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Cot No 2 English Past Form of Regular Verb

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Use the past form of

regular verb
Prepared by:
Maria Fe L. Gonzales
Prununciation Drill:

/t/ /d/ /id/

Asked Ruled Hooted
Laughed Loved Planted
Kicked Chattered Dusted
Picked Hummed Ended
kissed Called visited
Have you
read or
stories about
What do you
know about
King Unggoy and the Mosquito
Long ago, a wise
monkey ruled the forest.
He was loved by all
animals and was called
King Unggoy.

One night, King Unggoy could not sleep.

The animals were all very noisy. The monkeys
chattered; the owls hooted; the birds
chirped; and the mosquitoes hummed.
The next morning, King Unggoy called
all the animals to a meeting. He asked
them why they were all very noisy last
“The mosquitoes hummed in our
ears and bit us right and left,” the little
monkey said.
The birds and other animals said,
“We are all frightened that’s why we
made noise.”
King Unggoy asked the mosquitoes,
“Why did you bite the monkey’s ears?”
The mosquitoes answered, “We
were looking for our enemy, the crab.
He always hides in a hole.”
King Unggoy laughed and said, “So
you were looking for Mr. Crab in these
poor animals’ ears!”
All the animals laughed with King
Unggoy. “What a joke! The mosquitoes
were looking for Mr. Crab in the
animals’ ears.” That’s why even today
mosquitoes buzz around our ears.
Answer these questions:
1. When did the story happen?
2. Why did the animals love King Unggoy?
3. Why did King Unggoy call the animals to a
4. Why are they very noisy?
5. How do you feel when the mosquitoes
buzz around your ears? Why?
6. Are the mosquitoes bite dangerous? Why?
7. What would you do to make your
surroundings free from mosquitoes?
Read the following sentences.
1. He was loved by the animals.
2. They called him King Unggoy.
3. The mosquitoes hummed in our ears.
4. We are all frightened.
5. King Unggoy laughed.
What do you call the underlined words?
What syllables are added to the verbs?
What form of the verb are they?
Watching the video
What does the video clip
How do we form the past tense of
Group I- Write
a five-sentence
Group IV-
story about the
Group III – Draw Compose a
picture using
pictures. Write song using the
the past form of
sentences about past form of
the pictures verb.
Group II- “ Interview using the past
Time” – form of verb.
“What did you do? “
Group V- Write
Interview your group
mate and talk about 5 sentences
the things he/she did using the past
at a certain period of
from of verbs
Independent Practice:

Get a metacard and read a word. Then

use its past form in a sentence.

What activities did you do in your

house this morning? Yesterday? What
did your parents feel when you did
those activities?
How are the regular verbs form their
past form?
1. Regular verbs form their past form by
adding –d or –ed.
2. Regular verbs of one syllable that end in a
consonant with a vowel before it, form their
past tense by doubling the consonant before
adding –ed.
Ex; rob-robbed; stop-stopped; sob-sobbed
3.Regular verbs that end in y with a
consonant before it, form their past tense
by changing y to i then add –ed.
Ex: cry-cried; study-studied;
4. Regular verbs that end in y with a vowel
before it, form their past tense by just
adding –ed.
Ex: play-played ; stay- stayed
5. The time expression yesterday, last week,
last night, last year, last month, last
Sunday, are used when we talk about
things happened in the past.
Directions: Complete the sentences by using the
past form of the verb.
1. Every morning Mother cooks breakfast. This
morning, Mother ____________ some delicious
2.We always play after classes. Yesterday, we
___________ skipping rope.
3.We trim the grass every month. We __________ it
last week.
4.Bryan waters the plants every day. He __________
the plants last night.
5.We listen to Grandma’s stories before going to bed.
Last night, we __________ to a beautiful fairy tail.
I. Additional activities for

application or remediation.
Write five sentences using the
past form of regular verb.

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