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Constitutional Developmnt in Pakistan New

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 Constitution is a set of laws/principles may be written or unwritten on which a country is
acknowledged to be governed.
The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and
limits of a government or another institution.
 Body of rules which regulates the system of government within a state.
In Muslim states, particularly Pakistan, laws are not derived from the constitution but from
the Almighty Allah who has revealed them in His Book and which have been interpreted
and explained by Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) through his sayings. Conduct and
actual practice.
 Written Unwritten Partly written
Creation of Pakistan in 1947 was in many ways a unique event which at the same
time was bound to have many difficulties primarily due to a consistently hostile
attitude adopted by Indian leadership. The Indian leaders continued to create
difficulties for Pakistan in the hope that Pakistan would not survive for long.
 One of the most uphill task for the newly created Pakistan was the framing of its
comprehensive Constitution. Both India and Pakistan at their birth adopted
Government of India Act of 1935 with essential amendments as the interim
constitution i.e. Parliamentary and Federal in nature.
 Quaid-e-Azam with his vast and strong background of handling legal matters took
up this problem and the first session of the first constitution assembly of Pakistan
was held on 10th august 1947 at Sindh assembly building Karachi.
 On 11th august 1947 Quaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was elected unanimously as the
president of the constituent assembly of Pakistan and Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan as its Deputy
President. and national flag was formally approved by the assembly.
 On 12th august 1947, a resolution was approved officially regarding Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
as “Quaid -e- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah”.
 On 14th august 1947, the transfer of power took place and on 15th august 1947, Quaid-e-Azam
was sworn in as the 1st Governor General of Pakistan.
The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan involved two major parties—the Muslim League
representing all Muslims with the exception of few and The Congress Party representing the
twelve million Hindus in Pakistan.
69 members elected in election, this number was increased to 79 later in order to give
representation to princely states and refugees. Dual responsibility of acting as the federal
legislature and constituent assembly. The members however lacked the essential requisites of
high competence, commitment and political experience. Even though Jinnah wanted to improve
this situation but his early demise on 11th sep 1948, struck another blow to fledgling Pakistan.
• The objectives resolution was the first significant step towards the constitution making in the
country. It defined the shape and nature of the future constitution of the country
• The objective resolution was introduced in the assembly by Liaqat Ali Khan on March 07, and
it was passed on march 12,1949 . While Liaquat Ali Khan was the Prime Minister and
Khawaja Nazimuddin was the 2nd Governor General at the time.
Following are the main features of this resolution.
Sovereignty belongs to Allah.
Democracy: Elected representation.
 Federal Republic based on Islamic Principles, justice, equality and tolerance with an
independent judiciary plus protection of minorities.
Muslim way of life according to teachings of Quran and Sunnah.
Integrity and territories of all the areas included in Pakistan shall be safeguarded.
 On the same day, a Basic Principles Committee comprising of 24 Members was
formed to prepare a draft Constitution on the basis of the Objectives Resolution.
The constituent assembly made a number of committees. Among these the Basic
Principles committee(BPC) was the most important one. BPC was entrusted with the
responsibility to present its report ton the basic principles of the constitution. BPC
further broken down itself in different sub-committees. Apart from BPC there were
other committees like the committee on fundamental rights and the rights of
minorities, state negotiating committee and tribal negotiating committee.
The main features of the first report (7th Sep 1950):
• Liaquat Ali Khan was the head of this committee.
• Objectives resolution was to be incorporated in the constitution
• Head of the state to be elected by both the houses of the central legislature
• The prime minister shall be the head of the govt
• There shall be a bicameral legislature consisting of the house units and the house of
the people
• The report did not give a clear picture of the composition of the central legislature but it was
laid down all the units shall be equally represented in the upper house and both the houses shall
posses coequal powers
• If there is dispute on any question, a joint session of both the houses shall decide the question.
• There was to be a head of the province and he will appoint the chief minister as head of the
provincial govt.
• Provinces shall have unicameral legislatures.
• Urdu was to be the national language of the state.
• Liaquat Ali khan was assassinated in 1951 and Khawaja Nazimuddin sworn in as second prime

East Pakistan rejected the report on two grounds. First they objected to the principle of equality
in the upper house and secondly they objected to Urdu being the national language.
Khawaja Nazimuddin presented second report on (22nd Dec 1952) ,
commonly known as Parity Proposal.

 Its main focus was the equal distribution of seats between West and East Pakistan. It was also
criticized on various issues like :Treating West Pakistan as single province , disregard of
numerical strength of east Pakistan and formation of Ullma Board..

 Irrespective of a deadlock , Khawaja Nazimuddin was removed in 1953 and Mohammad Ali
Bogra became Prime Minister. He presented Bogra Formula to overcome the constitutional
deadlock. Sensitive issues like language problem and representation of East and West Pakistan
were solved .

 Governor General Ghulam Mohammad most undemocratically dismissed constituent assembly

on 24 October 1954.
 Name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
 234 articles divided in 13 parts
 Parliamentary Republic in Nature
 President to be a Muslim P
 resident to be elected by National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies
 President to appoint Prime Minister and Cabinet elected by the National Assembly
 Equal seats for East and West Pakistan in the legislative Assembly
 President could dissolve National Assembly on the advice of the Prime Minister
 2/3rd majority required to pass any bill and amend the constitution.
 Principles of provincial autonomy and independence of judiciary were also
 Islamic provisions that guaranteed legislations of laws in accordance of Islamic
 However this constitution was opposed by Sikander Mirza for its Islamic provisions and
provincial autonomy. The martial law was imposed after two and an half years on 7th
October 1958.
• General Ayub Khan wanted to introduce a controlled and limited democracy as he
believed that western style democracy did not suit Pakistan. Therefore he introduced
the constitution of 1962 on 1st March thereby abrogating the previous constitution.
• Presidential form of Government.
• Basic Democracy
• Principle of maximum provincial autonomy,
• equality of mankind, independence of judiciary, rights of minorities.
• Islamic advisory council was constituted to advise govt. over Islamic law making.

• The 1962 constitution was abrogated with the resignation of General Ayub Khan . A new
constitution was approved on 14th august 1973 with overwhelming majority under the
office of the then Prime Minister, Z.A.Bhutto.
• Parliamentary form of Govt.
• Prime Minister as the head and real executive of government, Ordinances to be
counter signed by the Prime Minister
• Bicameral legislature
• Independence of judiciary Urdu as national language Provincial autonomy
guaranteed residuary powers given to the provinces A clear and definite
definition for Muslim was given.
• An Islamic ideology council was set up for framing of Laws for Islamic
• Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization process of 1977.
• 8th amendment and political crisis due to it which resulted in dissolution of
assemblies and Governments (e.g. Junejo, Benazir and Nawaz Sharif)
• Nawaz Sharif 13th amendment.(restoration of 1973 constitution in its original
• Pervaiz Musharaf 17th amendment.(restoration of 8th amendment with extra
powers for the President)
• Yousuf R Gilani 18th amendment.(curtailment of Presidential powers 58-2b
and appointment of Army heads, governors etc)

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