand expressions, the above
example can be written as:
∫ 3xdx = 4
2 2
Note: The definite
integral may be positive,
negative, or zero. Also,
= 3(4)2 - 3(2)2
note that the definite
2 2 integral is a number,
= 3(8) – 3(2) while the indefinite
= 24 – 6 integral is a function of x.
= 18
Applications of the
Definite Integral
Applications of the Definite Integral

We are now ready to calculate the area of regions bounded

by the function y=ƒ(x), the x-axis, and the vertical lines x=a and
x=b by applying the definite integral. Let us start by calculating
the areas of regions from the previous examples.
Applications of the Definite Integral
Example 6.
In the figure, the region is
above the x-axis and is
bounded by ƒ(x)=3, the x-axis,
and the vertical lines x=0 and
x=4. The integrand is ƒ(x)=3 and
the limits of integration are a=0
and b=4. Thus, the area of the
shaded region is A

∫ 3xdx
A= 0

= 3 ∫ dx
= 3x |0
= 3(4-0)
= 12
Applications of the Definite Integral

Example 7.
We find the area of the region
bounded by ƒ(x)=x2, the vertical
lines x=1 and x=3. The integrand is
ƒ(x)=x2 and the limits of
integration are a=1 and b=3. Thus,
the area of the shaded region is
A= ∫ x dx
= x3 /3 |1
= 33 - 13
3 3
= 27/3 - 1/3
= 26/3 _
= 8.666666
Velocity and
Velocity and Acceleration

Suppose we want to determine the distance covered by a

moving object for a given time interval from t=a to t=b. To solve
for the distance covered for a time interval from t=a to t=b, we
simply evaluate the definite integral of the velocity function v(t)
at the given limits of integration in the eqaution
= ∫a
s(t) v(t)dt
Applications of the Definite Integral
Example 8.
A boy dropped a stone from a tall building such that its
velocity v(t), in meter per second, is defined by the function
v(t)=10t, where time t in seconds is measured from the time the
stone is dropped. What is the distance covered by the stone
between the first second and the fourth second?
The velocity function v(t)=10t is the integrand, while the limits
of integration are a=1 and b=4. Thus, we have
4 4 4 4
s(t) = ∫1 v(t)dt = ∫1 10tdt = 5t2
1 1

= 5(42 – 12) = 5(16 – 1) = 75 m

Applications of the Definite Integral

Example 9.
Starting at rest, the acceleration of a body moving in rectilinear
motion is given by the acceleration function
a(t) = 10t – 3 m/s2
a. Find the velocity function of the body.
b. What is the distance covered between 3 seconds and 5
a. We obtain the velocity function of the body by getting the
integral of the acceleration function.

v(t) = ∫ a(t)dt = ∫(10t – 3)dt = 10t 2 – 3t + C

= 5t2 – 3t + C
Applications of the Definite Integral

Since the body started from rest, then v(0) = 0.

v(0) = 0 = 5(0)2 – 3(0) + C
and C=0
Therefore, the velocity function is v(t) = 5t2 – 3t.

b. The distance covered by the moving body is the integral of

the velocity function v(t) = 5t2 – 3t. Thus, we have
5 5
5t3 – 3t2
s(t) = ∫3 (5t2 – 3t)dt
3 2
3 3

=[ 5(5)3 – 3(5)2
3 2 ]- [ 5(3)3 – 3(3)2
3 2 ]
= 139.3 m
Important Terms

Important Terms to Remember:

Area bounded by a curve Integration

Constant multiplier rule Limits of integration
Definite integral Method of
Difference rule
Riemann sums
Fundamental theorem of
calculus Sum rule
Increment in x

 The definite integral is the area of the region bounded
by the function ƒ(x), the x-axis, and the vertical lines
x=a and x=b. In symbols, the definite integral is denoted,

 In evaluating the definite integral, the fundamental
theorem of calculus is applied where the definite
integral of a function ƒ(x) over the interval of x [a, b] is
the antiderivative F(x) of the function evaluated at b
minus the antiderivative F(x) at a. In symbols,

∫a ƒ(x)dx = F(x)| a
b b
= F(b) – F(a)

 The definite integral is the algebraic sum of areas
where regions above the x-axis are considered positive
and regions below the x-axis negative.
 The following rules of integration apply to the definite
a. Constant multiplier rule
b. Sum rule
c. Difference rule

 Given the rate of change of a quantity, the definite
integral allows the computation of interval values of the
For example, given the velocity as a function of time, we
can solve for the position of a moving body for certain
time intervals applying the definite integral.

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