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To Study Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum and Its Application

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Subject- Physics

To Study The Direction Of Torque

and Its Application

Submitted to- Submitted by-

Vishal Sir Ajay Pratap
(physics teacher) Class-XI(sci)
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my
teacher (Vishal Sir) as well as our (principal) who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
(To Study The Direction Of Torque), which also helped me in
doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many
new things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends
who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited
time frame.
Sachdeva Millennium School
Department Of Physics
This is to certify that Ajay Pratap Singh of Class XI(Sci)
studying in Sachdeva Millenium School has successfully
completed his project entitled To Study The Direction Of
Torque And Its Application ,under the guidance of Vishal Sir in
the year of 2018-2019

Name Of Student Name Of Teacher

-Ajay Pratap -Vishal Sir
• Introduction
• Acknowledgement
• Certificate
• What Is Torque?
• To Study the Direction of torque
• Images Of Direction of Torque
• Application Of Torque
• Biblography
What is torque?
1. Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to
rotate about an axis
2. Torque is a vector quantity. The direction of the torque
vector depends on the direction of the force on the axis.

3. Just as force is what causes an object to accelerate in

linear kinematics, torque is what causes an object to acquire
angular acceleration.
4. The object rotates about an axis, which we will call the
pivot point, and will label 'O'. We will call the force 'F'. The
distance from the pivot point to the point where the force
acts is called the moment arm, and is denoted by 'r'. Note
that this distance, 'r', is also a vector, and points from the axis
of rotation to the point where the force acts.

5. Torque is defined as
= r x F = r F sin( ).
5. Another way of expressing the above equation is that
torque is the product of the magnitude of the force and
the perpendicular distance from the force to the axis of
rotation (i.e. the pivot point).
Let the force acting on an object be broken up into its tangential (Ftan)
and radial (Frad) components . (Note that the tangential component is
perpendicular to the moment arm, while the radial component is
parallel to the moment arm.) The radial component of the force has no
contribution to the torque because it passes through the pivot point. So,
it is only the tangential component of the force which affects torque
(since it is perpendicular to the line between the point of action of the
force and the pivot point).
•There may be more than one force acting on an object, and each
of these forces may act on different point on the object. Then,
each force will cause a torque. The net torque is the sum of the
individual torques.
Rotational Equilibrium is analogous to translational equilibrium,
where the sum of the forces are equal to zero. In rotational
equilibrium, the sum of the torques is equal to zero. In other
words, there is no net torque on the object.

Note---- that the SI units of torque is a Newton-metre, which is also a

way of expressing a Joule (the unit for energy). However, torque is not
energy. So, to avoid confusion, we will use the units N.m, and not J. The
distinction arises because energy is a scalar quanitity, whereas torque is
a vector.
•Imagine pushing a door to open it. The force of your push (F) causes
the door to rotate about its hinges (the pivot point, O). How hard you
need to push depends on the distance you are from the hinges (r) (and
several other things, but let's ignore them now). The closer you are to
the hinges (i.e. the smaller r is), the harder it is to push. This is what
happens when you try to push open a door on the wrong side. The
torque you created on the door is smaller than it would have been had
you pushed the correct side (away from its hinges).
Note that the force applied, F, and the moment arm, r, are independent
of the object. Furthermore, a force applied at the pivot point will cause
no torque since the moment arm would be zero (r = 0).
To Study The Direction Of
•Using the right hand rule, we can find the direction of the
torque vector. If we put our fingers in the direction of r, and
curl them to the direction of F, then the thumb points in the
direction of the torque vector.
Torque is inherently a vector quantity. Part of the torque
calculation is the determination of direction. The direction is
perpendicular to both the radius from the axis and to the
force. It is conventional to choose it in the right hand rule
direction along the axis of rotation. The torque is in the
direction of the angular velocity which would be produced by
it in the absence of other influences. In general, the change in
angular velocity is in the direction of the torque.
Image for direction of Torque
Application Of Torque
Seesaws and Wrenches
•A seesaw and a wrench turning a lug nut. Both provide an easy means
of illustrating the two ingredients of torque, force and moment arm.
•In any object experiencing torque, there is a pivot point, which on the
seesaw is the balance-point, and which in the wrench-and-lug nut
combination is the lug nut itself. This is the area around which all the
forces are directed. In each case, there is also a place where force is
being applied. On the seesaw, it is the seats, each holding a child of
differing weight.
The content for this project taken from the following

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