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Fluid Mechanics-1: Prepared by Prof: Abdul Samad Mechanical Engineering Department. 2017

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The key takeaways are that fluid dynamics is governed by principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Concepts such as control volumes, Bernoulli's equation and the continuity equation are introduced.

The two governing principles of fluid dynamics are Euler's equation (conservation of momentum) and Bernoulli's equation (conservation of energy). These principles along with concepts of control volumes are used to analyze fluid flow problems.

A control volume is a fixed region in space where properties such as mass and energy crossing its boundaries are studied. It is a useful concept in analyzing fluid flow problems using principles of continuity, momentum and energy. The boundary enclosing the control volume is called the control surface.

FM-1, L # 07

FM-1,L # 01
Fluid Mechanics-1

Prepared by
Prof: Abdul Samad
Mechanical Engineering department.

According to Transport phenomenon of fluid,
when fluid is in motion, the physical
properties of the fluid such as mass,
momentum and internal energy are also
transported in the direction of the flow as a
result of mass velocity of the fluid.
Fluid dynamics is essentially governed by
1. Euler’s equation ( momentum principle)
2. Bernoulli's equation ( energy principle )
 The control volume is arbitrary in shape and each
conservation principle is applied to an integral over the
control volume.
 A selected region rather than a fixed mass.
 A selected region in space that involve mass flow in or out.
 A control volume is an identified volume fixed in space as
it is bounded by control surface.
 It either be small or large the differential volume is very
small but non zero dimensions
 Fluid may leave or enter the control volume across the
control surface.
 In fluid mechanics and thermodynamics , a
control volume is a mathematical
abstraction employed in the process of
creating mathematical models of physical
processes. In an inertial frame of reference ,
it is a volume fixed in space or moving with
constant velocity through which the fluid (
gas or liquid ) flows. The surface enclosing
the control volume is referred to as the
control surface .
 In thermo-fluid dynamics, a control volume
was defined as a fixed region in space where
one studies the masses and energies crossing
the boundaries of the region. This concept of
a control volume is also very useful in
analyzing fluid flow problems. The boundary
of a control volume for fluid flow is usually
taken as the physical boundary of the part
through which the flow is occurring. The
control volume concept is used in fluid
dynamics applications, utilizing the
continuity, momentum, and energy
 Once the control volume and its boundary
are established, the various forms of energy
crossing the boundary with the fluid can be
dealt with in equation form to solve the fluid
problem. Since fluid flow problems usually
treat a fluid crossing the boundaries of a
control volume, the control volume approach
is referred to as an "open" system analysis,
which is similar to the concepts studied in
thermodynamics. There are special cases in
the nuclear field where fluid does not cross
the control boundary. Such cases are studied
utilizing the "closed" system approach.
 Regardlessof the nature of the flow, all flow
situations are found to be subject to the
established basic laws of nature that
engineers have expressed in equation form.
Conservation of mass and conservation of
energy are always satisfied in fluid problems,
along with Newtons laws of motion. In
addition, each problem will have physical
constraints, referred to mathematically as
boundary conditions, that must be satisfied
before a solution to the problem will be
consistent with the physical results
The Bernoulli equation is an approximate
relation between pressure, velocity, and
elevation, and is valid in regions of steady,
incompressible flow where net frictional
forces are negligible. Despite its simplicity, it
has proven to be a very powerful tool in fluid
The continuity assumption considers fluids to
be continuous. That is, properties such as
density, pressure, temperature, and velocity
are taken to be well-defined at infinitely small
points, and are assumed to vary continuously
from one point to another.
Density ρ(x,t)
Flow velocity u(x,t)
Pressure p(x,t)
The Bernoulli Equation
By assuming that fluid motion is governed only by pressure and
gravity forces, applying Newton’s second law, F = ma, leads us to
the Bernoulli Equation.

P/g + V2/2g + z = constant along a streamline

g =specific weight
The Bernoulli Equation
At any two points on a streamline:

P1/g + V12/2g + z1 = P2/g + V22/2g + z2

A Simple Bernoulli Example

 V2
g = gair

Determine the difference in pressure between points 1 and 2

Assume a coordinate system fixed to the bike (from this system,
the bicycle is stationary, and the world moves past it). Therefore,
the air is moving at the speed of the bicycle. Thus, V2 = Velocity of
the Biker
Hint: Point 1 is called a stagnation point, because the air particle
along that streamline, when it hits the biker’s face, has a zero
velocity (see next slide)
Apply Bernoulli from 1 to 2

 V2
g = gair

Point 1 = Point 2
P1/gair + V12/2g + z1 = P2/gair + V22/2g + z2
Knowing the z1 = z2 and that V1= 0, we can simplify
the equation
P1/gair = P2/gair + V22/2g
P1 – P2 = ( V22/2g ) gair
The Continuity Equation
Why does a hose with a nozzle shoot water further?
Conservation of Mass: In a
confined system, all of the mass that enters the system, must also exit the
system at the same time.
Flow rate = Q = Area x Velocity
r1A1V1(mass inflow rate) = r2A2V2( mass outflow rate)

If the fluid at both points is the

same, then the density drops
out, and you get the continuity
V1 -> equation:
A1 A2 V2 ->
A1V1 =A2V2
Therefore If
Q2 = A2V2 A2 < A1 then V2 > V1

Q1 = A1V1 Thus, water exiting a nozzle has

A1V1 = A2V2 a higher velocity
The Energy Line and the Hydraulic Grade Line
Looking at the Bernoulli equation again:
P/g + V2/2g + z = constant on a streamline
This constant is called the total head (energy), H
Because energy is assumed to be conserved, at any point along
the streamline, the total head is always constant
Each term in the Bernoulli equation is a type of head.
P/g = Pressure Head
V2/2g = Velocity Head
Z = elevation head
These three heads summed equals H = total energy

Next we will look at this graphically…

Pipe Flow and the Energy Equation
For pipe flow, the Bernoulli equation alone is not sufficient. Friction
loss along the pipe, and momentum loss through diameter changes and
corners take head (energy) out of a system that theoretically
conserves energy. Therefore, to correctly calculate the flow and
pressures in pipe systems, the Bernoulli Equation must be modified.
P1/g + V12/2g + z1 =
P2/g + V22/2g + z2 + Hmaj + Hmin

Energy line with no losses

Energy line with major losses

1 2
2 dp 2 2
Integration of Euler’s equation

1 r
  VdV   gdz  0
1 1

p1 V1 p2 V22
Bernoulli’s equation   gz1    gz2
r 2 r 2

Flow work + kinetic energy + potential energy = constant

Dx Under the action of the pressure, the fluid
p element
A moves a distance Dx within time Dt
The work done per unit time DW/Dt (flow
power) is
DW pADx  p  Dx P
    rA  rAV  ,
Dt Dt  r  Dt r
p  1  DW 
     work done per unit mass flow rate
r  rAV  Dt 
‫ﷲ ﻮﺍﻫﻲ‬

Questions are invited


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