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PMS Tools Presentation

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Nandi- 24

Menon - 22

Sujita - 24

•A process for establishing a mutual understanding about

what is to be achieved and how it to be achieved.

•It assists Organizations to plan ,analyze & manage their

performance so that the decisions ,resources and actions
can be better aligned with business strategies to achieve
required results.

•The fundamental goal of performance management is to

promote and improve employee effectiveness. It is a
continuous process where managers and employees work
together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work
objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to
the organization.”


Key performance indicators-MBO Tool
The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated
approach that prioritizes organizational key performance
indicators (KPIs) in terms of the criteria of SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
Time‐sensitive) goal setting.

The research was carried out using the analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) technique as the basis for
pairwise comparisons of SMART criteria, considering each

A new approach is outlined, encompassing step‐by‐step
guidelines for decision makers to conduct the prioritization
process of SMART KPIs. The results of the case study
highlight the applicability of the proposed approach and
the calculation process for prioritizing KPIs.
Performance Appraisal
Tools - Performance Rating /Assessment Centre
A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee's
job performance and overall contribution to a company. Also known as
an "annual review," "performance review or evaluation," or "employee
appraisal," a performance appraisal evaluates an employee's skills,
achievements and growth, or lack thereof.

Advantages of Performance Appraisal

• Promotion
• Compensation
• Employees Development
• Selection Validation
• Communication
• Motivation
Performance management frameworks –
Tool- Balance Business Score Card
Approaches include the comparative approach, the
attribute approach, the behavioural approach, the
results approach, and the
quality approach. Performance management ensures
employee goals, objectives, and outcomes are in
harmony with organizational goals
Involving performance measurement systems and
processes, performance management is about
managing people and the way people within the
Council work together.
One of the most popular and best-known management
frameworks is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Voted
one of the most influential business ideas ever
presented in the Harvard Business Review, the BSC
has been massively popular over the last 20 years.

Personal development plans (PDP)
Tool –Performance Feedback
A PDP is effectively a tailored action plan that is based on reflection and
awareness of an individual’s performance and needs, setting out goals for
future performance and actions that will support personal development.
PDPs are often used to identify specific training and development needs
and create an action plan for meeting those needs (for example, through
specific courses or shadowing other employees).

PDP Target:
▪ Established the purpose & direction
▪ Identify development need
▪ Find the development opportunities
▪ Formulate action plans
▪ Undertake development
▪ Record outcomes
▪ Review & evaluate

360 Degree Feedback
▪ 360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in
which employees receive confidential,
anonymous feedback from the people who work
around them. This typically includes the employee's
Direct reports, peers, customers, suppliers, and so
on. Results are confidentially tallied and presented to
the employee, usually by a manager. The insights
from 360 degree feedback are typically used in
employee training and development. Done well, 360
degree feedback helps to democratise the review
process, by weighing the opinions of many people,
instead of just the individual’s line manager.

Company Components of Approach Tools Employee Benefit Organisational Effectiveness of Tool
Performance Benefit
Management System

Mahindra Performance 1. Goal Setting 1. Balance Business 1. Clarity on 1. Gain Balanced

& Planning approach – Score Card by Robert Goals Transparency scorecard is a
Mahindra Alignment S.Kalpan & David which he 2. Grow bottom management
with P.Nortons needs to line looking at system that can
Organisationa Measures deliver and other motivate
l Objectives Performance on 4 sense of perspectives breakthrough
and perspective accountabili 3. Align with improvements in
cascading to (Financial,Custoner, ty and Vision such critical areas
all levels. Internal Process and ownership 4. High level as product,
L&D) due to Goals process,
organisatio become customer, and
nal goal Tangible market
cascade Actions. development.
approach. 5. Birds’ eye
view of how
the company
is running.
Top Down
Company Components of Approach Tools Employee Benefit Organisational Effectiveness of Tool
PMS Benefit

Mahindra Performance 1. Performance 1. Performance 1. Based on direct 1. A structured of Performance

& Appraisal Evaluation Rating observation and direct identifying and appraisal is very
Mahindra 2. Evaluation of 2. Assessment correlation with the assessing effective in
Rise Centres for achievements potential . assessing the
Competency promotions. 2. Encourages managers 2. Information on performance of the
behaviours . to spend time with their which to base employees using
employees, which allows decisions various tools like
them to provide more about Assessment
coaching, guidance and promotions & centres
feedback. Assessment.
3. An opportunity .
to review
Company Components of Approach Tools Employee Benefit Organisational Effectiveness of
Performance Benefit Tool

Mahindra & Performance Periodic reviews Quarterly 1. Ensure the Feedback Performance
Mahindra Feedback Feedback employee ensures that the Feedback
understands employee ensures quality
the process performance is parameters of all
of the improved on the employees are
appraisal and gaps identified improved by way
criteria under and hence overall of feedback
evaluation productivity of the system.
2. Continuous organisation is Employee cost to
feedback increased . Benefit Ratio.
ensures open
on and
Big Bazaar & Amazon
Company Components of Approach Tools Employee benefits Organisational Effectiveness of Tool
PMS benefits

BIG Performance Feedback is 360 degree Big Bazaar specifically Future groups has 360 degree feedback
BAZAAR appraisal collected from feedback targets working women's & its own training method provides
peers home makers who are the division for all its individuals with a broad
subordinates primary decision making employees names assessment of their
customers as future learning & performance based on
managers and development ltd. the views of those
the team Employees will be around them, including
members of the given 20 days of their supervisor or
employee. training, because of manager, direct reports,
which employee will peers, customers,
get clear idea about suppliers, and so on.
the work growth

Amazon's Performance Culture of Amazon’s Managers set up a meeting Feedback system Amazon’s high
Feedback Feedback performance with employees to discuss at Amazon is performance bar is
review process strengths and career path. made to push the fuelled by our desire to
is This conversation is the first limits of each delight customers every
known as Forte. of many which empowers employee. Out day. Forte is Amazon’s
about applying your super performance annual feedback
powers and working on your Culture is build process designed to help
growth ideas. across you understand your
organisation. unique strengths while
offering ideas to
help you grow and
increase the impact you
have on customers.
Company Components of Approach Tools Employee benefits Organisational Effectiveness of Tool
PMS benefits

TCS Performance Management by MBO 1. Participative Decision 1. Improved SMART Approach is very
Appraisal Objectives (MBO) is a making planning effective as it is not
personnel management 2. Goal Specificity 2. Co-ordination subjective in nature and
technique where 3. Performance feedback 3. Motivation & also quantify the
managers and employees 4. Explicit time period Commitment achievements which is
work together to set, 4. Accurate very transparent and
record and monitor goals Appraisals unbiased.
for a specific period of 5. Organisational
time. Organizational goals change and
and planning flow top- Development
down through the
organization and are
translated into personal
goals for organizational
Best Tool from Amazon

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PMS Automation Tools :-

Comparison Best performance management tools in the market to help

organizations in their quest to find the perfect tool for their organization.

PMS Tools Benefits

Kiss flow HR Cloud 1. Initiate performance reviews, design appraisal forms, and customize workflow and mail alerts to
meet the organizational policy.

Bamboo HR 1. Re-defined Performance Management Landscape

2. Real-time insights on high-performers and people with performance issues.

Engagedly 1. Engaging approach to performance review process and enhances Employee Engagement.
2. 360-degree peer review, social praise, goal management and cascading, collaboration, LMS,
surveys, and rewards.

Utiipro 1. Focuses on improving employee experiences.

2. It offers specific modules to develop performance, manage succession, administer
compensation plans, deliver workplace surveys, and discover employees’ feelings about their
job through sentiment analysis.

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