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Case Report

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Case report


 Name : Mrs. E  Name : Mr. D

 Age : 35 years old  Age : 35 years old
 MR No. : 01050929  Address : Padang
 Date : June 5 th 2019  Occupation : Entreprenur
 Address : Padang  Education : Senior High School
 Occupation : Housewife
 Education : Senior High School
• A 35 years old patient was admitted to the Deliv
ery Room of Dr. M. Djamil Central General Hospi
tal on June 05th 2019 at 11.45 pm referred from
Unand Hospital in Padang with diagnosis G3P2A
0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy + HAP du
e to suspect placental abruption + once previous
Primary Survey (11.45 pm)
General Record:
GA Cons BP HR RR T Urine
Mdt CMC 90/40 128 20 40,1 ° 20 cc on time
–Airway : Patent
–Breathing : O2 3 l/mnt via nasal canul
–Circulation :
– IV 2 line : I: IVFD RL 1000 cc loading ( total : 2000cc)
II: IVFD HES 500 cc loading ( total : 500cc)
Vaginal bleeding (+)
D/ Hypovolemic shock due to HAP due to placental abruption
on G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy + once
Previous CS + obs febris
Observation (00.15 pm)
General Record:
GA Cons BP HR RR T Urine
Mdt CMC 95/50 118 24 50 cc on time
–Airway : Patent
–Breathing : O2 3 l/mnt via nasal canul
–Circulation :
– IV 2 line : I: IVFD RL 1000 cc loading
II: IVFD HES 500 cc loading
vaginal bleeding (+)
D/ Hypovolemic shock due to HAP due to placental abruption
on G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy + once
Previous CS + obs febris
Observation (00.45 pm)
General Record:
GA Cons BP HR RR T urine
Mdt CMC 100/60 105 24 38,6 200 cc
–Airway : Patent
–Breathing : O2 3 l/mnt via nasal canul
–Circulation :
– IV 2 line : I: IVFD RL 40 gtt/ minute
II: IVFD RL 40 gtt/ minute
vaginal bleeding (+)
D/ HAP due to placental abruption on G3P2A0L2 23-24
weeks of preterm pregnancy + once Previous CS + obs febris
+ hypovolemic shock resolved
• Control GA, VS, acute abdomen sign, vaginal
• Infus Paracetamol 1 gr
Present Illness History
• Previously patient complaining abdominal pain since 2 h
our before came to the hospital, then patient was exami
ned and diagnosed with G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of pret
erm pregnancy + suspect placental abruption + previous
cs, because of no Onsite Sp.OG Doctor wasnt available,
patient referred to the M. Djamil Padang with iv line an
d catheter inserted.
• Vaginal bleeding was (+) since 2 hours before came to th
e hospital, wetting 1 pad, bright red in color
Present illness history
• Pelvic pain to the groin was (-)
• Bloody show was (-)
• Fluid leakage from the vagina (-)
• Amenorrhea since 5,5 months ago.
• FDLM: 12-22-2018
• EDD: 08-28-2019
• Fetal movement was felt since 1 months ago a
nd movement was reduced since 1 hour befor
e came to the hospital
• No complain of nausea and vomiting neither duri
ng early
• Prenatal care : to midwife, routine every month si
nce 3 month pregnancy (3,4,5 months of pregnan
cy). Never control to Obstetrician.
• Menstruation history : menarche at 13 years old,
regular cycle, once every month, which last for 5-
7 days each cycle, with the amount of 2-3 times p
ad change/day, without menstrual pain
Previous Illness History
• There was no previous history of heart, lung, liver, kidney, hyp
ertension and allergy.

Family Illness History

• There was no history of hereditary disease, contagious and ph
ysiological illness in the family
Occupation, Socioeconomics, Psychiatry
, and Habitual History
• Marriage history : once in 2007
• History of pregnancy/abortion/delivery: 3/0/2
1. 2008/Female/3500/Spontaneous/Midwife/ alive
2. 2014/Male/4500/SC oi makrosomia/Doctor/ alive
3. Present
• History of family planning : (-)
• History of immunization : (-)
• History of education : Senior High school
Physical Examination (00.45 am)

GA Cons BP HR RR T urine
Mdt CMC 100/60 105 24 38,6 200 cc
Body weight
before pregnancy : 50 kg
present : 56 kg
Body Height : 155 cm
BMI : 20,81 ( Normo weight)
• Eyes : Conjunctiva was anemic, Sclera
wasn’t icteric
• Neck : JVP 5-2 cmH2O,
thyroid gland no enlargement
• Chest : H/L normal
• Abdomen : Obstetrical record
• Genitalia : Obstetrical record
• Extremity : Edema -/-, Physiological Reflex
+/+, Pathological Reflex -/-
Obstetric record

Inspection :
Seem enlarge according to preterm pregnancy, median line
hyperpigmentation (+), striae gravidarum (+), cicatric (+) pfanenstiel

