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International Business Machines (Ibm) Corporation, 2015

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Andika daniel rizky ( 02001701107 )
Natsuki yoshitake ( 022001701056 )
Dewi Lia Ningsih ( 022001701200 )
Internatinal Business Machines is a United states company that
manufactures and sells hardware and computers based in armonk
New York, United States. He has technicians and consultans,
development laboratories located throughout the world, in very
branch of computer science and informatin technology, some of
whom are pionir in feilds ranging from mainframe computers to non-

• In 2003, IBM executives and over • IBM decided on these three core
300.000 employees convened for values that all IBM employees
reestablish and reanalyze the globally are expected to live every
company’s core values. day. Although vague,the velves are:
Management at IBM are more than 1. Dedication to every client’s
ethics and legal compliance. success.
2. Innivation that matters for our
company and the world.
3. Trust and personal responsibility in
all relationships.

■ The launch of IBM watson group in january 2014 promises to

grow IBM revenues. Watson helps clients understand big data ,
helping nontechnical people understand complex information
more easily. The third key in IBM’S initiactive ,dubbed “ Systems
Of Enggament “ , centers on ‘technologycal social interaction
products and service.
■ Software
The business of data analysis, data storage, and security is growing. IBM primarily competes in the
data analytics and data storage arena, both representing around 20 percent of the $ 170 billion
industry (in sales) in the United States
■ Ethical and Legal Data Considerations
In the past 5 years, the general public has become very aware and suspicious of data usage. Privacy
concerns have arisen and even the rights of who owns the data present problems for companies in the
data business.
■ Software
The business of data analysis, data storage, and security is growing. IBM primarily competes in the
data analytics and data storage arena, both representing around 20 percent of the $ 170 billion
industry (in sales) in the United States
■ Ethical and Legal Data Considerations
In the past 5 years, the general public has become very aware and suspicious of data usage. Privacy
concerns have arisen and even the rights of who owns the data present problems for companies in the
data business.


1. Brand name. 1. Lack of synergy from the

2. Financial increase in high tech acquisition results.
service. 2. IBM products do not match
3. Diversification (hardware, market needs.
software) 3. The price of IBM products is
4. Has a large number of patents. relatively expensive.
5. Acquisition of software such as 4. Setbacks in PC sales, servers,
Lotus Development Corp and storage systems, mainframes.
Tivollis System Inc. 5. Corporate arrogance culture.

1. Become a supplier of e-commerce 1. Unstable electronic market.

business. 2. Changes in technology.
2. Become a server supplier for ERP. 3. Rapid product changes from
3. Doing business expansion to other competitors.
countries. 4. Very high market competition.
4. Digital business growth.
5. Become a server supplier for
internet based business.
Strategy Implementation Strategy Evaluation

• form an executive team. IBM is a company that focuses on materials

• Translation of the vision and mission to all and hardware, but 20 years later it drastically
employees. changes to focus on areas such as big data,
• Changing the organizational culture of the cloud computing, and other growth initiatives.
company to be more adaptive and IBM just wanted "owrn the cloud" but ironically
accordance with changes. it didn't work because the cloud would kill profit
• Change the "product centric" strategy to margins on this old mainframe that was still a
"customer centric“. mainstay of IBM.
IBM must also use the internet for product
sales, becoming a major supplier for e-
commerce business because its market share
is still very large.
IBM has strengths that are not owned by competitors with article opportunities
that are still fairly broad. But IBM's performance is still relatively low with an unhealthy
organizational culture. Although IBM experienced an increase in revenue, IBM's profits
were still lower in competitors. In the midst of a highly competitive industry, IBM had to
adopt a new strategy that was in line with market needs and change IBM's goal of being
a centric product to a customer cantric. IBM is currently in a state of stabilization, which
is how IBM is maximizing the company's strengths to eliminate weaknesses by taking
advantage of existing article opportunities.

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