Palpation :
Abdominal Tenderness (+), loose pain (-), defence muscular (-), Uterine
fundal height hard as high as umbilical, ballotemen (+)

Auscultation :
FHR : (-)
Inspection : V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (+)
• Inspeculo
• Vagina : Chadwick sign (+), fluxus (+), there was blood
bright red color in forniks posterior
• Portio : MP, Size equal to an adult thumb, chadwick sign (+),
fluxus (+) there Was blood bright red color, seems at
fornix posterior , OUE was opened 2-3 cm medial
Laboratory result
11.35 pm
USG 00.05 am
USG (Delivery Room) 06/06/2019
• Singleton, intrauterine, fetal dead, cephalic presentation
• Fetal heart movement (-)
• Biometry :
– BPD : 39.5 mm
– FL : 15.7 mm
– AC : 178 mm
– EFW : 142 gr

• Plasenta Implanted at posterior corpus maturation grade 1, halo zone (-)

• Spalding sign (-)

Impresion :
• 16-17 weeks of preterm pregnancy, fetal death, head presentation
D/ HAP due to placental abruption on G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy +
susp. placental abruption + once Previous CS + IUFD + hypovolemic shock resolved + ob
s. febris


Action :
 Control GA, VS, UC, Sign of shock
 Informed consent
 IVFD I: RL 500 cc 20 gtt
 IVFD II: RL 500 cc 20 gtt
 Inf. Paracetamol 1000 mg
• s/
Follow up 6-6-19 (07.00 am)
- Vaginal bleeding (+)
- Abdominal pain (-)
– Pelvic pain to the groin (-)

• o/
Mdt CMC 100/70 88 22 37,3

Palpation :
Abdominal Tenderness (-), loose pain (-), defence muscular (-), Uterine fundal height
hard to palpated.
Genitalia :

Inspection : V/U normal, vaginal bleeding (+)

• Vagina : Chadwick sign (+), fluxus (+), there was blood
bright red color
• Portio : MP, Size equal to an adult thumb, chadwick
sign (+), fluxus (+) there Was red dark color, seems at
fornix posterior , OUE was opened 2-3 cm medial
06.30 am
USG 07.00 am
USG (Delivery Room) 06/06/2019
• Singleton, intrauterine, fetal dead, cephalic presentation

• Biometry :
– BPD : 37.1 mm
– AC : 289 mm
– Fetal heart movement (-)
• Spalding sign (-)
Impresion :
• 16-17 weeks of preterm pregnancy, fetal death, head presentation
D/ G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy + HAP ec abruptio placenta + once Pr
evious CS + IUFD + moderate anemia (7,0 gr/dL)
Action :
 Control GA, VS, UC, vaginal bleeding, Sign of shock
 Informed consent
 crossmatch prc 4 kolf

Consult to DPJP at 07.00am --> induction of labour

--> IVFD RL 500 cc + oxytocin 10 iu -> 20 gtt
Follow up 07.45 am
• S/ active bleeding from vagina (+)

• o/
Mdt CMC 100/60 98 24 36,8

abd: Abdominal Tenderness (+), loose pain (-), defence

muscular (+), Uterine fundal height hard to palpated.
gen : vu normal, active bleeding from vagina (+)
A/ G3P2A0L2 23-24 weeks of preterm pregnancy + HAP ec abruptio placenta
+ Previous CS + IUFD severe anemia (6,0 gr/dL) + failed of induction

Consult to DPJP --> hysterotomy

Action :
 Control GA, VS, vaginal bleeding, Sign of shock
 Informed consent
 crossmatch prc 4 kolf
 Ceftriaxon Injection 2x1 gr (iv)
 consult to anestesiologist
 report to operative room
At 08.30 PM on May 06th , 2019
Histerotomy was performed
The baby was born, a female baby with :
BW : 300 gr
BH : 23 cm
chepalo diameter : 15cm
A/S : 0/0
Maseration grade 1, rigor mortis (-), Livor mortis (+)
Placenta was born with manual placenta, complete 1 piece, size ± 12x10x2 cm, ±200 gr
in weight, umbilical cord was  35 cm in lenght and paracentral insertion.
uterus covulare (-)
Bleeding during operation was ± 250 cc, tranfusion during operation 3 kolf PRC

• P3A0H2 post histerotomy oi Solutio placenta + previous CS + IUFD + failed of induc
tion + anemia on corection
• Mother in care , baby was dead

Action : Observe after surgery

Plan :
• Control GA, VS, Uterine contraction, vaginal bleeding
• IVFD RL + 1 amp of oxytocin + 1 amp of metergin 20
• Ceftriaxone inj 2x1 gr
• Misoprostol 4x400 µgr
• Pronalgess supp II (if needed)
• Tranfusion 1 kolf PRC post operation
• Blood test 6 hours after surgery
Laboratorium post op
thank you

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